Looking for Small & Active Guild [Aldmeri Dominion]


I am on the lookout for a small, active AD EU based guild, with their goals aligned towards clearing the hardest VR content and Trials. I am not looking to join a huge impersonal guild where players are just numbers. Just a small, tight knit group of skilled players, who can plough through content whilst having a good laugh.

It would be preferable if it was a guild with newer players, and not one with an over abundance of veteran players from the PC. This is mainly because I would like to experience the content with fresh eyes across the board. Obviously having some veteran players isn't the end of the world.

If this sounds like your guild, just give me a poke on here or XBOX One with your details.

Gamertag: A5ko
Character: Level 43, Sorcerer, High Elf
Alliance: Aldmeri Dominion, EU

Edited by A5ko on 17 June 2015 08:20
A5ko ▪ High Elf ▪ Sorcerer ▪ Aldmeri Dominion ▪ XBOX One ▪ EU Megaserver

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