Are you still open for recruitment. I’m looking for help to upgrade new gear as well as expanding my game play. I pretty much solo the whole quests and am looking for the pvp realm
I would love to join you! My Gamer tag is CiderOrion. I just recently started playing and have gotten to level 10. I'd love to get just basic information or guide recommendations to start! 😁
Hi I am looking for a fairly active guild after coming back from a hiatus and since then my original guild has fallen off. I am a cp 489 Dk tank in AD. GT SamoanStrongMan and if I can also get one of my friends an invite his GT is DFORRRM
Xbox Gamertag: Tripple Nacho
Level 187
High Elf, Templar.
Was DPS but now considering changing play style and all to healer.
Looking for a beginner guild or a guild in general to show me the ropes, help me be a better player and have some adventures.
Returned to the game after quite a while, so I might as well be new again. Would love to get back into it though. Would love an invite if you still have room please.