Racial bonus to stealth

Hello everyone,

My question is about how much increases the chance of not being detected for a player with racial and medium armor's bonuses to stealth (Khajiit or Bosmer) compared to a player with only medium armor's bonus?

To explain: one of my characters is a Dunmer Nightblade (which I chose not only because of his racial bonus to flame resistance, but also because I like this race), and I don't so much care about the bonus to damage from stealth that Khajiits and Bosmers have, but I do care about decrease stealth radius advantage.

It's all about the style of play, so I really want to know how much do I lose to them on this parameter. How closer they can approach to the enemy player, that I can't?

Thanks in advance,

  • CP5
    Maxed out its a 3m advantage that the stealth racial provides.
  • Reif
    CP5 wrote: »
    Maxed out its a 3m advantage that the stealth racial provides.
    Yeah, I know it. I mean how does it feel in game? Do these "3m of advantage" give you a real feeling of utility? Does it seem to you as a great benefit or it's just a slight difference which you don't feel at all?
  • CP5
    The range bonus doesn't do that much it feels, it could be the reason why I was able to make a few close escapes but it is hard to tell. From my experience the medium armor passive is more effective and yes stacking both lets you get away with a lot, but 3m is not that much range to be worried about.
  • Reif
    CP5 wrote: »
    The range bonus doesn't do that much it feels, it could be the reason why I was able to make a few close escapes but it is hard to tell. From my experience the medium armor passive is more effective and yes stacking both lets you get away with a lot, but 3m is not that much range to be worried about.
    Thank you very much. This is exactly the information I wanted to know)
  • Lynnessa
    The bonus is very synergistic with medium armor skill line and with equipment sets that give a stealth bonus. 3 meters doesn't mean much by itself... but, if you know for sure you want to play a medium-armor-wearing stealther, I'd say it's worth it to pick Bosmer or Khajiit.
    Edited by Lynnessa on 3 January 2015 03:22
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