Hi there!
I'm a Wood Elf Nightblade and am using medium armor and bow. Currently lvl 19 but i don't like the build that I'm using atm.
None of the Nightblade skills seem to be good as a bow user as they all seem melee focused so I'm not really sure what to pick.
So i need help with a good build, thanks!
My nightblade bow build at VR14 does 17-20k single target. Trust me, it gets a lot better at higher levels On my bar I mostly went with assassination abilities to boost my crit (im at 80% now). Focused Aim is going to be your bread and butter, but there is a new ability in the assassin tree that gives you 10% stamina regen, and 8% passive damage.
My bar looks like this:
Focused aim, relentless focus, piercing mark, evil hunter, mirage (or whatever you want here) - Supercharge - Flawless dawnbreaker
On the second bar use the 2hand, and have rally up at all times. That will increase your damage by a huge margin.