Question, I bought the game on PC, played since beta, hit max level, quit due to PvP being horrible/broken. Screwed around, didn't realize there was a 30 day timeframe to transfer my PC character to console, thought that was just related to getting the game for $20 + transfer. Thinking, there would be an option to pay just for the transfer after launch.
I screwed up, no biggie. So, with that said, if I purchase the game on console and it sets up my account on the same email address as the PC account is using, will this cause any errors? Reason being, I had a heck of a time with Battlefield 4 because of said issues. My email that I use for my PS4 was the same one I had used for Battlefield 3 on PC.
It kept messing up and wouldn't recognize the PS4 game purchase and never showed me owning it through battlecom, even though I had I was a premium member. So I had to create another account through a secondary profile on PS4 and use another email address. That was all fine and dandy, but because it was a secondary account, it did not link the premium membership to that account and when new content/challenges came out, it required you to access your premium account and I couldn't.
Sorry for the novel, I just want to make sure before purchasing the game on console that I don't run into any issues regarding stupid email set-ups across platforms again.