A request for advice

So ti seems I will not be able to play any PvP in the vet levels without succumbing to the damage shield stack/spam meta.

So I am curious about NB magicka builds. I obviously need to use a resto staff to make use of the one damage shield that will help me(the LA damage shield only works against magic, and my main concern is melee/bow players, so I likely will not use it, and, seeing as how I am a NB, I have no class based damage shields:()) so, with the resto staff damage shield in mind, how should I build my magicka NB? I actually already made one, but she is currently only level 6 or 7, so she still has a ways to go. Any advice would be very helpful.
  • Cody
    dang typos.
  • Mumnoch
    Sypher (spelling) has some good magic based NB PVP builds. Go check him out, you'll have a highly effective build in no time.
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