I want to begin roleplaying. I have loads of experience roleplaying on forums, though never TES roleplay. I might be rusty at first but it's something I love to do. I get on almost every day, and would like to roleplay that often, but want a guild that's flexible on how often they want me on because I have a three year old and sometimes things just come up.
I pretty much have a character of every race except Nord and Orc. My main is a Bosmer NIghtblade thief that was turned into a vampire. Gentle Storm. If any of you have played Sims, she's like my simself. Looks as similar to myself as I could possibly get her for her race, well besides the vampire skin and eyes. her personality is everything I want to be combined with everything I am. Brave, deadly, calculating, humorous, creative, romantic, and intelligent. Though she also has some of my more annoying traits. She's bossy, impatient with stupid people, has a quick temper that flares and burns out very fast, and kind of has a social disorder. Not knowing when she's accidentally insulted someone. She follows the Green Pact, but approaches that subject of discussion humorously to ease the tension with outsiders, adopting the name Cannibal Tree Hippies endearingly for her carnivorous, tree protecting people.
If anyone has a roleplay guild that would be interested in allowing me to join, I would very much appreciate it.
"We, the Bosmer do hereby sign this treaty...for we are too full to eat another bite."