Official Discussion Thread for "ESOTU Console Launch Update"

Maintenance for the week of March 24:
· [IN PROGRESS] PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 24, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
· Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
· Playstation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
This is the official discussion thread for the web article, "ESOTU Console Launch Update."

Yesterday, we launched The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited on consoles! Today, we're providing a status update from the front lines of launch.
Jason Leavey
Community Coordinator - The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited
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Staff Post
  • Dominoid
    Millions? Awesome and overwhelming at the same time.
  • farnication
    Soul Shriven
    Keep at it!
  • SparkleMagick
    Those issues are irritating, but what I appreciate is that ZOS is taking the time to communicate with the players and address issues when they happen. Sorry for all the grief all of you are getting
  • antiokas
    Soul Shriven
    I don't mind waiting to log in, but missing npcs for interaction and getting booted when trying to travel between way shrines is frustrating. Appreciate it's early days yet and that you are keeping us updated. Loving the game, I've been missing my elder scrolls for too long...
  • RubberSpaghetti
    Soul Shriven
    Can I please get some help here?! I haven't been able to log in AT ALL the past two days. I am still getting the login failed errors, even though they say they are fixed. The workaround of going to the EU server doesn't work, as I still get the same error! All of my friends have been able to log in just fine, but I can't even get to the queue screen, because it just keeps saying login failed!
  • Abradax
    Soul Shriven
    Can we please get subtitles for ambient conversations, or chat bubbles or something? I have trouble making out voices electronically, so basically the entire world is lifeless and I miss out on a ton of lore and banter because of it.
  • Dominoid
    Can I please get some help here?! I haven't been able to log in AT ALL the past two days. I am still getting the login failed errors, even though they say they are fixed. The workaround of going to the EU server doesn't work, as I still get the same error! All of my friends have been able to log in just fine, but I can't even get to the queue screen, because it just keeps saying login failed!

    You have PS+ or XBox Live right?
  • Mushroombeard
    Very glad to finally see the game on console. I used to be a PC-gamer, but now, I enjoy sitting in my living room after work, playing some ESOTU.

    Some issues I've been experiencing:
    - Due to the massive players online, The waiting queues to get into stonefalls (or simply teleporting or dying in the region ) are immense! 5 minute waiting to get into a wayshrine is of course very frustrating. I do believe that expanding the servers (which you are already working on) will prevent this problem as well. Temporarily maybe a wider range of letting people in at the same time, to prevent the long waiting lines (just thinking out loud here, I know the servers must be stressed out beyond imagination).
    - While very amusing to see a lot of people playing, in some cities the crowd can be a little overwhelming, I've experienced days where i can't even see the quest NPC because so many people are surrounding him. No Idea if this is solvable or not.
    - I've seen some quest markers where the NPC is absent and not clickable or clickable but invisible.
    - same goes for mobs. Sometimes i run into a mob that i can't see at all, they attack me and all i see is the attack outlines, but not the mob itself.

    A point of improvement:
    - I was disappointed when I saw that only 2 views were available, first person and third person, but there is no option to zoom you viewstate more or less, which is a little frustrating, I like to fight with my screen completely zoomed out in dungeons, but there is no option to adjust this

    I believe you guys will definitely be able to fix these issues. I've enjoyed the first couple of days and I think the addictiveness is only gonna get worse once I get to Veteran Ranking :-) Keep it up! you guys are doing one hell of a job!
    Find what you love and let it kill you
  • pasmith_ESO
    @Mushroombeard Down on the D-pad plus moving the right stick can zoom your view. You might also want to play around with the FOV options in the settings menu.
  • Jay_Gally
    You know what could have mitigated these launch day woes? An actual beta that tested and put stress on your 'mega server'. That's the most frustrating thing about this. I don't care if this happens at every mmo launch, that doesn't make it acceptable. It's arrogant really to think that baby beta was enough to ensure a nice launch. I expected some glitches at launch but server issues are unacceptable.
  • Mushroombeard
    @Mushroombeard Down on the D-pad plus moving the right stick can zoom your view. You might also want to play around with the FOV options in the settings menu.

    Thanks! I had no idea!
    Find what you love and let it kill you
  • RubberSpaghetti
    Soul Shriven
    I have Xbox live, on the NA megaserver.
  • struckless
    Soul Shriven
    I get past the queue, but then can't get any farther. It just says it will take longer than usual to load and Ive sat there for over an hour. I don't even get to the place where I can choose my character. It has been 30 hours since Ive been able to play and I am frustrated.
  • nimander99
    This is awesome!!! I had a feeling this was going to be massive and it seems that feeling was right ;)

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    ∽∽∽ 2 years of Elder Scrolls Online ∼∼∼
    "Give us money" = Box sales & monthly sub fees,
    "moar!" = £10 palomino horse,
    "MOAR!" = Switch to B2P, launch cash shop,
    "MOAR!!" = Charge for DLC that subs had already paid for,
    "MOAR!!!" = Experience scrolls and riding lessons,
    "MOARR!!!" = Vampire/werewolf bites,
    "MOAARRR!!!" = CS exclusive motifs,
    "MOOAARRR!!!" = Crown crates,
    "MOOOAAARRR!!!" = 'Chapter's' bought separately from ESO+,
    "MOOOOAAAARRRR!!!!" = ???

    Male, Dunmer, VR16, Templar, Aldmeri Dominion, Master Crafter & all Traits, CP450
  • mistermacintosh
    Legalize Nirnroot!

    Mac User, NA Server (CP810+, PVE focused):
    Magicka Templar Ra the Everlasting (Level 50 - Main Character)
    Stamina Sorcerer Khazaka-ri (Level 50 - Crafter)
    Dragonknight Tank Skalda Flamewreath (Level 50)
    Pet Sorcerer Hellias Ocume (Level 50)
    Magicka Necromancer Socelon (Level 4)

    Templar Healer Mends-Through-Panic (Level 50)
    Stamina Nightblade Adanna-daro (Level 50)
    Stamina Warden Marely Sprigs (Level 50)
    Stamina Dragonknight Ursula Trollcalmer (Level 50)
    Stamina Necromancer Daengeval (Level 4)

    Stamina Templar Cornellus Graves (Level 50)
    Warden Healer Pays-For-Luxury (Level 50)
    Magicka Sorcerer Sophia Flash (Level 50)
    Magicka Dragonknight Cinvalo Aloavel (Level 50)
    Magicka Nightblade Esmerelda the Cruel (Level 50)
  • hurley191
    How did you not know the server load, did you not monitor sales? Now you're investigating more capacity?

    Create a character on the euro servers. You're actually suggesting that. FIX YOUR SERVERS.
  • hurley191
    How did you not know the server load, did you not monitor sales? Now you're investigating more capacity?

    Create a character on the euro servers. You're actually suggesting that. FIX YOUR SERVERS.
  • daddyluigi91
    Soul Shriven
    I don't understand how you did not expect this. Why would you expect two mega servers to handle all the people that play this game. Why would you not break it up into regions like lots of other online games that did the same. You expect two servers to hold up to the massive demand of players? I just can't believe that you would be so dumb when plenty of other games with less content figured it out first. Maybe I should come work for you so this dumb *** don't happen.
  • daddyluigi91
    Soul Shriven
    I want my money back
  • LtSzucs
    Love this game!!! I'm so addicted to just the blacksmithing and the "Justice System" alone, I've barely done any missions! Have to force myself to explore just to try to level up a little faster. Sorry for any slack I may have given you guys for the login issues. Great game!!!
  • bholland
    Soul Shriven
    So I write software for a living and I have to say, the queue bug that doesn't display correctly is a really serious bug that should have been fixed and a quick update put out like, hours after the launch. The functionality might be there but the human feedback is vital. Even if I am stuck in a queue for a long time, I want to know what my actual position is and when I can expect to play.

    It isn't unreasonable to have servers inundated at launch time and critical systems breaking but seriously, this information is really really important to end users. I think some growing pains make sense and I get the server farms and I even understand why you don't have multiple server farms but that said, people sort of expect this stuff to work, maybe not well, but they don't expect to wait for hours.

    What is really sad is that I actually can't play this beautiful world offline. One of the huge draws for me was the ability to explore an absolutely massive world that you all worked so hard to build. To have that stuck at a queue time is 1 second away is really a shame.
  • Elsonso
    @ZOS_JasonLeavey , thanks for the update.

    I'm sitting in the NA PS4 queue while I type this, so Godspeed to the FedEx people delivering the extra megaserver hardware. GOOD NEWS is that I am first in the queue and my wait should only be 1 second. :smiley:

    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • ElysianLegion
    Soul Shriven
    I get in after a full hour wait, play for ten minutes, and get logged back out again. It's not just the amount of people that is the issue. If I have made it in, I shouldn't be getting logged back out. I've even received an error message that said my account was already logged in and duplicate sign on attempts would not be allowed. As long as this is taking to fix, I have trouble believe work is being done "around the clock." I have never experienced this much frustration from a game while I chat with friends that are all logged in and playing.
  • xXSpyderXx
    Soul Shriven
    Just a little frustrating trying to login, because you keep getting error codes or waiting in the queue now for 30 minutes. I understand this is a new launch game on consoles and tons of people are trying to login. However paying $60 for a game most can't play because of these issues is ridiculous when Neverwinter is a free game you can download and hasn't had problems of people logging in at all. Just saying seems like this launch should have been handled better. Having said that I know they will get this fixed and I'm excited to play.
  • Austacker
    Still staring at this trying to login for the last half an hour...

    This is very frustrating. Very. I remember the launch days of World of Warcraft being like this, but that was 11 years ago. This is 2015, have we not learned anything?

    We seriously need an Oceanic Megaserver.

    The game went on sale outside the US, Europe got their own mega server but what about Asia?

    I know it wasn't a big deal to pull the server down for maintenance last night for the US, but it was 5pm AEST when you did that, cutting off the oceanic players.

    I understand there's start up issues, but wouldn't it make sense to have more than two regional mega servers to both spread the load and perhaps ensure maintenance tasks are not done in the middle of peak hours for your international customers?

    Edit : Got to the login screen after about a 35 minute wait. Not happy at all.
    Edited by Austacker on 12 June 2015 02:51
  • jwo168
    Soul Shriven
    Have not been able to log back in since playing approximately 10 minutes Wednesday. This is by far the worse launch I have ever played. I have done all the resets and waited in the que for a very long time with no luck!!! I see a return in the feature if this does not get fixed.
  • Fruital
    Soul Shriven
    hey when i try to play the mission start/end/progress characters have disappeared. the talk button comes up but will not allow me to click it .... so i cannot progress in the game... is this being fixed and when ?
  • nusintz
    Soul Shriven
    Fruital wrote: »
    hey when i try to play the mission start/end/progress characters have disappeared. the talk button comes up but will not allow me to click it .... so i cannot progress in the game... is this being fixed and when ?

    This happened to me two days ago and after I hard reset my xbox I was able to see the quest giver's again. Also people weren't blacked out anymore.
  • Silence1684
    Soul Shriven
    I don't mind waiting 10 min to log in because I don't get kicked at all,so far lol. When I was playing Destiny, 3 second log in.....kicked every 5 min. Also.....I LOVE THIS GAME!!!!
    Edited by Silence1684 on 12 June 2015 20:31
  • paknsave1
    Soul Shriven
    How long this be down for maintenance
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