Official Discussion Thread for "Battlemaster's Corner - The Aedric Warden"

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This is the official discussion thread for the web article, "Battlemaster's Corner - The Aedric Warden."

Read about this Templar build, which specializes in front-line assault with two-handed weapons, ranged attacks with a bow, and even a little support.
Jessica Folsom
Associate Director of Community - ZeniMax Online Studios
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Staff Post
  • Khivas_Carrick
    Better late than never in opening up this thread XD The build shown here is easily moldable to fit a number of situations and needs, even a different weapon other than a two-handed sword (such as a maul for instance), so if anybody has questions, feel free to direct em here.

    Also, special shout out to <Sheogorath's Few>, <Dreadlords>, <Continuity>, and <Starwind> for helping me to build and test out this creation, and thanks to those both here and at Tamriel Foundry for the inspiration and data.

    *All Guilds are EP and North American Server, and all but Dreadlords is currently recruiting. If interested for Sheogorath's Few, visit and/or whisper Khivas/@Khivas in-game for details. All other guilds, I will direct you to the proper inviting/recruiting persons.
    Bobbity Boop, this game might become poop, but I'll still play because I'm just a pile of goop!
  • atremblay1b14_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Just curious what the armor was that is seen in the photo? It looks pretty sweet. I am considering a respec of my toon into this format or similar. Until now he has been more of the heavy armor sword/board type.
  • Khivas_Carrick
    Breton chest, Orc gloves, both medium. Shoulder is from the Engine Guardian set.
    Bobbity Boop, this game might become poop, but I'll still play because I'm just a pile of goop!
  • p_tsakirisb16_ESO

    Is PVE build, yes? Because without at least 3 impenetrable traits in Cyrodiil is toasted.

    Anyhow great ideas, shame my Templar is Khajiit :(
  • Khivas_Carrick
    Yes, this is definitely a PvE Build. For PvP, you may want to hold off on using a Templar for that atm because it's a bit.....crappy for us there from what people will tell you.

    And Khajit is great for this build too, they have some nice features to really bolster a Stamina DPS build of any kind, let alone this one.
    Bobbity Boop, this game might become poop, but I'll still play because I'm just a pile of goop!
  • p_tsakirisb16_ESO
    Cheers :)
    But never had issues with my Magicka spec Templar in PVP over 13 months now.

    Just wanted to change to something different and seen your armour set, just made me think :)
    Edited by p_tsakirisb16_ESO on 2 May 2015 12:31
  • Khivas_Carrick
    Well with some trait tweaks the bow portion of this build would probably be useful in a group setting. Just plucking arrows at people then pop a heal or something randomly.
    Bobbity Boop, this game might become poop, but I'll still play because I'm just a pile of goop!
  • SaiHitaku_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Love the build, very creative for sure. Just wondering though, what dyes did you use? It looks great! And what leggings and boots? They aren't visable
  • Khivas_Carrick
    Shadow Walker's leggings dues coldharbour ash black, dunmer boots dyed the same. The other dye was Julianos White.
    Bobbity Boop, this game might become poop, but I'll still play because I'm just a pile of goop!
  • Likran
    Soul Shriven
    Though this has been dead for awhile I've been using this build but I have no clue what armour you use I know its mostly medium with one cloth and heavy but what parts belong to which armour class like head, body etc etc. All I'm asking is for specifics I think this build is great and very flexible but I'd just like to have some more detail. Mostly just some advice using this guide while leveling up to Veteran levels. Btw how do you have no helmet on xDD
  • Khivas_Carrick
    @Likran The head and Shoulder are from the Undaunted Dailies, where you kill the boss of Darkshade Caverns on Veteran mode for the drop on the helmet and the Shoulder Piece is a random reward for the gold key chest afterwards.

    The leggings are part of the Shadow Walker set and the rest of the armor is crafted, completely and entirely.
    Bobbity Boop, this game might become poop, but I'll still play because I'm just a pile of goop!
  • SuperAgentCT
    Soul Shriven
    I really like what I read about this build and definitely plan on trying this one out as my Imperial. Do you happen to have a link to a skill calculator for this build including passives and such?
  • Evi1_An9e1
    Really like the build but I can't help but see momentum being the only self heal in your 2h, why not morph puncturing strikes to its healing one? Its quicker and will help with low level squishiness
  • Khivas_Carrick
    @SuperAgentCT, no sadly I do not, as I haven't been informed of a skill calculator that's up to date yet, but I also haven't really looked for one either. I'm sure with some poking around, one could be fond.

    @Evi1_An9e1, Because this build was built for a more endgame approach, where Rally is MORE than enough heals, especially when you can just refresh it multiple times as needed to heal yourself up. Even as a low level build I'd still optimize my DMG output and use Rally to heal myself over Sweeps.
    Bobbity Boop, this game might become poop, but I'll still play because I'm just a pile of goop!
  • Evi1_An9e1
    Yea and I just remembers sweeps is magicka not stamina like jabs
  • kbm1975
    Thank you for this build! It is a ton of fun to play and very easy to use. The one question I do have is regarding glyphs. Which glyphs did you use on your armor/weapons?
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