Official Discussion Thread for "Crown Store Showcase, May 1st, 2015"

Maintenance for the week of March 24:
· [COMPLETE] PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 24, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
· Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
· Playstation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
  • bbqwolf13b14_ESO1
    All looks pretty lame. When is the first DLC coming? more content over this lame garbage. How much will DLC cost in crowns?
  • Feynn
    Costumes! Costumes! Costumes!

    When are you introducing the scholar/mage/priest costumes? Like the ones worn by the NPCs? In different colours please! (I'll buy the whole pack if I have to)
    Join us on Stormhaven RP! The largest TESO roleplay community of the Daggerfall Covenant, EU Megaserver.
  • PKMN12
    Feynn wrote: »
    Costumes! Costumes! Costumes!

    When are you introducing the scholar/mage/priest costumes? Like the ones worn by the NPCs? In different colours please! (I'll buy the whole pack if I have to)

    YES PLEASE. I would LOVE and buy them Immediately if they were not racial specific.

    My biggest problem with a lot of the costumes in the store is that they are racial specific in a lot of cases, so it feels weird using them on something other then that race that they were made for.
    All looks pretty lame. When is the first DLC coming? more content over this lame garbage. How much will DLC cost in crowns?

    Not until end of this year or possibly beginning of next year, depending on how buggy the console release is.
    Edited by PKMN12 on 5 May 2015 01:47
  • Apothecary
    Soul Shriven
    MehmetCan wrote: »
    We want camel mounts.
    We know they'll be available sooner or later.
    So, please make them available soon ^^,
    Tan, white & brown color selections might be a good start.

    I second this.
    AD Apotheke, DC Milk Noir
  • Farorin
    Barely anything interests me in the crown store. Costumes can be cool, but most are pretty "meh" for me. I have literally ZERO interest in pets, and only a vague interest in mounts, but for the price of most of them, I doubt if I will ever buy one just for looks.

    I just wish we could get some info on something of substance, like DLC, new content, or something like that, rather than the generic fluff. Something that actually makes the game more fun to play, or at the very least, retains my interest a bit more, as it is starting to fade heavily.
  • ElfFromSpace
    I am still really disappointed in the lack of variety of costumes. There are armors and other armors, but aside from a Jester and a ****** non-flattering wedding dress, there's nothing UNIQUE. My pirate costume was stolen from me. My only attractive light robe armor was defiled. And I've got a whole pile of crowns that I don't feel like wasting on a mount, or a pet I wouldn't use anyway. Surely it wouldn't take that long to get some costumes that we could wear over our armor that looked a little less like... yet more armor
    Former GM Elder Scrolls Exchange
  • Strei_Kiinxei
    I honestly would enjoy seeing more costumes as well as the polyphonic costumes. Maybe Sheogorath costume and a lil mo (Molag Bal) polyphonic costume. As for the fox pet, I'd rather there be a snow fox. These are just my opinions :P
  • Turelus
    Any ETA on these items? I want those costumes! :cold_sweat:
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • Wily_Wizard
    +1 more storage space/options

    I've played games where you could buy mats space and it would immediately show up in your bank as a new tab for mats storage only. This was the 1st thing I maxed out in the game. Additionally most games sell standard bank space upgrades and inventory space upgrades. These would also get maxed out right after the mats storage.
  • Turelus
    It looks like I was answered just now and we have the items! :smiley:

    Although Ordinator pack being 300 Crowns more than all other packs is a little meh... :disappointed:
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • Wolfgrim
    The new items look very good but I was hoping for a wolf pet. One just like those grey wolves which roam the wilds of Skyrim/Eastmarch.
    Edited by Wolfgrim on 9 May 2015 21:41
  • F7sus4
    Fennec Fox! <3<3<3<3<3
  • snowsong
    Cazic wrote: »
    The fennec fox is so cute.

    Yes! :)
    [Snowsong is using ROG G752VS on NA server.]
  • Endek
    I'm in the minority and disappointed.

    I enjoy playing on both the EU and NA mega servers and have to say, I'm disappointed that the Crown Store items are not account bound and having learnt this the hard way, I am now very sceptical towards spending real money on in game items that can not be used on both servers without purchasing the same item twice, for the same account.

    I'm aware of many arguments for and against playing on both the EU and NA servers in general, but I feel it would be fairer if certain items that are not Character specific, such as mounts, pets and costumes are Account Bound and made available for both servers.
  • apostate9
    "Night-Raid armor worn when the moons are new for midnight round-ups of heretics and drunken Nords."

    Awesome. Too bad we can't actually do any of that stuff. The Justice system content is only for criminals. They rest of us cannot participate. I sure hope ZOS doesn't back off their commitment to have player enforcers, as was recently implied.

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