icebladess wrote: »funny part is, i never seen where they took your soul ingame.
You sir are quoting from Provinces of Tamriel book which was written in 3E 400-500. In ESO:TU we are playing in the 2E 582. In second era there was also a desolate area known as Craglorn which wasn't part of any Alliance or the Imperium itself. Thats why they talk about ten provinces.
icebladess wrote: »funny part is, i never seen where they took your soul ingame.
ZOS_JasonLeavey wrote: »This is the official discussion thread for the web article, "This is ESOTU - Freedom and Choice in Tamriel."
Enjoy the first video in our new series! In this video, we explore the freedom to forge your own path in Tamriel, and the countless choices you'll face along the way.
No kidding. I was thinking about Craglorn, but I thought that it was a region in Hammerfell. Was there a point in ES history when it was considered a separate province?
icebladess wrote: »funny part is, i never seen where they took your soul ingame.
You sir are quoting from Provinces of Tamriel book which was written in 3E 400-500. In ESO:TU we are playing in the 2E 582. In second era there was also a desolate area known as Craglorn which wasn't part of any Alliance or the Imperium itself. Thats why they talk about ten provinces.
There are several areas which are not part of the alliances, such as parts of Hammerfell (including Craglorn), western Skyrim and the Telvanni isles in Morrowind. I believe some areas of Cyrodiil are independent as well.
The mention of a tenth province is either an oversight, or refers to Orsinium, which was recognized as a province during the Akaviri Potentate until some time before ESO.
However ...
Morrowind was never part of the Second Empire. Thus, even at the time, there were only 9 provinces.
The following maps are not perfect, but give some insights.
"... an expansive world with neverending adventures"
Neverending? When your playerbase has been asking for new content for months? This is just hyperbolic deception.
"... unparalleled social experiences"
Group finder still broken. Grouping discouraged due to EXP mechanics. A full group zone (Craglorn) is a wasteland due to lack of incentive to run its content. 7 veteran dungeons and 4 trials at endgame are hardly "unparalleled". PvP apparently unplayable for many players due to lag issues.
"... you have the freedom to forge your own saga"
Quests are 100% linear. The only choice is to do a quest or don't, and the mainquest is not really optional.
"... you can voyage off in any direction ... vast open world"
Is there something upcoming you're not telling us? Because currently, the game is gated in almost any direction, either due to level or quest progress (Cyrodiil behind level 10, Coldharbour behind 5th zone main quest, 2nd alliance area behind main quest, 3rd alliance area behind Cadwell Silver, Craglorn behind level 50), and even the areas you can go to within your faction are discouraged due to level difference penalties (high miss chance against higher level enemies, EXP and loot penalty too IIRC).
I would really like to play this game you are advertising, but as far as I can see, it's not ESO.
The voice-over sounds like a cheap production. Maybe Lawrence Schick could have made a better version.
Its in the cinematic intro of the game, where Mannimarco kills you with a dagger.
icebladess wrote: »
For the PS4 or Xbox1? cause i just check the computer vs, and didnt see it.
lol so misleading video, the lag in the game during peek hours is so crappy and bad that the whole gaming experience makes u vomit (talking about pvp), and not so far ago, it was in pve too.
Its in the cinematic intro of the game, where Mannimarco kills you with a dagger.
Everyone can read the forum.What do you expect from an advert? It's targeted at those, who never played ESO and can't read forum. But when they buy and start playing, ZOS won't care, that it was a lie, money payed.