We are representing the ancient dark elf god, deadric prince of deceit, conspiracy, treachery and sedition, Boethiah.
If you are a dark elf and want to worship one of the three gods, you want to do quests with fellow dark elfs or take over Tamriel feel free to apply.
All we need is you to be a dark elf at the Ebonheart Pact.
Leave you username, level, race and class below and our Champion or one of the Chosens will add you.
"Lord of Plots, Deceiver of Nations, Devourer of Trinimac.
The Queen of Shadows, Goddess of Destruction,
He-Who-Destroys and She-Who-Erases...
Many are our lord's lofty names, but they befit only us mortals.
Intone her mighty names from now until the end of time - it is for naught.
Names mean nothing to our Lord.
She cares for those who care for themselves, whose hearts are full of purpose, whose lives are full of deeds"
Edited by ForgiveMeGaia on 6 July 2015 23:23 "Long is the arm of Boethiah, and swift is the blade.
Deep is the cut, and subtle is the poison.
Worship, O faithful. Pray your death is short.
Worship, O faithful. Pray your death is quiet.
Worship, O faithful. Worship the glory that is Boethiah."