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Problems finding people to do dungeons

So I'm in a few guilds... But everyone is V14 and wont really do anything but those end game stuff... Trials and V14 pledges and such.
I'm only V1 and a DC player.
But I'm missing the dungeons Selene's Web/Tempest Island/Blessed Crucible/Darkshade Caverns/Direfrost Keep/Fungal Grotto

I've tried telling people just get the quest and I'll solo it for them because it'll be scaled lvl 30 or 40 something and I can solo those mobs...
Yet I'm having EXTREME difficulty finding people.

This LFG system is beyond terrible.
I put myself into it and wait for ages.
It needs to work like GW2 LFG system or EQ LFG system.
Where it actually SHOWS the people LFM... Actually SHOWS the people LFG.
That way I can communicate with them and negotiate on what to do.
The current system... Hides you from everyone and automatically searches for people around my level... There's hardly anyone V1 looking for these dungeons. I've only had 1 person show up after 5 hours of waiting. Yet for it scaled V1 I'm going to need a healer and an actual group... Rather just blow through everyone and get my FRIGGIN skillpoint.

Frustrating how middle and early game is played and most people V14 they don't even help... I've only had very very few that actually did.

Anyone know of a DC guild that is active... Does dungeons.. All of them.. And not just once/twice a week trials... Must be V14.
  • qsnoopyjr
    Just tried to do a dungeon in Direfrost Keep.

    One guy got the quest.. Quest didn't share with everyone..
    Spent a long time playing around to try and get the quest..
    Ended up saying screw it and do another dungeon instead..
    Someone found out that everyone has to individually get that quest and group together..


    Thought this was the post I made earlier about YET another bug I came across..

    Just wanted to PROVE Francis a highly rated game reviewer stand that this game is...
    Bug bugs bug bug bugs.
    They should call this game Buggy mc bug house.

    Yes Francis..
    Your YouTube video 12 MONTHS ago..
    Your reviews on this game is STILL SPOT ON how this game is.

    [<The_Adoring_Fan mod> We'll take a look at this. Thanks for the information!]]

    Still BUGGED
    <RED FLAG>

    Edited by qsnoopyjr on 8 June 2015 08:13
  • Hlaadriel
    You may want to check for the Silver pledges in undaunted (if you are DC then the undaunted area in Wayrest). Those will lead you back to those dungeons... (some players are willing to do that at any scale, so V1 is good)
  • Enodoc
    qsnoopyjr wrote: »
    The current system... Hides you from everyone and automatically searches for people around my level... There's hardly anyone V1 looking for these dungeons. I've only had 1 person show up after 5 hours of waiting. Yet for it scaled V1 I'm going to need a healer and an actual group...
    This I think is the main problem. Whether it's actually "working" now or not, the LFG system needs to be less automated, and more player-driven.
    Hlaadriel wrote: »
    You may want to check for the Silver pledges in undaunted (if you are DC then the undaunted area in Wayrest). Those will lead you back to those dungeons... (some players are willing to do that at any scale, so V1 is good)
    That's true, and you can also run the pledge alongside the dungeon story quest. So you could wait for the pledges for the dungeons you want to roll around, and then you may have a higher chance of getting a group if you run the story with a pledge group. (But tell them that's what you want to do, particularly if you want to read the story dialogue and watch the scenes.)
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  • Ourorboros
    I skipped most of the dungeons, not realizing they level Undaunted, had skill points, quests, and achievements. I'm now VR14, and I know how you feel. I just want to get them done for reasons above, no concern for XP. Reach out to me in game or message me through forum, I'll gladly team for any dungeon, scaled to any level. @Maester.White
    Breton Sorcerer Maester.White - BB meets GoT >Master Crafter< { 9 Traits completed 4/23/15 }
    TANSTAAFL--->There ain't no such thing as a free lunch.....Robert Heinlein
    Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea....Heinlein
    All those moments will be lost in time, like Time to die. "Blade Runner"
    ESO: the game you hate to love and love to hate....( >_<) May RNG be with you (*,_,*)
  • UrQuan
    Hlaadriel wrote: »
    You may want to check for the Silver pledges in undaunted (if you are DC then the undaunted area in Wayrest). Those will lead you back to those dungeons... (some players are willing to do that at any scale, so V1 is good)
    Yeah, and now that a VR1 and a VR14 in the same group can both get loot and XP regardless of what VR level the dungeon is scaled to (as of the last patch) more people than before are likely to be willing to group up with a VR1 even if they're higher level.

    So check the daily non-vet pledge and odds are there will be people in the zone who are also picking up the pledge and looking to form groups to run it.
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