Numbers from the "REAL" 1.6.2

Ok.. lets start with.. I am not your normal forum player. I want to be able to do what ZoS said when they launched the game. I want to play the way I want. I dont mini max but play the much hated "utility" player. Always have and always will in any MMO. I have a DK, so yeah, people expect me to tank, but I envisioned a healer. If my group needs a tank, I put on 5 Whitestrakes heavy armor/2 Night Mothers med and sword and board. If my group needs a healer, I have 5 Magnus light/2 Night Mothers med with TWO heal sticks. Both builds fully traited out. I am also the underdog Werewolf. For most players, I hope that they might find this information useful.

I am a VR14 on live, not fully maxed yet, but working on it. The current NA copy gave me 66 Cha points and finally the full boat of attributes. I spent 22/22/22 Champoin Points. I also spent my attribues as 24 Magica, 24 Health, 12 Stamina.

Below are the results of my putting on my light armor setup and checking the stats on four skills. Then I swapped to heavy armor.

When I got up this morning, I decided to see what happened with changing my attributes. So, I reset to 62 M/ 0 Health / 0 Sta with light armor (Build4). Next, a reset to 0M/0H/62 Sta and heavy armor (Build5):

No Attributes or CP: 1672 dmg / 2560 Sta to use
Attributes Only: 1792 dmg (+120 base) / 2560 Sta to use
Attributes AND CP spent: 1844 (+172 base) / 2504 Sta (-56)
Attributes AND CP spent (Heavy): 1844 (+172 base) / 2504 Sta (-56) (-56)
Attributes AND CP spent (Build4): 1717 (+45 base) / 2504 Sta (-56)
Attributes AND CP spent (Build5): 2279 (+607 base) / 2504 Sta (-56)

Unstable Wall of the Elements:
No Attributes or CP: 158 dmg per tick / 2333 Mag to use
Attributes Only: 175 dmg per tick (+17 base) / 2333 Mag to use
Attributes AND CP spent: 180 dmg per tick (+22 base) / 2284 Maj (-49)
Attributes AND CP spent (Heavy): 164 dmg per tick (+8 base) / 2629 Maj (+296 expense)
Attributes AND CP spent (Build4): 211 dmg per tick (+53 base) / 2284 Maj (-49)
Attributes AND CP spent (Build5): 144 dmg per tick (-14 base) / 2629 Maj (+296)

Healing Springs:
No Attributes or CP: 693 Heal / 2541 mag to use
Attributes Only: 775 Heal (+82 base) / 2541 Mag to use
Attributes AND CP spent: 797 Heal (+104 base) / 2488 Mag (-53)
Attributes AND CP spent (Heavy): 728 Heal (+35 base) / 2864 Mag (+343 expense)
Attributes AND CP spent (Build4): 925 Heal (+228 base) / 2488 Mag (-53)
Attributes AND CP spent (Build5): 641 Heal (-52 base) / 2864 Mag (+323)

Feral Pounce:
No Attributes or CP: 2061 dmg / 3047 Sta to use
Attributes Only: 2209 dmg (+148 base) / 3047 Sta to use
Attributes AND CP spent: 2273 (+212 base) / 2981 Sta (-66)
Attributes AND CP spent (Heavy): 2273 (+212 base) / 2981 Sta (-66)
Attributes AND CP spent (Build4): 2116 (+55 base) / 2981 Sta (-66)
Attributes AND CP spent (Build5): 2810 (+710 base) / 2981 Sta (-66)

I am pretty much surprised at how little attributes altered skills. The CP seem to be tweaks but not really as much change as one might expect from a "Champion".

Full stamina builds had large damage increases with heavy armor, while full Magica bullds with light armor barely tickled the size of increase. As expected tho, full magica did affect the size of a heal, just.. not as substantially as the damage increased. However the stamina/heavy builds had a huge increase in the cost of magica, vs the expense of changing to magica/light not moving the bar on cost of stamina.
Edited by Darlgon on 13 February 2015 14:37
Power level to CP160 in a week:
Where is the end game? You just played it.
Why don't I have 300+ skill points? Because you skipped content along the way.
Where is new content? Sigh.
  • Darlgon
    In the "in case you ever wondered but didnt ask" category:

    No stats vs max Magica vs Max Stamina vs my 24/24/14

    Magica 10200 base
    Max Magica light armor 17483 (+7283)

    Light base 11643
    Heavy base 12753

    Stamina 10644 base
    Max Sta heavy armor 17920 (+6266)

    Light Max magic 13029
    Light Max Health 14820
    Light Max Sta 12287

    Heavy Max magic 12477
    Heavy Max Health 16097
    Heavy Max Sta 12287

    (I prob have more max magic runes on my light armor than max sta runes on my heavy, as DKs still use more magic skills than stamina, plus health runes.)


    Spell dmg
    Light armor 1210
    Heavy 1048

    Spell Crit
    Light armor 27.9
    Heavy 17.6

    Spell resist
    Light armor 12170
    Heavy 20634

    Mag recovery
    Light armor 770
    Heavy 525

    Health Recovery
    Light armor 329
    Heavy 537

    Sta Recovery
    Light armor 642
    Heavy 642

    Weapon Dmg
    Light armor 1100
    Heavy 1100

    Weapon Crits
    Light armor 20.8
    Heavy 20.8

    Light armor 7849
    Heavy 16146

    At least for my build, this is what the new stuff looks like.
    Edited by Darlgon on 13 February 2015 15:18
    Power level to CP160 in a week:
    Where is the end game? You just played it.
    Why don't I have 300+ skill points? Because you skipped content along the way.
    Where is new content? Sigh.
  • Dimillian
    So wait, I don't understand, how Wall of element could do bigger damage with Heavy + full stamina than with light + full magicka? This is 100% broken, right?
  • Darlgon
    Dimillian wrote: »
    So wait, I don't understand, how Wall of element could do bigger damage with Heavy + full stamina than with light + full magicka? This is 100% broken, right?

    Build 4 is full magic/light. Build5 is full stamina/heavy. Unstable Wall was interesting because full stamina and heavy put the damage under NO attributes/light while the cost skyrocketed with heavy armor.
    Power level to CP160 in a week:
    Where is the end game? You just played it.
    Why don't I have 300+ skill points? Because you skipped content along the way.
    Where is new content? Sigh.
  • danno8
    Darlgon wrote: »
    Dimillian wrote: »
    So wait, I don't understand, how Wall of element could do bigger damage with Heavy + full stamina than with light + full magicka? This is 100% broken, right?

    Build 4 is full magic/light. Build5 is full stamina/heavy. Unstable Wall was interesting because full stamina and heavy put the damage under NO attributes/light while the cost skyrocketed with heavy armor.

    The "lower than base with HA" is strange. AFAIK there are no penalties stated for equipping HA. I think it mat be due to the rounding of several abilities given how small the difference is. :\

    Obviously some abilities (Feral Pounce and Invasion) scale very well with Stamina, while the Magicka skills you listed did ok scaling (Healing Springs) or terrible scaling (Unstable Wall) with increasing magicka.

    eidt: actually the scaling on Unstable is pretty good since it hits many times.
    Edited by danno8 on 13 February 2015 16:36
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