Official Discussion Thread for "Nine-Month Loyalty Reward And More"

Maintenance for the week of March 24:
· [COMPLETE] Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
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  • Xaxxus
    So I guess I wont be receiving this.

    I played from early access until about October (I paid for 2 6 month subscriptions). After that, I took a break until about a week ago. I bought another 3 months subscription time.

    Overall I will have had 9 months paid for. But by the time 1.6 is released ill probably only have about 8 months active time played.

    Is this the case? Or is there still hope for me to get these rewards.
  • The_Antiquarian
    We were told that we will be provided with an update by this afternoon. Is the plan postponded?
  • The_Antiquarian
    Xaxxus wrote: »
    So I guess I wont be receiving this.

    I played from early access until about October (I paid for 2 6 month subscriptions). After that, I took a break until about a week ago. I bought another 3 months subscription time.

    Overall I will have had 9 months paid for. But by the time 1.6 is released ill probably only have about 8 months active time played.

    Is this the case? Or is there still hope for me to get these rewards.

    Hello, we are hoping that the same criteria for Senche Mount applies for the Loyalty Mask as well. Per word-by-word basis, you are subscribed for 9 months since the account page says so, although the time hasn't completely elapsed.

    We are still waiting for Dev's update...
  • poltida
    Wouldnt it be more of a loyalty reward if it was actualy played paid game time? Anyways cry babies will get what they want. And if they dont.. well I still het my mount and mask lol
  • Eldarth
    Kahl_dur wrote: »
    Anyone else a little sad that that the subscriber loyalty program is ending? They kind of tacked the news on at the end of the announcement. Yes, I know that we'll get crowns to spend if we maintain our subs after the game goes B2P, but it just doesn't seem the same somehow...

    Yeah, it's better. Now instead of getting whatever they chose to give us for loyalty we get to pick anything we want from the crown store - w00t! More freedom to chose our own destiny/rewards. I actually like that freedom a teeny bit more. Although I do like "unique" non-crown store rewards as well, so... kind of a wash.

    I just hope that the Senche mount is NEVER going to be for sale on the crown store -- it should be totally unique to loyal subscribers.

  • painfullyclear
    Soul Shriven
    So I have a quick question.

    I've been playing and have been subbed since early release.

    but for some reason, my sub ended 4 days before my sub expiration date. Probably because of early release.

    So there was a brief period of a day while I got that ironed out.

    My question is: Will I still get my kitty mount / costume or did that little hiccup disqualify me.
  • Sandmanninja
    This has been asked and officially answered. Just search for 9 month loyal and I'm sure you'll find out.
    It has been explained about how to confirm if you qualify, etc.
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  • Orihara_Izaya
    This has been asked and officially answered. Just search for 9 month loyal and I'm sure you'll find out.
    It has been explained about how to confirm if you qualify, etc.

    The problem isn't how you qualify, our problem is about if you can become eligible to earn the reward after the reward system retires.

  • Jagmas
    I was going to end up about 30 days short by the time March 16th rolled around so I went to Best Buy tonight and used a 20 dollar coupon I had on the 60 day ESO timecard (30 bucks) and added it to my account. So i should be good for the prepaid time requirements.
  • AshySamurai
    Any news? There are a lot of ppl waiting your answer. And I can understand their feelings.
    Make sweetrolls, not nerfs!
  • alfpachinopreeb18_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Excellent! ESO turns into ordinary circus MMO. What's next, flying fairies and unicorns with little ponies?
  • Amour
    Da kitteh <3
  • AtriasNaradan
    Ohhhh hell yeah for Striped Senche!!! xD
  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    So still now word on this huh? I wonder what the difficulty is.
  • Jayne_Doe
    I thought that the Senche Tiger was to reward those who had been with ESO from the beginning. The 300-day paid subscription should, in my opinion, all be time before March 17. The fact that someone can come in tomorrow, pay for 300 days and get the Tiger devalues the reward. It is no longer a reward for those who have been around from the beginning - anyone willing to pay for 300 days now, will get it.

    I hope, then, that for those Johnny-come-latelys that they won't have access to the Tiger until their 300 days have elapsed. Otherwise, they'll be prowling around on their Tigers the same day as me and it just won't be special. It should be treated like the Loyalty Rewards - they won't get them until the time has elapsed, even though they still qualify for it by plunking down a credit card.

    I understand why ZOS is making this allowance, as it's more money for them - and they do need the money to keep things going, so why not? I just hope that those people don't get their Tiger at the same time as us "loyal from the beginning" folks do. Not only did we put in the money, but we put in the time - playing the game, reporting bugs, testing on the PTS, etc. We've made this a better game not just with our money but with our time.
  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    Jayne_Doe wrote: »
    I thought that the Senche Tiger was to reward those who had been with ESO from the beginning. The 300-day paid subscription should, in my opinion, all be time before March 17. The fact that someone can come in tomorrow, pay for 300 days and get the Tiger devalues the reward. It is no longer a reward for those who have been around from the beginning - anyone willing to pay for 300 days now, will get it.

    I hope, then, that for those Johnny-come-latelys that they won't have access to the Tiger until their 300 days have elapsed. Otherwise, they'll be prowling around on their Tigers the same day as me and it just won't be special. It should be treated like the Loyalty Rewards - they won't get them until the time has elapsed, even though they still qualify for it by plunking down a credit card.

    I understand why ZOS is making this allowance, as it's more money for them - and they do need the money to keep things going, so why not? I just hope that those people don't get their Tiger at the same time as us "loyal from the beginning" folks do. Not only did we put in the money, but we put in the time - playing the game, reporting bugs, testing on the PTS, etc. We've made this a better game not just with our money but with our time.

    Well they did pay for the same time as everyone else. I am ok with the senche going to people like that. I hope they leave the mask for us who have been here and paid every month since launch. We put up with alot of stuff. Kept paying anyways.
  • Aerius_Sygale
    These people are busy and this has already been answered, pardon my bluntness but you all just have to pay attention to article details and times these same questions have been responded to before.

    The time doesn't need to have lapsed for the Striped Senche, you can have paid time past March 16th count towards the 300 day requirement, but there will only be the one distribution of it.

    Only thing I don't know is if it will be distributed on the 16th or the 17th, since the deadline is March 16th, but Tamriel Unlimited launches on March 17th, so for now I assume that...
    Edited by Aerius_Sygale on 20 February 2015 19:38
    PS4/PS5, NA | PSN: AeriusSygale | Alliance War Rank 50 (Grand Overlord Grade 2) | CP: 2730+
  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    Checked the other thread. They are giving the mask to anyone who has paid for 9 months. Even if you havent played 9 months. So ya so much for having items to show youve been with the game for a long time. Anyone can get them.
    Edited by jamesharv2005ub17_ESO on 20 February 2015 19:46
  • Aerius_Sygale
    Checked the other thread. They are giving the mask to anyone who has paid for 9 months. Even if you havent played 9 months. So ya so much for having items to show youve been with the game for a long time. Anyone can get them.

    Yeah, it is kind of sad...but I would hate to have missed out on the Striped Senche, as I never dropped sub once...but hadn't started until June 10th. :/
    PS4/PS5, NA | PSN: AeriusSygale | Alliance War Rank 50 (Grand Overlord Grade 2) | CP: 2730+
  • CodexMMO
    Dear Devs, we have asked for DAYS about the EXACT CRITERIA to receive the Loyalty Mask.

    Many of us have made additional gametime payments so we can meet the 10 month Milestone to receive Senche Mount. Also, per the Road Ahead Commentary, we also paid 10 months worth of gametime already with certainty that we will also be receiving the Loyalty Mask.

    When the Loyalty Program was announced, you guys promised us with the following message:

    "You’ll still be able to get the pets and other upcoming rewards once you meet the requirements. Stick with us, and you’ll have quite the collection to show off before long."

    Many of us adhered to your promise by making more than 10 months subscription worth of gametime to be QUALIFIED for the LOYALTY REWARDS, INCLUDING THE MASKS.

    The previous Road Ahead commentary claimed that the Loyalty Program will end once Unlimited launches. So doesn't this mean that as long as we add 9 months worth of subscription PRIOR TO THE UNLIMITED RELAUNCH, we qualify for the MASK as well?

    Many of us who paid additional months of gametime to qualify both rewards, will be THOROUGHLY DEVASTATED once we find out that we only receive the Senche Mount via ingame mail, but not the MASK. Just because we joined a little late from the launch late doesn't necessarily mean we are less loyal. I am about to blame my marriage and 3 weeks worth of honeymoon we took in Europe for me being disqualified to receive this Loyalty Mask.

    Please make it so that those who have already ADDED 9 MONTHS WORTH of SUBSCRIPTION TIME Prior to the UNLIMITED become eligible for the Loyalty Mask!

    Please provide us with CLARIFICATION soon so many of us who have paid additional subscription to receive both items, can decide to do otherwise. As an accountant, I do not find having prepaid additional months worth of gametime, meaningful. I prepaid months worth to receive BOTH items. Not the mount that I don't care about.

    I have 300+ total days paid. But they are mostly future days so I could qualify for the mount. But I thought we would still be eligible to get the loyalty pets and costume too as time went by :( I will be so so sad if we won't be able to get the loyalty items for 3, 6, and 9 months :(:(
  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    CodexMMO wrote: »

    I have 300+ total days paid. But they are mostly future days so I could qualify for the mount. But I thought we would still be eligible to get the loyalty pets and costume too as time went by :( I will be so so sad if we won't be able to get the loyalty items for 3, 6, and 9 months :(:(

    You will get all the rewards.
  • CodexMMO

    You will get all the rewards.

    Wow!! That's awesome!!!!! Woohoo!!!
  • abuniffpreub18_ESO
    Jayne_Doe wrote: »
    I hope, then, that for those Johnny-come-latelys that they won't have access to the Tiger until their 300 days have elapsed. Otherwise, they'll be prowling around on their Tigers the same day as me and it just won't be special. It should be treated like the Loyalty Rewards - they won't get them until the time has elapsed, even though they still qualify for it by plunking down a credit card.

    I'll be prowling around with you. Been here since day one and never left :) .
  • The_Antiquarian
    It's official!

    We have every reason to continue to be subbed for the next 20 years!

    "Ok guys, thanks for your patience. For our last two loyalty reward deployments, before we retire the Loyalty Program, we've made a few eligibility adjustments. These changes are to ensure that those who would have been eligible if the Loyalty Program had continued can still receive and enjoy the rewards before it ends.

    From now until we retire the Loyalty Program, you'll be eligible for loyalty rewards based on the time you've purchased (instead of time that you've already played.) That means you'll receive the Mask of Cheerful Slaughter as long as you’ve purchased nine months of game time, even if you haven't spent nine months subscribed yet. Since we're ending the program, we want to make sure that more folks have the opportunity to get the rewards. This goes for the three- and six-month rewards as well.

    Hope this makes sense and clarifies your questions!"
  • Ysne58
    Please keep in mind that none of these will be available after March 17. After that point these arguments will be pointless. There really is a limited time on this.
  • CodexMMO
    It's official!

    We have every reason to continue to be subbed for the next 20 years!

    "Ok guys, thanks for your patience. For our last two loyalty reward deployments, before we retire the Loyalty Program, we've made a few eligibility adjustments. These changes are to ensure that those who would have been eligible if the Loyalty Program had continued can still receive and enjoy the rewards before it ends.

    From now until we retire the Loyalty Program, you'll be eligible for loyalty rewards based on the time you've purchased (instead of time that you've already played.) That means you'll receive the Mask of Cheerful Slaughter as long as you’ve purchased nine months of game time, even if you haven't spent nine months subscribed yet. Since we're ending the program, we want to make sure that more folks have the opportunity to get the rewards. This goes for the three- and six-month rewards as well.

    Hope this makes sense and clarifies your questions!"

    This made my day!!!!
    Edited by CodexMMO on 20 February 2015 21:47
  • Threemoons
    So...will all of our toons get the Tiger, or just one?
    Playing on PC/NA---UserID=Threemoons--usually on nights, weekends
  • folklore
    Threemoons wrote: »
    So...will all of our toons get the Tiger, or just one?
    Your mount/costumes will be placed into their new "Collection" inventory. Which you can activate the tiger mount as a skin to appear over your other mounts. It is lovely. :D
  • Sting864
    I think the people at ZOS have made the criteria pretty clear. If one has BEEN loyal (not WILL BE loyal for 300 days in 6 months...) for 300 days when they launch "Tamriel unlimited", the mount will be mailed... If you hesitated, you lost... pretty clear.... I'm sure I'll be corrected if I'm wrong, but I don't think paying for future time counts... or should count--
    Edited by Sting864 on 21 February 2015 00:46
  • Ysne58
    Sting864 wrote: »
    I think the people at ZOS have made the criteria pretty clear. If one has BEEN loyal (not WILL BE loyal for 300 days in 6 months...) for 300 days when they launch "Tamriel unlimited", the mount will be mailed... If you hesitated, you lost... pretty clear.... I'm sure I'll be corrected if I'm wrong, but I don't think paying for future time counts... or should count--

    Paying for future time does count. As long as the time is paid for before TU goes live it counts.

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