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Xbox One NA – Seeking/Offering Vampire or Werewolf Bite

  • LeperMagikarp5491b14_ESO
    Looking for Vampire bite, if anyone is willing! Please message or invite me to group through my gamertag, Lepermagikarp.


    Crap, I'm sorry. Should also mention I am Daggerfall Covenant.
  • wreat
    Soul Shriven
    Gt: Wreat
    Daggerfall covenant looking for a vamp bite on NA server.

    MSG me GT: Wreat, I'll be on later. Thanks in adv.

    [Moderator Note: Edited WTS/WTT/WTB posts are not permitted.]
    Edited by ZOS_Racheal on 15 July 2015 00:22
  • Dante_Zetsumei
    GT: Dante Zetsumei
    LF: Vampire Bite
    Faction : AD
    Server: XBOX ONE NA
    GT: Dante Zetsumei
    Server: Xbox One NA
    Faction: DaggerFall Covenant
  • caaldun
    Soul Shriven
    Looking for werewolf bite

    Xbox One NA server

    Gamer tag= Ghost NLD

    Ebonheart pact

    Will tip after
  • guatsouljab14_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Lf vampire bite

    Xbox one NA server

    Gamertag: HermesWasTaken; character name: Hermers

    Ebonheart Pact

    Still seeking as of 7/12
    Edited by guatsouljab14_ESO on 12 July 2015 15:05
  • signaturejh
    My guild Blackfrost Oath offers FREE werewolf bites for members, plus we are looking for vampires to join. We want to put a thorn in all the scammers sides for cheating good players. If you don't mind waiting a little bit for the bite and joining a tight knit community guild message me with your gamertag. We have werewolves on EP and DC.
    Edited by signaturejh on 11 July 2015 17:13
  • hammy1100
    Soul Shriven
    Want a werewolf

    NA server
    Aldemeri dominion

    Xbox one gt ridicular323
  • SlugRunner45
    Soul Shriven
    gt: Slug Runner45

    Ebonheart, but veteran rank, so can travel.

    Lf: ww bite.

    msg me anytime
  • GreenArrow_Merc

    Hey future wolves, that time again for
    GreenArrows Wolf Biting Service

    I have 2 bites available now!Tonight at 11pm I'll have 3 more and the next day I'll have 2 more.

    I got 14 people bit last week

    I record all my transactions so you know who you're dealing with!
    No Scams, look at my profile, recent vids or showcase to put yourself at ease
    Send me a message, have Xbox one glass so I'll always get it.

    Gt: GreenArrow Merc
    Alliance: Ebon


    Got 9 ppl bit so far this week. Have 2 more bites available tonight then won't have another til Tuesday then back at 10 on thursday.
    Watch all my bites in my profile!
    Hope to hear from you soon
  • GreenArrow_Merc
    Alliance: Ebonheart pact
    looking for a werewolf bite

    I have a WW ready tonight... are you willing to trade?


    He's been bit ;)
  • GreenArrow_Merc
    gokuoder wrote: »
    I have been looking for a werewolf bite for a while.

    Alliance: Ebonheart Pact

    Gamertag: gokuoder

    Bite: Werewolf

    Please message me via xbox live!

    Yo, I can hook you up with my WW scratch, if you´re willing to give me a vampire bite mate.

    I´ve been trying to do this trade for a while =(

    Ebonheart Pact
    NA server
    GT: DavidRicardlaw

    He's been bit too
  • ProgrammerSam
    Donation Vampire Bite!

    Faction: Daggerfall covenant
    Server: NA
    Gamertag: ParamedicSamier
    Character: Celinette, Templar full healer Vampire

    I have a Vampire bite ready for donations. You just need to message me that you want it and if you want to donate some gold it would be generous BUT you do not have to. First come first serve.

    UPDATE: It has been given away. I have a WW bite ready for AD toons. I'm looking for a WW bite on EP if we can trade.
    Edited by ProgrammerSam on 12 July 2015 05:13
    Soul Shriven
    looking for a Vampire bite Gt NSG WARHAWK DAGGERFALL message me on xbox if willing thanks
    Soul Shriven
    NSGWARHAWK wrote: »
    looking for a Vampire bite Gt NSG WARHAWK DAGGERFALL message me on xbox if willing thanks

    also on NA server
    Soul Shriven
    NSGWARHAWK wrote: »
    NSGWARHAWK wrote: »
    looking for a Vampire bite Gt NSG WARHAWK DAGGERFALL message me on xbox if willing thanks

    also on NA server

    wow ok my post is all sorts of fugly
    Alliance DAGGERFALL
    Server North AMERICAN server
  • rreddruum
    LF free vamp bite tired of getting scammed I'm on Aldmeri Dominion Xbox One my gt is rreddruum message me if you can help me. I've been scammed for probably about 60k in total over the past three weeks. The Vamp community is so scumbag its pitiful.
  • Thallas
    Soul Shriven
    My guild Blackfrost Oath offers FREE werewolf bites for members, plus we are looking for vampires to join. We want to put a thorn in all the scammers sides for cheating good players. If you don't mind waiting a little bit for the bite and joining a tight knit community guild message me with your gamertag. We have werewolves on EP and DC.

    I would be interested in joining your guild, on EP. GT is Thallas
  • KillagameVII
    Soul Shriven
    Looking for a vamp bite

    Gamer tag : Killagame VII

    Xbox one

    NA server

    Alliance : daggerfall

    Looking for a vamp bite. On now

    A bite will be very much appreciated.

    Leave me an Xbox message.
  • Mkoenen09
    Soul Shriven
    GT: SpicyKitten09

    Group: Aldmeri Alliance

    Status: : LF Werewolf Bite

    Level: 34

    Xbox One

    Thanks :)
    Edited by Mkoenen09 on 11 July 2015 22:19
  • crush_96
    Soul Shriven
    Looking for a Vampire bite
    Xbox one NA Server
    GT: Sp4rty96
    Ebonheart Pact
    Thank you!
  • Shabzilla
    Soul Shriven
    Xbox One
    NA Server
    GT: Shabzilla
    Looking for Werewolf bite! :smiley:
  • xVR0GUEVx
    Soul Shriven
    Looking for a FREE Vampire Bite

    Server: NA

    Alliance: Daggerfall Covenant

    Console: Xbox One

    Gamertag: xV R0GUE Vx

    Message me on Xbox if you can help. Thank you.
  • MishtaD
    Soul Shriven

    I am looking for a werewolf bite it would be awesome thank you very much and message me on x box live
    Gamer tag: MishtaDolphin

    Xbox 1

    Wood elf level 12

    Aldmeri dominion
  • jeb222
    Soul Shriven
    Xbox One
    NA Server
    GT: Jeb22
    Ebonheart Pact
    Looking for Vampire Bite! Just bought a mount, so can only tip 1k. Also LF guild.

    Message me on xbox, and thanks in advance!
  • Tupt3r
    Soul Shriven
    Looking for a Bite

    Xbox one NA
    GT: Death Angel X51

    Looking forward to getting one. Thanks I will give out bites to others
    Edited by Tupt3r on 12 July 2015 00:50
  • Sayte
    Soul Shriven
    Looking for a werewolf bite!

    Xbox one
    Daggerfall Covenant
    NA server
    GT: IronicSayte

    Please message my gamertag. It would be greatly appreciated. Willing to tip and will most definitely return here to spread the love! Thanks!
  • deaththegod6
    Soul Shriven
    gt: Deaththegod6

    LF: Vampire bite

    Alliance: Ebonheart Pact

    Xbox one

    North american server

    looking to start a vampire werewolf guild for pvp
    Edited by deaththegod6 on 12 July 2015 03:19
  • MWenzel08
    Soul Shriven
    Looking for a Vampire Bite and would tip generously! Online most days, send me a message on xbox if you can give a bite. Currently level 44 and very capable of quest involved as well

    Gamertag - Beerclaw

    Alliance - Ebonheart Pact

    Xbox One NA server
  • ChimiMonkey
    Soul Shriven
    LF Vamp bite

    Xbox one NA server

    GT: ChimiMonkey

    Ebonheart Pact

    Send me a message :smiley:

    Thank you so much for making this thread and participating!
  • xMois
    Always have bites in my guild, all I ask is that you join if I bite you.
    Xbox One NA
    GT: RAYNE Mois
    Aldmeri Dominion
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