Official Discussion Thread for "This is ESOTU - Freedom and Choice in Tamriel"

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  • Elsonso
    icebladess wrote: »
    funny part is, i never seen where they took your soul ingame.

    What, are you expecting to find a box labeled "Unused souls" somewhere in Coldharbour? :smile:
    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Caroloces
    Sunver wrote: »

    You sir are quoting from Provinces of Tamriel book which was written in 3E 400-500. In ESO:TU we are playing in the 2E 582. In second era there was also a desolate area known as Craglorn which wasn't part of any Alliance or the Imperium itself. Thats why they talk about ten provinces.

    No kidding. I was thinking about Craglorn, but I thought that it was a region in Hammerfell. Was there a point in ES history when it was considered a separate province?
  • Sunver
    icebladess wrote: »
    funny part is, i never seen where they took your soul ingame.

    Its in the cinematic intro of the game, where Mannimarco kills you with a dagger.

    When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained;
    What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him?
    For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour.
    O LORD our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth!
  • HeroOfNone
    Happy they got a new commercial out there at last but... I need to be critical about this and recommend you redo this in a different direction. This comercial falls into the same trap that many MMO comercials do by showing monsters shouting, groups of people running, and generic animations with crafting. The actual footage of combat is limited and you barely show any class abilities. Take a look at what you're selling here ZOS and focus on what makes it better than other games. Here are some
    - it's a highly reactive combat system with class abilities & allows hou to use any weapon
    - you can quest and explore solo or with others
    - you can take on any role as a tank, healer, or dps
    - an open world zone with pvp that you can explore, quest, or pvp
    - an epic story line that follows your character's journey through their alliance, the 2 guilds, and with your battle against Molag Bal
    - a leveling crafting system that is rewarding and intuitive
    - become a vampire or a werewolf
    - the ability to earn your fortune through questing, exploring, or by being a thief inside town
    - an alternate advancement system in the champion system that affects all characters
    - much much more...

    Note some of these are mentioned but little detail is given...

    Also the "freedom and choice" tag lines used in this commercial is misrepresentative and a pretty bad selling point. As soon as folks realize that the choices they make only have a major effect at the start of the game then they are going to be pretty upset. Stop exaggerating it unless your actually going to include more quests with game altering decisions, because that's what players expect when they read that.

    At this point if the community submitted a comercial for the game wold ZOS please consider fixing up parts and using it? It's pretty disappointing with what's come out so far. =/
    Edited by HeroOfNone on 8 May 2015 00:29
    Herfi Driderkitty of the Aldmeri Dominion
    Find me on : Twitch | Youtube | Twitter | Reddit
  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    You can solo until you get to craglorn. Then you hit a wall. So there is one of the "choices" gone. Solo characters must grind 4 vet levels normally to have an end game character. Its why the game lost so many players early on.
  • Darkonflare15
    This is the official discussion thread for the web article, "This is ESOTU - Freedom and Choice in Tamriel."

    Enjoy the first video in our new series! In this video, we explore the freedom to forge your own path in Tamriel, and the countless choices you'll face along the way.

    Hmm... new series. So there is going to be new videos. Of what.
  • Donum-Dei
  • Faulgor
    "... an expansive world with neverending adventures"

    Neverending? When your playerbase has been asking for new content for months? This is just hyperbolic deception.

    "... unparalleled social experiences"

    Group finder still broken. Grouping discouraged due to EXP mechanics. A full group zone (Craglorn) is a wasteland due to lack of incentive to run its content. 7 veteran dungeons and 4 trials at endgame are hardly "unparalleled". PvP apparently unplayable for many players due to lag issues.

    "... you have the freedom to forge your own saga"

    Quests are 100% linear. The only choice is to do a quest or don't, and the mainquest is not really optional.

    "... you can voyage off in any direction ... vast open world"

    Is there something upcoming you're not telling us? Because currently, the game is gated in almost any direction, either due to level or quest progress (Cyrodiil behind level 10, Coldharbour behind 5th zone main quest, 2nd alliance area behind main quest, 3rd alliance area behind Cadwell Silver, Craglorn behind level 50), and even the areas you can go to within your faction are discouraged due to level difference penalties (high miss chance against higher level enemies, EXP and loot penalty too IIRC).

    I would really like to play this game you are advertising, but as far as I can see, it's not ESO.
    Alandrol Sul: He's making another Numidium?!?
    Vivec: Worse, buddy. They're buying it.
  • theroyalestpythonnub18_ESO
    Caroloces wrote: »

    No kidding. I was thinking about Craglorn, but I thought that it was a region in Hammerfell. Was there a point in ES history when it was considered a separate province?

    I think so...? I assumed that Craglorn is a part of Hammerfell and technically under the Covenant, but a lot of people go there so they can be more isolated from the war. i'm not all that well versed in the current political climate of Orsinium, but I suppose it's possible the Convenant now recognizes it as a province proper.
    icebladess wrote: »
    funny part is, i never seen where they took your soul ingame.

    -_- I really hope that when they release console they replace the garbled clip show they use as an opening with the old cinematic.

    Edited by theroyalestpythonnub18_ESO on 8 May 2015 06:58
  • KontrolledKhaos
    LMAO what a load of bs this trailer is.

    "Unparalleled social interaction". Oh absolutely, being phased in and out and not being able to see other people who are in the same group as you is unparalleled indeed.

    Oh and "Ebonhart Pact"? Nice job on spellchecking your own damn trailer before releasing it. Is your quality assurance team on vacation or something? Oh thats right, you fired them all.
    Edited by KontrolledKhaos on 8 May 2015 05:50
  • Faulgor
    Sunver wrote: »

    You sir are quoting from Provinces of Tamriel book which was written in 3E 400-500. In ESO:TU we are playing in the 2E 582. In second era there was also a desolate area known as Craglorn which wasn't part of any Alliance or the Imperium itself. Thats why they talk about ten provinces.

    There are several areas which are not part of the alliances, such as parts of Hammerfell (including Craglorn), western Skyrim and the Telvanni isles in Morrowind. I believe some areas of Cyrodiil are independent as well.

    The mention of a tenth province is either an oversight, or refers to Orsinium, which was recognized as a province during the Akaviri Potentate until some time before ESO.
    However ...
    Morrowind was never part of the Second Empire. Thus, even at the time, there were only 9 provinces.

    The following maps are not perfect, but give some insights.


    Alandrol Sul: He's making another Numidium?!?
    Vivec: Worse, buddy. They're buying it.
  • Sunver
    Faulgor wrote: »

    There are several areas which are not part of the alliances, such as parts of Hammerfell (including Craglorn), western Skyrim and the Telvanni isles in Morrowind. I believe some areas of Cyrodiil are independent as well.

    The mention of a tenth province is either an oversight, or refers to Orsinium, which was recognized as a province during the Akaviri Potentate until some time before ESO.
    However ...
    Morrowind was never part of the Second Empire. Thus, even at the time, there were only 9 provinces.

    The following maps are not perfect, but give some insights.



    Nice map you got there. And your post seems to be more eso-historically accurate than mine. Maybe tenth province would be Coldharbour?:D Province in a meaning that its a part of >some< kingdom or imperium.
    When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained;
    What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him?
    For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour.
    O LORD our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth!
  • Zershar_Vemod
    Who else forgot this was an M-rated game?

    Otherwise, good parody video.....wait....this was meant to be serious..?
    House Nyssara (NA)
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  • Elsonso
    Faulgor wrote: »
    "... an expansive world with neverending adventures"

    Neverending? When your playerbase has been asking for new content for months? This is just hyperbolic deception.

    Based on what people say about VR leveling progress, I suspect that many people in the forum would agree with the "neverending" part. :smile:
    Faulgor wrote: »
    "... unparalleled social experiences"

    Group finder still broken. Grouping discouraged due to EXP mechanics. A full group zone (Craglorn) is a wasteland due to lack of incentive to run its content. 7 veteran dungeons and 4 trials at endgame are hardly "unparalleled". PvP apparently unplayable for many players due to lag issues.

    I already made a comment on this, but I am wondering if the Group Finder is not as broken as people think it is. Reality vs perception. They perception has been for months that it is broken, so it remains broken in the eyes of the people playing the game. Introduce a new console version with a different UI and suddenly the console one is better. They may have made tweaks to the underlying search and marshaling, but if all they did to "fix" it was slap a new UI on it then the console version should work as well as the PC/Mac version. I, for one, am interested in whether they made actual functional improvements or whether they are sitting there scratching their heads wondering why people keep saying the PC/Mac is broken.

    As far as XP for groups, I do wish that they had not capped at 2 players before dropping XP. I know why they did it. It has removed an aspect of the game that I thought set it ahead of other games: community effort in an ad-hoc group of reasonable size without penalty.
    Faulgor wrote: »
    "... you have the freedom to forge your own saga"

    Quests are 100% linear. The only choice is to do a quest or don't, and the mainquest is not really optional.

    It is odd, but when I heard that statement I was not thinking of quests. They talk about hundreds of quests, but I never considered those quests part of my saga. If I follow the quests in any game, my saga looks a lot like every saga. I might get a handful of possible outcomes, but they are all the same outcomes and they are repeated across masses of players.

    To me, this statement means a lot more than completing quests. If that is the limit of what a person does in the game, then fine, but I find that to be very limiting.

    This is why I am so vehemently against Cadwell's quests. As a player, I know that I have to complete them, but they are not part of my saga in the game. There are an annoyance that I have to complete, one that I hope they eventually get rid of, in order to continue forging my saga.
    Faulgor wrote: »
    "... you can voyage off in any direction ... vast open world"

    Is there something upcoming you're not telling us? Because currently, the game is gated in almost any direction, either due to level or quest progress (Cyrodiil behind level 10, Coldharbour behind 5th zone main quest, 2nd alliance area behind main quest, 3rd alliance area behind Cadwell Silver, Craglorn behind level 50), and even the areas you can go to within your faction are discouraged due to level difference penalties (high miss chance against higher level enemies, EXP and loot penalty too IIRC).

    I would really like to play this game you are advertising, but as far as I can see, it's not ESO.

    Just a nit, but anyone can get to Coldharbour at any level due to "Travel to player" mechanics. Once there, the player is free to voyage as desired, although they may not get far away from Hollow City.

    In any case, having level requirements to enter Cyrodiil and Craglorn are not really hard gates and do not really impede voyaging off in a direction, unless that is the only direction you want to go. There are lots of places to go that are not Cyrodiil or Craglorn.

    My main opposition to that "vast open world" statement is that the open world is limited to the alliance of the character, or roughly 1/3rd of the world. The other 2/3rds are Cadwell zones and are artificial zones that are disconnected from the real zone. As Ebonheart Pact, I cannot go to Daggerfall and interact with Covenant players. When I go there, I only see Ebonheart players.

    When I go to Craglorn, I only see one of three Craglorns, even though everyone gets to go there. When I go to Coldharbour, I only see one of three Coldharbours. Except for the leveling zones, I am in a copy of the world.

    As a single character, I can explore that vast open world, but only the leveling zones of my alliance are real. I never really get to experience the whole game because the majority of the game is a virtual Cadwell world for the sole purpose of experiencing the quest lines.

    The only way to really experience the entire game is to have three characters, one in each alliance.

    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Gyudan
    The voice-over sounds like a cheap production. Maybe Lawrence Schick could have made a better version.
  • HeroOfNone
    Gyudan wrote: »
    The voice-over sounds like a cheap production. Maybe Lawrence Schick could have made a better version.

    I wouldn't blame the voice actor in this one, the script in this one sounds way too candy coated. Maybe we can have a youtube challenge to see who can deliver the same lines and not sound like you're addressing a group of teens.
    Herfi Driderkitty of the Aldmeri Dominion
    Find me on : Twitch | Youtube | Twitter | Reddit
  • NewBlacksmurf
    My only observation is this....since you skip over VR levels but highlight the champion system.
    When are VR levels going away?
    -PC (PTS)/Xbox One: NewBlacksmurf
    ~<{[50]}>~ looks better than *501
  • icebladess
    Sunver wrote: »

    Its in the cinematic intro of the game, where Mannimarco kills you with a dagger.

    For the PS4 or Xbox1? cause i just check the computer vs, and didnt see it.
  • Rosveen
    "Ebonhart Pact"... You don't even have to be a grammar *** to shed a tear.

    I'd appreciate an official answer on what the tenth province is, ZOS. :) It can't be Orsinium because the zone hasn't been released yet, so what?
    Edited by Rosveen on 8 May 2015 18:34
  • theroyalestpythonnub18_ESO
    icebladess wrote: »

    For the PS4 or Xbox1? cause i just check the computer vs, and didnt see it.

    Neither afaik. They kicked this cinematic to the curb when they launched Tamriel Unlimited. You can watch the full version here if you haven't already seen it.
  • Raizin
    lol so misleading video, the lag in the game during peek hours is so crappy and bad that the whole gaming experience makes u vomit (talking about pvp), and not so far ago, it was in pve too.

    u shld maybe stop trying to cash this lag game as much as possible and start actualy fixing it.. Not to mention that we all alrdy feel that console release is goin be nice and smooth fail, especialy if u provide same garbage buggy product as u did for PC users.

    Its rly sad imho, this game is so beautiful and has so much potential... :( yet u have decided to *** all over it and just grab the money, because u know for a fact, that ppl will continue to play and pay for *** items from shop for another year before they ll all get bored or something better comes out by then (bdo,camelot unchained,etc). How about u rly start rewritting the code of the game, so u fix the major issues (as PROMISED gazilion times before)?
    Edited by Raizin on 9 May 2015 10:00
    HellSeesYou = v16/AD/Rank 37-Former emp/EU TB-AZura(Old Auriels Bow badass) ___ Vampire Templar/Resto/Destro staff user from Banana squad
    HellSeesAll - v16/EP/Rank 19 Magicka NB/Necrotic Lag member
    HellSeesUs - v16/AD/Rank 18 Stamina Templar
  • Elsonso
    Raizin wrote: »
    lol so misleading video, the lag in the game during peek hours is so crappy and bad that the whole gaming experience makes u vomit (talking about pvp), and not so far ago, it was in pve too.

    I play in Blackwater Blade and was in there from mid evening into the wee hours of the morning last night (Friday night) with all three factions locked. Now, I cannot testify about any others, but I was in three large battles for keeps with players everywhere from both sides. It is hard to estimate how many people were there, but I spent a good 20 minutes just killing DC players as fast as I could. Most keep battles last 5-10 minutes. There were just so many people that it took time to kill them all. I have seen lag before, and there was some minor lag, but nothing at all like some of the stuff I saw in the vet campaigns.

    I am firmly convinced that the best place to experience lag-free play in this game is pretty much anywhere Vets are banned.

    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Awe
    What do you expect from an advert? It's targeted at those, who never played ESO and can't read forum. But when they buy and start playing, ZOS won't care, that it was a lie, money payed.
  • Trollwut
    Sunver wrote: »

    Its in the cinematic intro of the game, where Mannimarco kills you with a dagger.

    Plus there is a feature since beta which is called "main story line".
  • Gidorick
    So much misinformation.... I want to play the game they're advertising because it sure isn't ESO:TU.
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
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  • Rosveen
    Awe wrote: »
    What do you expect from an advert? It's targeted at those, who never played ESO and can't read forum. But when they buy and start playing, ZOS won't care, that it was a lie, money payed.
    Everyone can read the forum.
  • PKMN12
    all the youtube comments saying how they cannot wait, and how awesome it is going to be. I cannot WAIT until they blinds are lifted from their eyes, going to be the most hilarious thing ever when they realize all teh lies they have been told.
  • mascondante
    I'm pretty happy about it even if it does kind of suck at first. I really want the console version but I imagine it's going to be hilariously buggy at launch so I might wait.
  • bertenburnyb16_ESO
    its funny when you only watch the trailer u think what a greath game, untill u play it yourself and experience all the lagg, buggs, player restrictions and missing stuff, well thats good advertising I guess
    Haze Ramoran Dunmer Dragonknight Tank/Dps – Smoked-Da-Herb Saxheel Templar Tank/Healer

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  • Xael
    This video is inaccurate and intentionally misleading.
    Edited by Xael on 18 May 2015 19:32
    I got killed in pvp, nerf everything...
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