Official Discussion for "Cinematic Trailer: Three Fates"

This is the official discussion thread for the web article "Cinematic Trailer: Three Fates."

Don't miss all four episodes of our dramatic cinematic trailer, including the final chapter!
Jason Leavey
Community Coordinator - The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited
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Staff Post
  • Equinox
    Oh Mannimarco and your luscious flowing locks of silver...
    ********************~For the Queen!~********************
  • Surragard
    Seriously toned down as compared to the past episodes but I'm glad we got to see a conclusion of sorts.
    I don't always drink Skooma, but when I do I go to the Southwall Corner Club. May you walk on warm sands my friends.
  • Gyudan
    It's not bad but I would have prefered to see more money put towards content development rather than this glorified advertisement for Tamriel Unlimited.
  • Brother_Numsie
    That Breton looks like he needs a hug.
  • Traisa
    What was the significance of the blue cloth that the Breton held on to?
  • Brother_Numsie
    Daggerfall's colors, they all where wearing their respective factions colors.

    Though I'm guessing the mysterious lady in blue may have given it to him as a favor.
  • Traisa
    It seemed like there might have been more to it, being that the Nord kicked it away from him when he reached for it, but when the Altmer showed up, she gave it to him. Maybe I'm reading too much into it.
  • nimander99
    Im thinking we may get their stories when Imperial city comes out, would be cool anyways. Great video, love the cgi, id like to see more like this but not at the sacrifice of content.

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    ∽∽∽ 2 years of Elder Scrolls Online ∼∼∼
    "Give us money" = Box sales & monthly sub fees,
    "moar!" = £10 palomino horse,
    "MOAR!" = Switch to B2P, launch cash shop,
    "MOAR!!" = Charge for DLC that subs had already paid for,
    "MOAR!!!" = Experience scrolls and riding lessons,
    "MOARR!!!" = Vampire/werewolf bites,
    "MOAARRR!!!" = CS exclusive motifs,
    "MOOAARRR!!!" = Crown crates,
    "MOOOAAARRR!!!" = 'Chapter's' bought separately from ESO+,
    "MOOOOAAAARRRR!!!!" = ???

    Male, Dunmer, VR16, Templar, Aldmeri Dominion, Master Crafter & all Traits, CP450
  • Traisa
    Though I'm guessing the mysterious lady in blue may have given it to him as a favor.
    The lady in blue wasn't really the Altmer though, because if you see in the video, when she gets closer to the Breton, the attire that she's wearing isn't a blue dress, it's her armor. Maybe he was having a vision of someone close to him, and he thought it was her.
    Edited by Traisa on 22 January 2015 19:56
  • Lord_Draevan
    So the Nord gets sent to the Soul Cairn? Poor sod :(

    Wonder where the Altmer went, or what happened to the Pact army attacking the Imperial City. Maybe they lagged out, in keeping with ESO tradition!
    Edited by Lord_Draevan on 22 January 2015 19:56
    I'm a man of few words. Any questions?
    NA/PC server
  • Brother_Numsie
    Traisa wrote: »
    Though I'm guessing the mysterious lady in blue may have given it to him as a favor.
    The lady in blue wasn't really the Altmer though, because if you see in the video, when she gets closer to the Breton, the attire that she's wearing isn't a blue dress, it's her armor. Maybe he was having a vision of someone close to him, and he thought it was her.

    Yes, sorry I may have explained it wrong, he was probably hallucinating a loved one he received the ribbon from. Lost love, last regrets and all. Or maybe she had died before and he was seeing a vision of her coming to "bring him home' sort of thing.

    Scene just screams "tragic love story".
  • Traisa
    Yeah, that's what I think.
  • Belphe
    Soul Shriven
    "No subscription required - 17.03.2015"... Is ESO going F2P?!
  • vechislov
    Soul Shriven
    I wonder what happened to the Altmer after she threw a helmet?
  • Brother_Numsie
    B2P, you need to purchase the game first. You then have the option of either buying new DLC's in the cash shop or subbing and playing them for free for as long as you are still subscribed.
  • Lord_Draevan
    Belphe wrote: »
    "No subscription required - 17.03.2015"... Is ESO going F2P?!

    Buy to Play. You still have to buy a copy of the game for 60$, but there won't be a subscription fee anymore. Instead you can choose to upgrade to a premium membership.
    I'm a man of few words. Any questions?
    NA/PC server
  • Brother_Numsie
    vechislov wrote: »
    I wonder what happened to the Altmer after she threw a helmet?

    Probably went back to the Summerset Isles, or onward into Cyrodiil. Either way, I hope we get to meet her in game.
    Or really all three of them (in some way) in game.
    Edited by Brother_Numsie on 22 January 2015 20:33
  • vechislov
    Soul Shriven
    vechislov wrote: »
    I wonder what happened to the Altmer after she threw a helmet?

    Or really all three of them (in some way) in game.

    That would be great!
  • Lord_Draevan

    Probably went back to the Summerset Isles, or onward into Cyrodiil. Either way, I hope we get to meet her in game.
    Or really all three of them (in some way) in game.

    Nah, on the way back she was ganked by an EP or DC spamming impulse or snipe.
    It was a very anti-climactic end.
    Edited by Lord_Draevan on 22 January 2015 21:04
    I'm a man of few words. Any questions?
    NA/PC server
  • Rev Rielle
    Rev Rielle
    Daggerfall's colors, they all where wearing their respective factions colors.

    Though I'm guessing the mysterious lady in blue may have given it to him as a favor.

    When the end has come your loved ones are often in your thoughts.
    If you can be anything, be kind.
  • ShadoPanauin
    Now I know where our sub fees went!
    R.I.P. Million Reasons to Bomb, he triggered ZOS

    Million Reasons to Rename - AD Magicka Nightblade
    Lúcio C - AD Stamina Sorcerer
    slaughterfishlivesmatter - AD Stamina Nightblade
    Million Reasons to Rake - DC Stamina Sorcerer
    Shadopandauin - EP Magicka DK
    Million Reasons to Lag - EP Magicka Sorcerer
  • charlmgn
    These cinematics are amazing, best of any game I've ever played. And unlike those quick to criticize anything created in an area of the game they don't particularly care about, I'm glad ZOS has fleshed out this portion of the story. We were initially turned on to the game with these three heroes, so I think it shows there was more thought behind them than the fact that they'd made pretty models at the start.

    The game is made by different teams, each of which works on different parts to make the whole an amazing product. Kudos to the team that made these cinematics; they deserve it. And stop worrying about the new content and other things you're complaining about. The other teams are making those, and this isn't the place for that. And if you don't like how you think ZOS prioritizes spending of your sub fees, stop paying them.
  • Axie
    It looks really good, really good. But for next series of ads, take CCP's approach and show WHY players who PLAY the game love it.

    From awesomely rendered CGI of space battles they went deep in and asked players to give their own footage, complete with voice chat and made best trailer for the game so far... Best as in best ad.

    It is called This is Eve.

  • Seravi
    Mannimarco rocks! I so want his armor, the set in the trailer not in game. :) Feel bad for the Nord. Poor guy went through all of that just to end up soul shriven. :( Sad about the Breton as well. Kind of shocked the Green Lady didn't heal him as she seem to have a few seconds of "caring" when she looked into his eyes. Man they can't end the series this way! We must go save the Nord! Prophet send me to Coldharbour!! :)
  • neolewis85
    charlmgn wrote: »
    These cinematics are amazing, best of any game I've ever played. And unlike those quick to criticize anything created in an area of the game they don't particularly care about, I'm glad ZOS has fleshed out this portion of the story. We were initially turned on to the game with these three heroes, so I think it shows there was more thought behind them than the fact that they'd made pretty models at the start.

    The game is made by different teams, each of which works on different parts to make the whole an amazing product. Kudos to the team that made these cinematics; they deserve it. And stop worrying about the new content and other things you're complaining about. The other teams are making those, and this isn't the place for that. And if you don't like how you think ZOS prioritizes spending of your sub fees, stop paying them.

    Agree, glad someone said it.
    Who are you to question why your god does not want me to believe in him?
  • Sordidfairytale
    The woman in the vision is Meridia.

    As seen in Daggerfall
    Edited by Sordidfairytale on 23 January 2015 07:56
    The Vegemite Knight

    "if the skeleton kills you, your dps is too low." ~STEVIL

    The Elder World of WarScrollCraft Online ~joaaocaampos
  • Soulharvester
    This is the official discussion thread for the web article "Cinematic Trailer: Three Fates."

    Don't miss all four episodes of our dramatic cinematic trailer, including the final chapter!

    See sorcerors are doin just fine! :)

    Great video, I could be mistaken but it appeared she decided to heal him, as for the blue dress, maybe thats the way he was remembering her, I mean this sorceror went nuclear and took down a wall, pretty sure she could of cooked that nb anytime she wanted.

    I think at some time in the past, they were together in daggerfall and she fled because of the coming war or some other responsibility etc. Leaving one realm for another might be interesting! Maybe its something we will be able to do?

    I doubt we see the last of hircine's minions, and I cant wait to see what they cook up for the vampires!

    Now I wonder if I caught a glimpse of Nafaalilargus. Looked like dragon priests to me at the top of the tower and then again when the sorceror decided to go nuclear, but could only see the backs, primarily the clear white tails , maybe its how they are able to contain that particular dragons blood lust for all things with a beating heart!

    As for the all dragons are gone well the guy is a necromancer, he brings all sorts of things from other places, maybe he found a way to manipulate time, which could explain it, or not...

    Looks good though, keep up the good work, I bet a full length movie with the lore and such would be a nice thing to see.

    Any chance TESO will see Ocular VR in the future? You know what I am thinking, O-VR with dragon flight or some kind of flight, combat, etc. Oh yeah Im going jobe in that game lol.

  • daswahnsinn
    After watching this I felt the the Imperial City will be a real thing one day soon. Which gave me some ideas about the PVP stuff.

    Also, I'm glad you all didn't show any noticeable favoritism towards any faction, race, or class.
    | | daswahnsinn | Vet 16 Nord Dragon Knight | Bow/Dual Wield/Two-Handed Sword| DPS | | Warrior of the EbonHeart Pact | |
  • TheForFeeF
    Give us a movie already!!!... Although, this will do for now >.<

    Seriously, the CGI in this is better then the majority of films out there to date.

    I seriously hope this isn't the last one as I desperately hope to see more with future releases (such as each big DLC announcements and/or when ESO:TU actually hits for either PC or Console).
  • nolankotulan
    Hope it isn't the last one too.

    And question: could we get access to a full HD (or even higher resolution) version of all the videos?

    720p on YouTube looks like crap!
    Edited by nolankotulan on 23 January 2015 12:08
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