keep fights are always the same! Shooting with ballistas, running inside, shooting again, running inside, capture the flag. The defenders always wait on the top of the wall. When the outer wall is under ca. 15% they go inside. When the inner wall is under ca. 15% they place the oil.
Jumping in a keep as werewolf or as DK seems to be not intended and using the ambush exploit is not intendes as well. I know this, but i am sad about this. Why? Because this are things that make keep fights more interesting. Okay I am a DK, but i know many other guys that don't play DK (sorc for example) that like those ways to get inside.
My suggestion is
a) The Nightlade should have a skill to get inside (intended)
b) A Skilline in PvP ("Assassination") could be there for making keep fights more interesting. Using ladders, using ropes to help your group following you, a ult that helps you climb on a wall (could be a cast of 10-20 seconds and be interuptable, so you have to this from behind when noone is watching).
For preventing that a zerg will climb there you could cap the numberof enemies that can be inside before the walls are down to 4/6/8.
This are my thoughts, maybe you know some ieas to make it better/more realistic?
Or do you think it is completely bad?