ShiunTraze wrote: »This build looks superb! Since 1.6 i've been unsure about what to do with my Veteran Nightblade (me not being an every-day know-it-all player) but this was just what i was looking for!
Just one question: Anyone know what attributes would be best suited to this build?
- from the looks of it, this is a heavy-stamina based build but i wondered if i'd need to increase either magicka or health to support myself.
SomeOtherDude wrote: »thank you for sharing your build.
is there a specific reason for sword + dagger rather than two of any one weapon type?
also, what mundus do you recommend?
thank you for your time.
Strei_Kiinxei wrote: »Cool build, however, I'm starting to be happy at considering curing my toon of vampirism seeing how it is over used. Vampire is op as is, so I hope the vampire gets nerfed more to add balance better for other classes that aren't vampire focused.
SomeOtherDude wrote: »is there a specific reason for sword + dagger rather than two of any one weapon type?
BenGrimsbo_ESO wrote: »What about passives?
Or are those just "choose what suits your play style"?
sirnonagon wrote: »am i missing something? no points into magic, regardless of the fact that the build has a substantial reliance on magic damage? I think i may be missing something.
Do you feel that having the crit with shadowy disguise is more beneficial than having the d.o.t. purge of dark cloak?
shadow image v dark shades? would like to know your thoughts?
and I always thought devouring swarm to be the superior morph for health regen.
I personally feel that way, though I can without a doubt see the beneficial with Dark Cloak. I would just recommend to go with the one which suits you yourself the best. For me it is the critical from Shadowy Disguise, which gives me the extra burst to kill my targets quicker.
As for Shadow Image and Dark Shades, I only have Dark Shades so I can deplete a block-spammers shield super quickly. Though if you don't want that, I would recommend to go with Shadow Image, as that instead allows you to teleport back in case you're making a far jump and the like. Both are quite good in their own ways, it is really just about which one you yourself find most useful to your playstyle. Though really ask yourself this: Do you want to deplete blockers stamina bar quickly, or do you want an easy teleport method when jumping from high distances?
Devouring Swarm is better for staying alive no doubt, but I find Clouding Swarm more useful due to the invisibility, and it also fits well with my whole "The Shadow Striker" build, which is very much about stealth.
SomeOtherDude wrote: »is there a specific reason for sword + dagger rather than two of any one weapon type?
My understanding is the same Trait doesn't stack on duplicate weapons.
So I run Mace + Dagger, not ideal given split over champion points.
I think you're misunformed about the changes to morphs? All damaging attacks in this build is purely Stamina, and only uses Magicka for utility.