I have chosen the 2 handed morph critical rush which states "always causing a critical strike" . The issue is as a v14 stam dk with high weapon damage , the most i can crit rush a sorc is 4-5k as there is no crit on there shields . Hypothetically a shield stacking sorc with 20-30k shields , besides there health , i would have to crit rush say 4-5 times to wear the shield off and by that time shields up again . To me this raises serious imbalances , i wholly agree on there shield stacking for class reasons but what i do believe is broken that a shield cannot be crit . Rather than change the wording of this ability and others no doubt , actually make shields be succecptable to crits , theyve still served there purpose to absorb , but not create a broken mechanic for a certain class that can stack huge shields . I mean not everyone wants to be a glass cannon that can burst down 30k shields then around 20k health , even then providing they dont bolt away , top end pvp sorcs really know how to be virtually unkillable . Does anyone feel shields should take crit when an ability states 100% ?