Welcome everyone to our resurrected recruiting thread!
Our guild, the WEB was born on a stormy evening, last year's Spring, just before the Justice System was implemented. That time we really thought the System will get more and more extensions; sadly we can see now that this dream haven't come true, and it never will. While we are impatiently waiting for the Thieves Guild DLC, we cannot cope with the cancellation of the plans about the Criminal-Enforcer System, and the Player-Stealing System.
We had our highs and downs, we quite quickly grew to 100 members (those were great days: creating our tabard, opening our Guild Bank then the Store etc.), and we kept this: as newcomers joined, we released our inactive members, because I honestly think that we won't worth more with 450 inactive members than 50, but the other 50 is active

Of course I've invited our former members back right after the kick, and more of them rejoined after they restarted playing.
We had some cool activities, even guild-events, I was really proud of some of our members (e.g. our top-thief, with the 1 million fenced gold achievement, or our mate who almost became emperor just from his own effort, without any groups or PvP-guilds), but sadly as our mates finished the content, more and more became bored, and went inactive. But life goes on, and we do not want to struggle with the inactivity of players, and we really want to try the never-done-yet group content, so we've opened our recruiting office again!

You surely want to know, who we are. Because this is a quite irregular opening, you can see our original background-message below, in the second post in this thread.
Which type of you, Honorable Players do we need?
Those, who:
- want to take part in the resurrection of a quite inactive (5-7 players online on evenings), but friendly "Justice System"-guild, whatever should it be now and in the future

- know how to greet your mates if you log in, and say farewell before logging out
- know the meaning of "LFG", and want to use it frequently on the guild chat

- need crafting partners, like to have generous end-game player-mates
- just want to spend their playtime in a calm, no-drama environment
That's it for the restart (what is not really a re-start, because we've never been dead since our foundation), you surely will meet me in the evenings, when posting our renewed recruiting message on the zone chats (mostly in the DC, because the LFG-tool was a pain to use, believe me: we tried it...) !