loocking for guild on xbox eu Ebonheart Pact

would love to join a vamp or warewolf guild but cant get a bite :(
Edited by silvergear on 10 June 2015 19:56
  • HATTII95
    Soul Shriven
    I have an ebonheart pact guild it's only small (like next to nonexistent) but if we can get the numbers we want to set up a vampire and werewolf section if you fancied joining us even if it only until you found a guild that's what you really want to be part of my gamer tags HATTII95 if you feel like messaging is about it
  • silvergear
    HATTII95 wrote: »
    I have an ebonheart pact guild it's only small (like next to nonexistent) but if we can get the numbers we want to set up a vampire and werewolf section if you fancied joining us even if it only until you found a guild that's what you really want to be part of my gamer tags HATTII95 if you feel like messaging is about it

    are u a vamp and yes ill join
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