Cinnamon_Spider wrote: »Unfortunately, you can't remove a guest or home campaign, only change them.
Please add more PvP campaigns, so there are a minumum of 7 campaigns available to charcters regardless of vetran / non-vetran status. And / or please add a campaign option of 'none','empty' or somesuch. These changes would make it possible to change PvP campigns when you have a character in all 3 Factions, something not currently possible due to the lack of campaigns. My open Support Ticket #150328-000896 refers.
Alliance War
Anyone that currently has a campaign will be receiving a free home campaign reassignment
phreatophile wrote: »A simple "Abandon Campaign" for the same or somewhat higher AP cost as switching Home campaigns is all they need.
firstdecan wrote: »Bump - Is there any intention to allow campaigns to be abandoned?
ZOS_BrianWheeler wrote: »We have discussed the ability to remove your home and guest assignment entirely, but won't make it in for this update. It has been a highly requested feature and we will work to get it in the future.
ZOS_BrianWheeler wrote: »When we fire up the campaign changes, we will wipe your current home\guest assignments.
The patch comes in just a week or so. At that time you will get a free campaign reset. Even allowing players that have multiple characters in different alliances a complete redo.
You're getting what you asked for, since all Campaigns will reset.