Zugathi Covert Ops Guild Recruitment ALL ALLIANCES

A friendly guild looking to recruit members who are interested in covert battles in PVP. If your not sure what I mean imagine a group of 20 or more sneaking on the flanks of a battle and using hit and run tactics, or going behind enemy lines to take scrolls.

About me : I have been playing since launch on Xbox One. Played PC version since launch as well. Gave the game a bit of a break on PC but came back to the Xbox One version. I work and have a family so I'm not what you would call hardcore but enjoy a casual approach to the game.

Our main focus will be PVP but the guild will also be trading and PVE.

It's fun and sometimes hilarious.

The guild is about having fun so Is open to everyone. If you new to the game or old and whatever class you might be. All will be welcome.

This will also be a all alliance guild.

Please reply with your gamertag and also any ideas you might have.

For Honor and Glory
Edited by khadam on 15 July 2015 19:18
  • khadam
    I have three characters. A Dragon Knight (Tank), a Sorcerer (Healer) and a Nightblade (DPS). One in each alliance.
  • khadam
    Still looking for members. The more the merrier. Please add you gt to join.
  • khadam
    We are not planning on being a huge guild, just big enough so we can all work as a team.
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