Maintenance for the week of February 17:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – February 17
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – February 19, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – February 19, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – February 19, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)
• ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – February 19, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)

Crown Store Item Wish List

  • nightwalkerrobin_ESO
    Gyudan wrote: »
    *puts on the P2W police cap*

    How about a skill that allows any of my characters to go out and tame a combat pet of our choice (within reason, no Daedroth or Dragons. But I would not mind a Wamasu). I want a spider on my Dunmer, a snake on my Argonian, a Cat (tiger, panther) on my one Vampire Khajitt and a wolf on my WW Khajitt.

    Well the tell them to get me the skill for my non-sorc tunes some other way. Actually hoping it will come with the Spell Crafting.
  • arnaldomoraleseb17_ESO
    Armored mounts! and less troll costumes like wedding dress.
    Edited by arnaldomoraleseb17_ESO on 26 January 2015 10:33
    Debon Templar VR14 Thorn Blade (EU)
    Gaunnes DK VR14 Haderus (EU)
  • Markuseb17_ESO15
    yes, reusable chests or containers please to expand inventoy space.
  • ItsGlaive
    • More outfits
    • If we can't get a proper vanity slot system, then "outfits" for weapons too (restricted by weapon type ofc)
    • A wolf pet (a proper wolf that is)
    • Housing items for the eventual housing system (come on, you know you want to give us a housing system this year ;) )
    Allow cross-platform transfers and merges
  • Sav72
    Purchasing Inventory and bank slots will be awesome.....if you can use Crowns for them. Tired of having characters to be mules.
    Savoifair, EP NB

    If you break something, you can glue it back together and fix it, but, it will always be broken...

  • Beerbill
    Services like character race change, faction or transfer between accounts (of same ownership)
  • Roguish98
    Costumes that mimic the outfits worn by the iconic characters from the cinematic trailers would be amazing!
  • MornaBaine
    Grao wrote: »
    Why not be truly groundbreaking and introduce crowd-funding to your shop.

    You tell us how much it is to develop, we pay for it.

    -Player housing
    -A regional market interface that searches across all traders in one region (not faction) via a guild merchant broker.
    - Optional name-plates
    etc etc
    wants that are on the forums that require extra resource.

    Player Housing would interesting and would likely bring many players from Pay to play towards a long term subscription.

    I am hoping player housing itself will be DLC. However, ANYONE who is grouped with you, subscription player or not, needs to be able to enter your house if they are grouped with you.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • ArkticSparc
    Firstly, before I give ideas, NO WEAPONS OR ARMOUR.

    Now, I would love to see changeable hair styles and body decorations, like a barber. Also, when player housing comes, possibly extra styles other than 'bosmer' or 'nordic'.

    Cosmetic items I'd love to see would have to be mainly pets, possibly mounts that resemble non-lore breaking creatures like those giant stag things (rofl bosmer is bosmer), or bears. Clothing wise, it would be cool to buy additional wares that have not been introduced that should have. For example, the Bosmer armour from the first trailer, we never got that ingame, but it looks awesome.
  • Bleakraven
    More fun RP items:
    • A Guild Banner you can plant down for everyone to see.
    • Skulls and skeletons!
    • A feast!
    Also usable in the upcoming Housing update ofc :P
  • Jasli
    I'd like the ability to resculp my toons face/body, as well as a name change. I think there are people out there that might have rushed their toon creation at launch, as I did, and would like a do-over. This would not be lore breaking, also not asking for any race changes etc.

  • Lord_Draevan
    skooma junkie pets!

    Made me think of:
    I'm a man of few words. Any questions?
    NA/PC server
  • Jennifur_Vultee
    This is great! A shop where I can buy things that should have been purchasable in game for gold! Can I get the Radroach mount now? I shall name him Zippy!

    Edited by Jennifur_Vultee on 26 January 2015 17:47
    "Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters." – Albert Einstein

    Treat a customer fairly and they will remember you. Treat a customer poorly and they never forget.

    Imperial City: Zerg, gank or die.
  • The_Man_From_Stygia
    This is great! A shop where I can buy things that should have been purchasable in game for gold! Can I get the Radroach mount now? I shall name him Zippy!


    Yes, but if someone turns a light on your mount will scurry away taking you with it
    "Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life." - Terry Pratchett
  • The_Man_From_Stygia
    I'd like a Wamasu mount, even if he cannot attack it would still be funny to see his wamasu legs going full tilt as I "gallop" across the country side.
    "Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life." - Terry Pratchett
  • eyeseezombiesub17_ESO
    Don't break the lore of the series!!
    -Don't sell pets, costumes, mounts and other various items that conflict with the lore.
    -No surf boards, tuxedos, astronaut suits, pandas or pterodactyls.

    Don't betray the players who have paid to play, both old and new!!
    -No one should be able to buy their way through the game!!
    -No one should be able to play the game for a month and have everything a six- month-player has!!
    -The benefits of subscription should be incintive to have the subscription and not the reasons others merely spend a few dollars here and there for equal results.

    Don't sell items that provide an advantage over other players in either PVE or PVP!!
    -No gear [armor, weapons or jewelry] that improves a character's stats or abilities in battle over gear found or crafted in game, this includes items needed to craft said gears!!
    -No mounts that provide an advantage over any mount purchased in-game.
    -No pets that provide any boosts to stats or character abilities.

    Don't break the in-game economy!!!
    -Don't make items in the 'Crown Store' tradable between players.
    -Don't sell gold in the 'Crown Store'.

    Don't take items already in the game away to be sold in the 'Crown Store'!!
    -Don't make Grand Soul Gems, crafting materials, recipes and other items necessary for the quality of gaming only available by buying them in the 'Crown Store'.

    On a constructive note, player housing or guild housing is something I think people have really been wanting. Decorations, furniture and overall appearance for the housing could be availbale in the 'Crown Store'. Allowing players to change their character's name/appearance should be brought into the game finally. I would like to see cloaks/capes become available as I like to see my armor and would like some items that spice up the appearance. A seperate slot should be introduced so that one can wear both a costume and a tabard so they can represent their guild if they choose too. Class/Vamp/WW/Race specific pets and mounts would add some variety as would emote packages of the same nature. Pet Bats for Vamps NAU!

    TL;DR = Please do not make this game into a spend more to win more MMO and drag down The Elder Scrolls title with it!!!
  • SilentFox22
    Wolf Mounts!
    Wolf Pets!

    Werewolf costume!
    Wolf Poly-morphs!

    Real wolf skins, not that shaggy-dog wolf hound skin.


    P.s. And also some skooma. :p
    Edited by SilentFox22 on 26 January 2015 18:41
  • therasia2_ESO
    I would really love to see:
    1. Extra crafting/ items storage/pouches.
    2. A summon-able NPC Banker, so you can get those items out and into the bank when you are out in the wilderness:)
    3. New hairstyles and hair dyes.
  • Rev Rielle
    Rev Rielle
    It would be nice I think if a bit more effort could be made to make various items actually more lore/ESO specific, if only in name. For example, most all of the horse names are completely stale and benign from what I saw in the last ESO Live show, especially when you have wonderful lore behind some like the Redguard 'Yokudan Chargers'. Instead of calling a horse a spotted brown horse, why not call it a Windhelm Warsteed or Daggerfall Plainstrider, Orsinium Clan Bear, etc.

    Making as many items in the Crown Store feel like they belong specifically to the ESO world will make all the difference I believe, both in terms of integrating the store into the game, making the items feel like they belong to the game (not just any game), as well as it being accepted.

    Edited by Rev Rielle on 26 January 2015 19:39
    If you can be anything, be kind.
  • Flame_of_Udûn
    Armoured; bear, scorpion, lizard - cool beast mounts
  • Flame_of_Udûn
    And guns...
  • Erwen
    well, i dont agree with any consumable, or anything that boost experience, craft research timers, Alliance points... this is TOTALY a pay to win stuff
    Proud to be Havoc.
  • theimp
    AS A REDGUARD I WANT A CAMEL!! PLEASE ADD CAMELS AS MOUNTS also when u become emp in pvp the you should get a MAMMOTH as a mount until your rein ends. thank you!
  • theimp
    Has any1 added Horse armor or mount costumes to the list ..................................o yea and camels.add camels thanks again
  • AureateRN
    If we wanted a F2P, P2W game or just another WoW clone or worse we'd be playing one.

    So, by bringing to market a less than ideal product ZOS, rather than fixing the many flaws, has seen instead a way to generate profits (it hopes) at the expense of players. How very noble.

    ZOS has created demand for items that should have been built into the game in the first place or at the very least added as free patches/updates. Instead it is content for which we will now be forced to pay. It is lore friendly only in that it is draconian, and my prediction is that the "real" issues will still go unaddressed. "Let them choke on fluff." Very revolutionary.

    The ethics of this decision are questionable at best. The aesthetics are going to be an absolute nightmare. People who started off playing Oblivion are not bubblegum chewing tweeners and fanbois who want purple and orange flying dragon mounts and even more unrealistic and incredibly annoying flying pets! We don't want the game dumbed down even more than it has been. It's supposed to be for mature players, if you recall, and it's that subscription base that keeps these kinds of games afloat. We are adults who wish to continue playing a lore-rich game that continues a series we have loved for years. We don't play for a few months tops then zip to the next new thing to come along.

    ZOS is cheapening our entire gaming experience, ironically, by making it more expensive and by appealing to the lowest level of player in IQ and EQ. Of course it's easily affordable for those of us who have disposable income, but that's not the point. Some of us still care about principle...yes, that long out of fashion ideal, and most of us will likely stay despite the insult and increased annoyance...up to a point, but once we're gone, your base is gone and ESO is already old news as games go to the ADD crowd. I'm not sure this was the smartest decision ever made.

    My wish? I would hope that at the very least the items are lore friendly and do not completely destroy the game for "purist" players who desire to maintain their immersion. I would possibly pay for vanity items that are not distracting and which should have been built into the game from day one, such as working character creation/modification, separate unlimited storage for crafting mats (this is common sense) or simply more storage if that's too much work for your developers. A permanent means to store other items like used armor sets and a means to personalize the game (housing) would retain far more paying players. I personally know of several people who have quit the game over these issues. I assume housing will come at some point, if the game survives, as a retail item and it will be wildly popular.

    Now that the game is going "free to play" (cough) in many zones, and we have ALL been dragged into console over-simplicity hell, the trolls and children are going to make some zones absolutely intolerable for longtime, mature players. This exposes the whole megaserver idea as more than ...unfortunate.

    A true adults only subscriptions only server would be very attractive and something for which I would be willing to pay a substantially higher monthly fee. Given recent zone and guild chat, I am with a comfortable majority of players (if not forum posters) on that issue.

    "...people don't want to hear the truth because they don't want their illusions destroyed."
    ~Friedrich Nietzsche~

  • itsBishop
    I would play $100+ to permanently get rid of loading screen issues when entering/exiting raid instances. Or hell, I'll pay $200 for you to implement a damn instance RESET button so we don't have to drop group and reform, wait for load screens and relogs, brbs, and bios and end up spending twice as long waiting for the group to reform than we do running the damn trial. But maybe that's just me..

    World Record SO - 27m 38s
    NA First SO Speedrun Achievement
  • Iluvrien
    Never want:

    - Equipment (Armour/Weapons) or potions/food that is in ANY way comparable to what crafters can create for that level (50% efficacy or less)).
    - Mounts that have any kind of ability advantage.
    - XP/Inspiration boosters or Crafting research time decreases.
    - Race/Class changes. Never ever EVER.
    - Bank or Inventory space.

    - Faction change for those who have all of their friends in another faction but there should be the drawbacks that I outlined in this thread.
    “[Or] at V14 only, after all quests had been completed, all skyshards found, all lorebooks located... at which point it would be a possibility as a betrayal style quest. After which any npc/mob/character of note in your old faction would instantly aggro (even common townsfolk) and rush you out of any settlement where they could gather enough people.

    Do Want:
    - Name change (for RP reasons with a hefty cooldown).
    - Cosmetic items such as costumes, pets, mount skins as long as they are in keeping with the game setting and lore.
    - DLC

    Things that should be available for in-game gold NOT in the crown shop:
    - Face/Body resculptor (that no-zoom bug was a killer).

    EDIT: Added quote text for clarity.
    Edited by Iluvrien on 27 January 2015 07:29
  • Coni
    Please do not add ANY XP boost either bought or given with subs - the LAST thing this game needs is faster levelling. And please, if you insist on increasing XP give us the means to switch it off if we want to (like the stone in LoTRO or the switch in EQ2 and VG).
  • AngryNord
    -Imperial, Daedric, Barbarian and Ancient Elf motif - would stop them being traded for silly prices in-game.

    -Custom Akaviri motif

    -Horse armour

  • UrODelA
    costumes...Maid Outfits, tailored for...Argonians !


    Edited by UrODelA on 27 January 2015 13:24
    ~ schwanzlurch est UrODelA is the SalamandeR ist der ~
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