Maintenance for the week of January 27:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – January 27

Xbox One Trading Guild

  • jeff.personb14a_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Bourne 2103 WB
  • ObeyTheWombo
    Soul Shriven
    gt is m0nster630
  • scamx1023b14_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    my gamertag is Xfactor1023. Thanks!
  • xcaliburxxx
    Soul Shriven
    Gamer edo xcaliburxx
    making blacksmith. ...alchemist. ...clothier. ...enchanting characters
    looking for guild to supply wears to and to be able to trade on venders
    mainly into pve put will pvp

    Am skywatch
    plz invite
  • Furilic
    If you guys have any space.....GT: OMG its Goce
  • Solcius
    Arandul wrote: »
    Solcius wrote: »
    Still haven't gotten an invite to either guild. Can you explain more about the companion guild? Not so keen on how that sounds. Seems like it is opening the door for the original to get the better trader location and such.... GT is YES I KILLED U

    I'm sorry that you have not received an invite yet, the main guild has been sitting at 500 members for a few days and there is no easy way currently to prune members (I don't want to kick people just because they are low level).

    I am quite content with the location of the main guilds current guild trader which resides in mournhold, and have had this location since the first day and do not anticipate moving.

    I want the companion guild to be ran as an equal not as a step-child guild, asneakybanana is incredibly resourceful and one of the top officers in the main guild, and I'll be an officer in the companion guild. We will have a shared raffle pool, which should greatly increase the winnings, as well as shared assets. If more gold is needed to secure a prime location for the companion guild then gold will be contributed. The companion guild isn't being made with the intentions of siphoning off assets, but to rather be an extension of the currently filled main guild. I didn't anticipate it growing this fast and being this popular, and I've been told by random people in zone chat that they've seen my guild and love the trader since we are one of the few that have good stuff for sale.

    Keep in mind the companion guild was just formed so we still have work to do, but it will be just as successful as the main guild, and offer AD people a better opportunity to sell items amongst their faction. We have always taken the stance of being multi-factioned and non-discriminate, but it somehow worked out that the majority of our members are EP, while I would constantly be asked about an AD based trader. I think this will be a fair solution, and members are permitted to be in both guilds if they choose, also we will seed members from the companion guild to the main guild as spots open and vise versa.

    tl;dr - the guilds are equal

    I hope this helps.

    Thanks for the reply. After hearing that it makes me more comfortable with the idea and I am AD anyways so I guess that works out well for me. As for asneakybanana if he needs help with getting it going and optimizing let me know via pm or in game mail. I don't have much experience with this particular game in terms of the traders but I have quite a lot of experience with trade in others games. I'm not asking for a promotion either I just mean help out so this can be successful ASAP so that I'll have good access to a trader and such.
  • ljoe2010
  • creddig
    Soul Shriven
  • KkaosReinz
    GT: Kkaos Reinz

    Usually available around 10pm EST
    Kkaos Reinz
    Pack Leader of
    The House of Reinz
  • jellicles
  • Curtischoy
    Remember, anyone that is a member of BST II (and I am assuming also original BST) is able to invite anyone else. So if you see someone on this thread that needs an invite sent one to them.

    I just sent several myself.
  • yeffy
    Internal Cannon
  • Peel_Ya_Cap_517
    Peel Ya Cap 517

    N64 NA EP
  • asneakybanana
    fookinrage wrote: »
    Remember, anyone that is a member of BST II (and I am assuming also original BST) is able to invite anyone else. So if you see someone on this thread that needs an invite sent one to them.

    I just sent several myself.

    Thanks for the help. Checking the thread 3 or 4 times a day to make sure i get everyone an invite but the help makes my job that much easier.
    Asneakybanana AD DK Former emperor of Chrysamere and Chillrend. World first hardmode Hel'ra and Quake con winner (Alliance rank 25)
    Asneakyhabenero EP DK Former emperor of Thornblade, Haderus. World first vMA Dk clear (Alliance rank 39)
    Asneakycucumber EP Sorc Former empress of Blackwater Bay and Trueflame (Alliance rank 32)
    Asneakypineapple EP Temp Former empress of Azuras Star and Haderus (Alliance rank 22)
    Asneakypickle EP NB Former empress of Trueflame (Alliance rank 47)
    Sweat Squad
    Crowned 27x on 12 different campaign cycles | 200M+ AP earned
    Fastest AA clear ever: 5:42 | Fastest HRC clear ever: 5:27 | NA first HM MoL
    609k Mag Sorc vMA
    NA first Tick Tock Tormentor
    NA first trinity (All No Death/HM/Speed run trials titles)
    2x Tick Tock Tormentor
  • master.harun_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    I'm looking for an invite. Gt Daedric Shadow
  • Ighostmaster

    Gt: I Ghost Master

    Have huge amount of items to sell.

    Thank you for the invite looking forward to trading with you guys.
    I GhOsT MaSteR
  • Shazzamm863
    Soul Shriven
    Gt: Shazzamm863
  • Arandul
    Thanks for the reply. After hearing that it makes me more comfortable with the idea and I am AD anyways so I guess that works out well for me. As for asneakybanana if he needs help with getting it going and optimizing let me know via pm or in game mail. I don't have much experience with this particular game in terms of the traders but I have quite a lot of experience with trade in others games. I'm not asking for a promotion either I just mean help out so this can be successful ASAP so that I'll have good access to a trader and such.

    I'm sure he would enjoy and welcome the help. He will be taking over both guilds for me for a short period while I'm offline for a little bit to move overseas, hopefully I'll be back online within a week or so after the move, so any help he could get on BST II would be amazing. BST is already well established and quite popular in EP, we're hoping for the same response in AD starting Monday when we procure a guild trader (couldn't get one this week as we formed on Tuesday).

    Send him a message or something on XBL and coordinate with him, right now we're building our member base, the way BST grew so fast was because of other members and word of mouth, it would be great to have that for BST II.
    Edited by Arandul on 24 June 2015 11:57
    Lrn 2 Play | Welkynd | BBC
    Arandul:v16 Sorc EP, Malpurius Prentanian:v16 DK EP, Little Bow Deeps:v16 NB EP
    Duckface Twerk:V16 DK DC Bootybootybuttcheeks:New Templar!
  • Grave
    Gt= Graveward
  • Airborn619
  • oGreenEGGSnHAMo
    Soul Shriven

  • stonerskate109
    Please add me my GT is TampaBayDoubleA
  • GrimReminder117
    Soul Shriven
  • LMonkA7X
    Soul Shriven
    GT: MunkeyA7X 69
    Level 25, always looking to trade my unwanted Racial Motifs
  • CarsonIkey
    Soul Shriven
    Looking for an awesome trading guild quick!

    NA server
    Daggerfall Alliance
    Xbox GT: Carson Ikey
    ESO name: PhatJesus
  • mvpxalloy1234
    Soul Shriven
    MvP X Alloy
    Soul Shriven
    Pro funds for half dead horse

  • Arc-xL
    Soul Shriven
    Arc xL
  • TorqueGT
    Gt: torquexgt
  • oGreenEGGSnHAMo
    Soul Shriven
    GT: oGreenEGGSnHAMo

    Please add me

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