heystreethawk wrote: »I think the idea behind that post is that the person you quoted regards you as someone who battles and defeats emperors handily and repeatedly, ergo you are "farming" them in a clever twist of the verbage
nikolaj.lemcheb16_ESO wrote: »A thanks for AD and EP from a DC player. You have managed to shake up our PvE'ers and kindled an interest in PvP with your actions that have been great for the community!
Chilrend has been so fun lately.
Been having crazy fights vs Kamikazii and co. for over three months now, where have you been?
Was there as AD all of nov/dec, been there as EP since the first of the year.
I remember when Chillrend was designated as the "competitive server" to replace dawnbreaker before DC decided they wanted a buff server. Been there since forever really.
If people come to play here, DONT IMBALANCE AND LAG IT OUT. Seriously.
heystreethawk wrote: »I think the idea behind that post is that the person you quoted regards you as someone who battles and defeats emperors handily and repeatedly, ergo you are "farming" them in a clever twist of the verbage
Yes i understood it... just trying to be humble about it.... and keep a target off my back. I have lost to many emps too
heystreethawk wrote: »I think the idea behind that post is that the person you quoted regards you as someone who battles and defeats emperors handily and repeatedly, ergo you are "farming" them in a clever twist of the verbage
Yes i understood it... just trying to be humble about it.... and keep a target off my back. I have lost to many emps too
Why you so humble Gal!? Why? Love ya buddy, keep up the good fight.
EVANWSEATHub17_ESO wrote: »I'm homed on Chillrend for AD and I need people to run with.
Been having crazy fights vs Kamikazii and co. for over three months now, where have you been?
Was there as AD all of nov/dec, been there as EP since the first of the year.
I remember when Chillrend was designated as the "competitive server" to replace dawnbreaker before DC decided they wanted a buff server. Been there since forever really.
If people come to play here, DONT IMBALANCE AND LAG IT OUT. Seriously.
M'iaq agrees with his friend. The topic for Haderus no doubt had some real effect, but whatever is going on in Chillrend was happening before your post about it. No doubt you've seen the various posts detailing the crusade against buff servers? M'iaq can assure you, this one and his companions have started a revolution. Come enjoy the fruits of our labor! M'iaq will be waiting in the shadows.
On a related note, M'iaq enjoys fruits. Guava is particularly delicious this season, yes? M'iaq's friends will understand this.
mjspnrb18_ESO wrote: »Been having crazy fights vs Kamikazii and co. for over three months now, where have you been?
Was there as AD all of nov/dec, been there as EP since the first of the year.
I remember when Chillrend was designated as the "competitive server" to replace dawnbreaker before DC decided they wanted a buff server. Been there since forever really.
If people come to play here, DONT IMBALANCE AND LAG IT OUT. Seriously.
M'iaq agrees with his friend. The topic for Haderus no doubt had some real effect, but whatever is going on in Chillrend was happening before your post about it. No doubt you've seen the various posts detailing the crusade against buff servers? M'iaq can assure you, this one and his companions have started a revolution. Come enjoy the fruits of our labor! M'iaq will be waiting in the shadows.
On a related note, M'iaq enjoys fruits. Guava is particularly delicious this season, yes? M'iaq's friends will understand this.
We creep out from the darkness of shadow and strike deep into those who would hold onto these "buffs", for those who die for buffs do not die for honour or glory and are not true warriors of Tamriel.
Guava is absolutely delightful!
mjspnrb18_ESO wrote: »...
We creep out from the darkness of shadow and strike deep into those who would hold onto these "buffs", for those who die for buffs do not die for honour or glory and are not true warriors of Tamriel.
Perhaps the true warriors of Tamriel have degraded into these honorless, buff defending hordes...
I had some amazing battles against one certain DC. We met each other on the field and had it out for at least five minutes. Eventually we both stopped and bowed, then started talking, it was nice to fight someone and not have them whisper insults and garbage at me like the DC and EP do on Thornblade!
Your liberation movement has devolved into failed AP farming.Shout out to all AD & EP Guilds, its about time to drive these DC off of their "buff server". There are points to be had and epic battles to be won!
riverdragon72 wrote: »the "buff server" crusades nothing but a weak disguise of emp farming. smash, grab emp and leave.
mjspnrb18_ESO wrote: »Y'all need Zazeer
mjspnrb18_ESO wrote: »Y'all need Zazeer
mjspnrb18_ESO wrote: »Y'all need Zazeer
Anyways, when I get ESO back I think I'll start PvPing on Chillrend, for all the good it'll do... I need to be away from the AD on Haderus, and the general insanity that happens there nowadays. It's been to long since I stuck my swerd through a blues' heart. Then licked the blood off. It still tastes like blueberries right? With a hint of vodka?
SuraklinPrime wrote: »SuraklinPrime wrote: »We could play, we had a fairly good campaign going with regular combat, winning some, losing some but the overall theme being that combat was generally quite open and enjoyable for those concerned with a degree of friendly animosity between players of different factions.
When the campaign cap was reduced the campaign livened up with a few groups moving home and although blue still dominated the actual evenings were well balanced with inner keeps changing hands and a good mix of play unless someone decided to enlist visitors for a mass emp push.
Since your self-aggrandising call we are home to a less interesting type of player who seem not to play the game but to exploit is short comings - if that is what you define as playing then you are missing out on real fun.
The sad thing is you have to resort to name calling to cover your own issues, initially I was a bit cross now I just feel a bit sorry for you.
Aggrandising? Thats laughable! Regardless, be cross or feel sorry for me, what you feel doesn't matter, this isn't your therapists office.
What I want is a decent PVP campaign, with a good population and no BS. Period.
That's what we want too!!
You are like the person shouting fire in a crowded theatre and then denying responsibility for those that get injured in the rush to escape.
Whatever your intentions the result is a laggy campaign, your snotty response to having this pointed out just makes it seem like your intentions were not good to begin with.
Automatically assuming others cannot play when you don't even know who they are is just dumb.
Aoe_Barbecue wrote: »mjspnrb18_ESO wrote: »Y'all need Zazeer
Anyways, when I get ESO back I think I'll start PvPing on Chillrend, for all the good it'll do... I need to be away from the AD on Haderus, and the general insanity that happens there nowadays. It's been to long since I stuck my swerd through a blues' heart. Then licked the blood off. It still tastes like blueberries right? With a hint of vodka?
To this very day I am unsure why no one has had the sense to post this picture in reference to a good ol' blueberry farm:
Aoe_Barbecue wrote: »mjspnrb18_ESO wrote: »Y'all need Zazeer
Anyways, when I get ESO back I think I'll start PvPing on Chillrend, for all the good it'll do... I need to be away from the AD on Haderus, and the general insanity that happens there nowadays. It's been to long since I stuck my swerd through a blues' heart. Then licked the blood off. It still tastes like blueberries right? With a hint of vodka?
To this very day I am unsure why no one has had the sense to post this picture in reference to a good ol' blueberry farm: