I am interested in joining the ranks of the Obsidian Guard. My gameplay is regular (3+ times a week) but occasionally limited by the real word (job/school). Currently, i have a single level 19 Altmer Sorc, professing in enchanting and and clothier. Gamertag is also BearManCow.
Hi, there. I’m new to eso. I’ve been playing solo for almost a month and has reached level 25. Could you please send me an invitation to join your guild so that I can meet more friends online as well as to enjoy this game thoroughly? Many thanks. My GT: FitGram.
Invites have been sent! Thank you for your interest!
Veteran ESO player from PS4 just picked up ESO on Xbox and Looking for a couple casual guilds as I work towards starting over. Would appreciate an invite.
I would like to join. I’m a new player to ESO, but a long time player of MMOS.
You guys sound exactly like the kind of Guild I would like to belong and contribute to.
I have also sent a request on the OG. Sorry if that is a bit redundant.
Interested. GT Chaleria - currently one character, champion 108. Completely casual and mostly solo player. Have a mic, but mostly chose not to use it. I work nights, so I'm not online when most others are.
I am very interested in joining your guild. I am a relatively new player. I am only going on level 10 right now but am working on it a bit every day that i can get online.
My gamer tag is: IAmTheSphinx and my Character name is SkySun, i also have a level 5 Char as well but i wanted to try out a Sorc build