Help - Night Blade Magic Build "Lich"

I have a new player in my guild who is trying to build a Night Blade caster. He wants it to resemble and play like a lich, I believe he picked the right class however I am not that experienced with the Night blade class. Anyhow, he has just hit Vet rank and wants to start running Vet Dung with the guild however his DPS is not up to par. We want to help him out but unfortunately we are all Temps, DKs, and Sorcs and know very little about building optimized NBs and a Magic Caster Based NB for that matter.

Iv attempted to search for good ideas online but all of them are DW/Bow/Sword and Board builds. We want our guild mates to enjoy their class and enjoy playing so I'm not going to tell him to get DW switch to stamina and do (X) if you want to run Vet Dung with us.

Just from looking at the NB and hearing what he wanted to do I made him an Ice Destro staff, 6 light armor and 1 heavy armor "5x Seducer, 3x Trougs Pact". I then told him to level all his class ability to their morph and play around with each ability to figure out what he likes.

Any assistance on this would be greatly appreciated.
  • RavenSworn
    Play like a lich huh?

    Currently, ice staff is not optimally higher dps then inferno staff. But if his job is to help increase other people's dps then.. Its your call.

    I'd suggest using the structured entrophy, impulse, inner light, shadowy disguise and the range impale for the first bar and Wall of elements, twisting path, sap essence, inner light and Debilitate. NBs unfortunately do not have strong aoe spells.

    Since he has ice and his magicka recovery should be off the roof with seducer set, just note that almost all magicka builds would be to keep major sorcery and major prophecy buffs up. ( I could be wrong but usually thats the case with most builds)

    He should not be dying though, with Double take / mirage and cloak in his arsenal but it depends on the player.

    He can also go resto and take combat prayer and quick siphon but I find structured entrophy to be better with surviving.

    Ps: if its the dota lich he is looking to play.. Its not really poss. But a bloodmage.. Yes a bloodmage is good..
    Ingame: RavenSworn, Pc / NA.

    Of Wolf and Raven
    Solo / Casual guild for beginners and new players wanting to join the game. Pst me for invite!
  • Kallipsoe
    Thanks for the feedback @uniq_faznrb18_ESO ! I will defiantly pass this along to him and see how he likes it.
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