Vampire or Werewolf at low level

Hi folks,

Relatively new to the game so just wondered - i'm currently a level 14 Nord Dragonknight and want to become either a werewolf or vampire. I have heard you can become 1, then get cured and become the other but not sure which order to do this. Been told probably better to go for werewolf 1st and then change to vampire later in the game.

Which would be better for me to become 1st with being a low level?

  • cerf
    I did vampire at lvl 28 and it was easy... but the enemies are like lvl 38. It would be REALLY tough but possible to do the vampire quest. Hope that you have a lot of healing options. I've heard that if you do the mammoth on the werewolf quest it's easy but the vampire quest in general is a bit easier.

    However, you should look up pros and cons of werewolf vs vampire. Most DKs get werewolf and a lot of NBs and mages get vampires because of the magicka/stealth boost. Werewolf has a stamina boost.
    Edited by cerf on 8 July 2015 14:49
    PSN: sifuhoot
    Really depends on a lot of factors.

    Do you play...

    PvE more = werewolf

    PvP more = vampire

    Stamina build = werewolf

    magicka build = vampire

    That's my educated opinion, but opinion nonetheless.
    Edited by GNRNCSBLSS on 8 July 2015 18:26
  • leepalmer95
    ww can be done at lvl 12 because enemies scale to your lvl, but vamps need to be higher, also the vaml skill line levels off exp gained so you won't get much exp or any levels until your about 38.
    PS4 EU DC

    Current CP : 756+

    I have every character level 50, both a magicka and stamina version.

    RIP my effort to get 5x v16 characters...
  • DragonRebel0581
    Soul Shriven
    Lots of Factors go into that choice, from my experience the werewolf makes the game early on much easier, especially since it is the easier of the two to max out and dosnt come with a health regeneration and fire damage penalty which will make the game much harder as a vampire early on.
  • Chapmaaaan
    werewolf beats vamp hands down until you have A LOT in champion points to put into reduced fire damage in my opinion.. yes vampire looks cooler and has the better passives. but that 40% fire damage is ridiculously annoying especially as this game is predominantly fire based. PvE and PvP you get wrecked by fire. the 15% stamina regen passive whilst in human form is good. plus werewolfs are strong when you have a few skill points in the tree
    previous gamertag - DanielChapman89
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