Crafted off hand items for 2h weapons

One of my favorite things to do in the game is craft up a new set of gear for my characters. One thing that bugs me is that when I use a 2 hander, staff, or bow I am missing out on that next tier of set bonus, as well as an enchant.
My hope is that when jewelry crafting comes out that we will be able to craft quivers for bow, scabbard for two handers, and some type of charm for staff.
  • NotSo
    Having an extra piece of jewelry might be too much but I would not mind if the two-handers counted as 2 pieces towards your set.
    Gar'Sol the Wanderer VR14 Khajiit Sorcerer Spellblade
  • AlexDougherty
    I think the lack of the extra enchant is intended as a drawback to using a twohanded weapon(including bows and staffs).

    But I doubt the lack of the extra set bonus is, but I also doubt they will reconsider.

    Mind you Twohanded weapons have been nerfed that often that they are barely more powerful than single handed weapons, unless you invest in the passives (but 1hand&shield and dual-weild also have passives, so still unbalanced). So they really do need to give twohanded weapons a review, either a buff or they count as two items, either would be fine(both would be marvelous).
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    Willfully turning aside from the truth is treason to one's self
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  • Sparky617
    Yeah. I was a little surprised when a stealthed heavy attack with s&b hit significantly harder the a stealthed heavy attack wile dual wielding the exact same sword...
    Back on topic... I'd be happy enough if we could only have the off hand contribute to set bonuses, but adding an enchant wouldn't make a two handed player more powerful by THAT much...
  • Wargaard
    I remember other games addressing this by using things such as sword tassles etc. Could be an interesting option to explore. But I agree that I think the drawback/advantages for 2H vs S&B/DW are intended.
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