Just Tha Tip - Vet 7 Templar DPS/Heals
WorldreapeR - Vet 4 Sorcerer DPS
Reapers played since the reset and was top 50 Overall when I signed off last night, I've only played one day since the campaign reset and was 82 in AD, and 144 Overall.
I have the next 9 days of vacation and plan on going Hard, from 10am, to 2am everyday. If you want two dedicated, somewhat mature, and very experienced players hit up Just Tha Tip or WorldreapeR if you see us on and in Cyrodil.
I also run a Max guild called Shadowscale Company, it's a social/merchant guild, with a few open slots if anyones looking for a store or bank to use, hit me up. Really looking for Master Crafters to stock/use the store.