As the title says, I could use some help.
I haven't played ESO since it launched back in 2014, and I'm trying to get back into the game. I got to veteran rank 2, and I'm currently using resto/destr staffs. For armor, 5 pieces of light and 2 pieces of heavy. Most of the attribute points i have put into magicka, but i also have some on health and stamina, because I want to have the possibility to dodge little bit more and take hits without dying instantly. Oh and also, I'm a vampire. At the moment, I use some skills from all templar skill trees, and resto/destr staff skill trees, with some mages guild and vampire skills. I play alone 95% of the time, and I find killing groups of enemies, that has more than two, quite hard from time to time.
I could really use some help, there is just so much going on, and I don't know which skills to take and where to focus.
Mordja the Shamaness - EU - Templar - A vampire and a thief