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Complete /lute tabs

I wasn't sure where to ask this, as the support options seem more game-related... what is Zenimax's position on tablature distribution? The lute work in the game is one of my favorite aspects of the experience, and I'd like to help instruct the community to play it, as it were. The legality of the format is hazy, though, as there are precedents for music labels and such attempting to block the sharing of any form of their IP, including tabs.

If it's possible, I'd like to know the stance on this. If it's positive, I'd also like to know who to credit for the sung bardic performance/ solo lute composition, assuming that information is public. I've had little luck searching for it.
Edited by Erraln on 23 April 2015 18:28
  • Erraln
    Well, I didn't hear a no, so here they are. Hopefully somebody can get some enjoyment out of them :)
  • Lunairetic
    This is awesome! I wish I could play any kind of instrument so that I could enjoy them, since I love the lute tunes in this game. Hopefully some talented musicians will be able to put these to good use! :) Thanks for doing this!
    Blood for the Pact!!
  • BruceAndre
    Erraln wrote: »
    Well, I didn't hear a no, so here they are. Hopefully somebody can get some enjoyment out of them :)

    Thank You & Thank You, joined the forums so that I could thank you. :) & Thanks again, these are instant classics to me.
  • ZombiePigHam
    Does anyone know if the lute emote music is included in these tabs?
    Xbox One gamertag: ZombiePigHam
  • Erraln
    Does anyone know if the lute emote music is included in these tabs?

    That's what these are, yes. There are ten songs available from the /lute command, with your character's selection being dependant on their race, iirc. They are all instrumental versions of the Bardic Performances, and I followed that naming convention.
  • wulfang
    Soul Shriven
    asom i been trying to find the lute music for this game... however, I don't really play the guitar and thats all it shows for the tabs... any chance of finding it for violin or mandolin... would think the mandolin is closest to a lute ^^
  • Amaryllis_Arvensis
    Oh greeeeat, I've search for it since a long time. I've asked once to Zenimax but they said it wasn't possible. :D
    Le cynique est celui qui, lorsqu'il sent un parfum de fleurs, cherche le cercueil.
    H. L. Mencken
  • Pr0jectseph
    Years later, and I wanted to say thank you very much for the tabs.
    You're a legend
  • WiseSky
    Erraln wrote: »
    Well, I didn't hear a no, so here they are. Hopefully somebody can get some enjoyment out of them :)

    Thanks so much ,!,,!,!!!!
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  • SaulMoore
    Soul Shriven
    Hello @Erraln

    Not sure if you still read this thread. Do you happen to have music sheet versions of these as well? Or perhaps even better, can convert these tabs to mandolin as well?

    I've got a lovely ~100 year old neapolitan mandolin and would love to play these songs on it, but unfortnately I have no talent for converting these on the computer.
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