Actually we have around 300 member and I am aiming to reach the cab of 500 within this week.
Next npc trader will be available today evening if everything is going well with our bid.
Still looking for some more member to reach the cab of 500.
Following just some news which were posted by myself in our Facebook group:
Some small updates:
1. We already reached around 330 Member and the target of 500 member is getting closer and closer.
I opened 2 more threads in other gaming forums to push it a bit further ... I hope we will reach 400 within Sunday.
Invitations waves will roll each evening from now on until we will reach 500 member.
2. After some mails and messages from some of you I would like to share my thoughts about bidding on npc trading agents.
As I learned also from other guild leaders of trading guilds (pc, xbox and ps4) the bids are going up to 1.5 million gold a week for the agents at the hot spots.
Some of you suggested to collect some money of the member to enable us to join and win this bid races. BUT this will be NEVER happen as long as I am the leader of our trading guild!
At the end it I is up to all of you and how much you are trading inside our guild store. If we will have enough trades we will have enough money to bid ... I will not run around and beg for money from you.
Of course donations are always welcome and will be noticed in any case!
3. IMPORTANT: Please join the guild related voice chats exclusively for trades or small talk within the guild.
IF YOU ARE NOT ABLE to control the voice, kids or other *** in your background LEAVE the channels and don't disturb all of us!
There are already 2 member who are not able to handle it ... if their behaving is not changed till tomorrow evening / night they will leave our guild.
Xbox Series X - GT: VintageVinyl450 NA Player on the EU Server (always looking for help with dungeon/job dailies)Main - Eradrann, AD, Wood Elf, Bow/Bow Stamblade, 1500+CP