Can we all have a moment of silence for the power of the recent patches ZOS has so gracefully given to us?
I woke up Monday morning on not just the wrong side of the bed, the middle side. I was then greeted to a 5 GB patch of sound fixes, how glorious, my immersion, my ears, all of it thanks you ZOS, as in all honesty, you are the real MVP.
1.6 - How can we not be thanking you?
I mean honestly guys, what DONT you love about 1.6? Is it the no such thing as resource managament? Is it the one shot or die meta? Is it the zerg or die mindset that has corrupted pvp? Is it the removal of softcaps that threw some already trash races even more down the drain? Is it justice system you spend hours playing everyday? Is it the new mounts and costumes the crown store has offered us? Is is the -40% to all health pools and increase in damage?
I just made this because I feel like we are all looking at the bad sides of pvp, and I wanted for us to remember some of the good things.
- Stay Positive