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Dragonstar Arena HM guide

Hello everyone. I made a guide for Dragonstar Arena HM for each stage. If you don't like to read, there is a link to the videos for each stage at the bottom.
If you already know the tactic, there is also a short guide for the "must kill first" location at the bottom.

Recommended group set up:
-Templar healer
-dragonknight or a tempar tank (because of shield damage for the last boss)
-a dragonknight (tank or dps) to use chains and petrify (stage 8)
-2 dps magicka staff based (not sure about templar dps), haven't tried new 1.5 stamina dw/bow build

Everyone needs to have food buff all the time, and use mana potions (tank use 3-stat potions).
PvP buffs are recommended, but it is also doable with out them.

Stage 1:

Stay in group in the middle (blue circle), dk chains the healers and sorcerers.

From 2nd wave on, some adds will spawn healing circle, tank just move them out or sorcerer use negate or dk chains them out.

Boss fight: boss (red dot) spawn with adds (green dot), dps take down adds fast then focus on the boss. More adds will come at 80% and 40%. Boss and some adds spawn healing circle, just move him away.

Stage 2:

Group stays near the fire (blue circle), dk chains archers and casters to the group.

At wave 3, fire extinguishes. One dps needs to take the torch (2 or 3, 1 is only for emergencies - dps with the torch dies or fire is out for too long) when they see that the flame is lower and light it.

With good dps the flame should go out after each wave, so at every end of the wave, go for the torch.

Boss fight: There are 2 bosses, a melee guy and a caster. Kill the caster first. At 50% adds will spawn, both dps ignores them and focus on the caster. When the caster is dead, focus the adds. Also at this point, fire is burning low, so 1 dps goes for the torch, other kills the adds. When the adds are dead, focus on melee boss. Again at 50% more adds will come (there is an archer so dk needs to chain him). Just use aoe and both the boss and the adds should die fast. With good dps / healer, you do not need to worry about relighting the fire when killing the melee boss.

Stage 3:

Group stays at top of the map. Dk chains the casters.

At 2nd wave, poison clouds will start spawning (red circle). They deal a lot of damage, so go out as fast as possible (roll out is recommended).

Nereids and Wamasu (big lizards) need to die first. After that, AOE on the adds. Dk needs to chain the casters.

At the corners (blue dots) stranglers spawn. They will pull you unless you block, so everyone blocks until tank taunts them. If there is no wamasu or nereid or if they are dead, 1 dps kills the stranger, while other focus on the adds.

The blue line splits the 2 top stranglers and top wall. Never go below the line, otherwise you will be pulled from the stranglers below if not blocking.

Boss fight: there is again a melee and a caster. Focus the caster, tank the melee boss away from the group (because of his aoe attack) at 50% more adds come with a strangler (top right dot). Dps stays on the caster until he is dead, after that 1 dps on the stranger, other on the adds (wamasu needs to die first). After that focus on the melee boss. At 50% more adds will come with a strangler (top left dot). Dk chains the nereid to the group, dps focus the nereid, then 1 dps goes to for the strangler, other use aoe on the boss and adds.

Stage 4:

Wave 1: focus the templar (spawns between 1 and 2), aoe the rest

Wave 2: kill enslaver or "beamer" (at 1) first. aoe the rest

Wave 3: first kill the beamer at 2, after few adds, 2 beamers on each side (2 and 4) will spawn, focus them first.

Wave 4 : 2 beamers will spawn at 1 and 2 and then later at 3 and 4. Both dps focus on 1 at a time.

Boss fight: Both dps stay on the boss all the time, ignore beamers. At 80% and 40% adds will spawn, aoe them down. Tank needs to be careful on bosses cider storm.

Note: Beamers have 3 attacks: 1; his beam that deals damage to a random player, 2; spins his weapon and deals aoe damage and 3; his normal light attack (after a beam and aoe). After beamers beam attack, or if they die during the beam attack, it will spawn a shadow beamers at the player and it will do his aoe atack until they despawn (after some time). Ignore those shadow beamers.

Stage 5:

Group is in the middle and aoe the adds. dk needs to chain the archers and pyromancers (be careful when they spawn fire, it deals a lot of damage). Shadow casters needs to die first (use ultis). If he doesn't die in time, he will cast a curse on a player (later on 2, then 3 and on last wave on all 4 players) and he (or they) will need to go the glowing platform, otherwise they will be killed instantly. Only 1 player can be on a platform.

A must kill:

Wave 2: shadow caster will spawn at 1

Wave 3: shadow caster will spawn at 2

Wave 4: first focus (single target) on the gargoyle (at 3). When he is dead, slowly go to position 2 (while attacking the adds). At 2, there will spawn another shadow caster and near his death (or when he is dead if the dps is high enough) there will spawn another gargoyle.

Boss fight: There will spawn a boss (left red dot), a gargoyle (middle red dot) and a shadow caster (right red dot). Kill the shadow caster first. Next is gargoyle and after him the boss. Be careful of the boss's standard, because it doesn't show the red circle, which indicates that is it enemy's. At 80% add will spawn. Aoe them down. At 40% another shadow caster will spawn (at 2) and a pyromancer on the other side.

Stage 6:

When you kill a lurcher, werewolf or spriggan, a green circle will appear. If you stay there, you will gain stamina and magicka, but you will loose your health (health loss is increased, if you stay longer). Archers need to die first and fast because they will shoot green arrow which will deal damage and drain your stamina and magicka. You need to dodge them when you see them casting it (they will turn to a random player and you will see a green aurora from their bow).

Wave 2: archer spawn at 1

Wave 3: archer spawn at 3 and later at 2

Wave 4: archer will spawn at 4 after you kill few adds.

Boss fight: There will be an archer boss (left red dot), lurcher (middle red dot) and a tempest (right red dot). Kill the tempest first, next is lurcher and then focus the boss. The boss will also shoot the arrow that drains stamina and magicka, so you will need to dodge that. You also need to interrupt the boss when he is taking aim (pointing in the sky) otherwise he will 1 shot a player. At 80% adds will come. Dps needs to kill them fast. At 40% another adds will come. Dps ignore those adds and focus on the boss. When the boss is dead, kill the adds.

Stage 7:

The tank is always somewhere in the middle and a dk needs to chain the adds to the tank and both dps use aoe. Sacrifices are spawning at 1, 2 and 3. They need to die first. 1 dps is on 1, other is on 2 and a healer is on 3. If the healer needs help with his sacrifice, dps on 2 helps him.

Boss fight: There are 2 bosses, a melee and a caster with sacrifices spawning at all 3 positions. Sacrifices will keep spawning every few seconds.This time focus the melee boss first. At 50% adds will come. dk chains them together and everyone uses aoe to kill them (keep an eye for the sacrifices spawning). When you kill the melee boss, focus on the caster. The tank needs to be close to him and interrupt the caster when he heals (dark exchange animation from sorcerers). At 50%, a daedroth will spawn at 3. Dps ignores him and focus the boss (again, keep an eye for the sacrifices spawning) and when he is dead kill daedroth. If the caster is dead and sacrifices spawn, you can ignore them and kill daedroth, because the sacrifices will disappear after daedroth is dead.

Stage 8:

A dk need to put petrify on his bar and always petrify a mage or a sphere. There are also 3 different types of dwarven centurions (big constructions). A red that shoots fire (deals damage over time), a blue that shoots ice (slows you down) and a yellow which moves slowly and deal aoe damage. When red and blue centurion shoots fire and ice on 2 players, they need to stack together to negate the damage (sometimes 1 players gets both). For the tank, to taunt the yellow centurion, you need to chain them (if you are a dk), because taunting skill sometimes wont taunt him.

Wave 1&2: kill the battlemage at 1

Wave 3: kill the healers at 2 and 3. dk can chain healer at 3 to 2 for aoe damage.

Wave 4: kill battlemage at 3, after him, aoe all 3 centurions

Boss fight: There will spawn a boss mage with adds (they spawn similar like at 1st stage - boss on the left side). Dps kills the adds first then go for the boss. At 80%, kill the battlemage at 4 first, then blue centurion, then red. At 40%, red, blue and 2 yellow centurions will spawn. Dps ignores them and focus on the boss. When the boss is dead, dps kill the blue, then red and lastly, the 2 yellow centurions.

Stage 9:


There are 6 places (red circles, 5 craters and 1 in the middle) where a hole will spawn and it will pull you down. Avoid that. Dk needs to chain the casters, archers and wraiths.

Wave 1: group up in the top of the map (at 1 and 2) and use aoe

Wave 2: Go to left side of the map, on the stairs (at 3) and use aoe

Wave 3: 1 dps goes down the hole (there will spawn 1 random add) and stays there until the last boss wave. The rest of the group stays at 1, chains everything and use aoe. At first there will be 3 portals at 1. then only 1. After that postal, another portal will appear with the mage mini boss, that will spawn a ghost (and it will go down the hole) and become immune while the ghost is alive. Dps downstairs kills the ghost, but doesn't come up yet. When the ghost is dead, dps upstairs quickly kill the mage mini boss.

Wave 4: This time the melee mini boss appears at 4. First portal will be an add, second will be the mini boss. Same tactic as 3rd wave. Dps kills the ghost downstairs (still stays downstairs) and after that, dps that is up, kills the mini boss.

Note: mini bosses at wave 3 and 4 have powerful aoe attacks, interrupt them or they can 1 shot the dps or the healer if they aren't blocking.

Boss fight: There is a boss (middle red dot), wraith (left red dot) and an archer (right red dot). Kill the adds, while the tank kites him around the map. At 80% there will spawn a caster and melee mini bosses. They will spawn 1 ghost each. Dps downstairs kills them and then goes up. When the ghost down stairs is dead, focus the caster mini boss and then melee mini boss. At 40% 3 more adds will spawn. Can kill them first or use aoe (be careful on bosses bat swarm or he can also use standard) or kill the boss first and the adds after.

Stage 10:

Both dps and the healer goes upstairs (where the crown is, but to the wall). The tank takes the boss to the middle of the map and take the fire. After fire, both dps goes on the boss. After some time (the timer is below), the healers taunts the atronach and goes with the dps upstairs where they kill him. The tank takes the boss down to the gate and take the fire. After that, the tank takes the boss up to the dps where 1 dps kills the atronach and other damage the boss. At 75%, the boss will spawn 2 mini bosses. Both dps and the healer deal damage to the caster mini boss. When caster is dead, healer taunts the melee mini boss and goes up the stairs and the tank goes down. Melee mini boss is casting healing circle (it is the same boss as in stage 1), so you must take him out of that. After when the tank takes fire, he goes up again and the melee mini boss should be dead or close to dying. After that, the dps goes for the 2 fire summoners that will spawn and then the atronach. When the atronachis dead, if you have time (check the time), deal damage to the boss, otherwise the tank again goes down to the gate with him. When he comes back up, 2 fire summoners will spawn again. Dps focus on them and then the atronach. Then go for the boss.

With good dps, the boss should now be dropped below 50%. He then casts his aoe. He will first pull everyone to him and leave everyone at about 1% health. One needs to help the healer with healing springs. After his pull, he deals aoe damage and spawns 2 mini bosses. Dps focus on the caster again and when the caster is dead, healer taunts the melee mini boss and goes with the dps down to the gate. The tank takes the main boss up the stairs. After the fire, the tank goes down taunt the melee mini boss. The dps needs to focus on the melee mini boss and then on the atronach. While they are killing the melee mini boss, the main boss will come down and cast his aoe again. After his aoe, the dps need to take him below 25% fast and be careful for the boss's nova. When he is below he will use his aoe again and soon spawn fire. The group needs to make square so they don't stack on each other with the fire and are in healing springs circle. They take the fire damage and after the fire, atronachs will spawn and everyone moves out of it, dps ignore the atronachs and focus on the boss. The boss should die now.

If the dps isn't high enough (if the boss has more than 50% health when the tank needs to go down with him): after the tank goes up again, wait for the fire summoners to spawn again and then kill them and then go for the boss. Dps on the mage also wont be high enough, so the healer needs to taunt the melee and caster mini bosses downstairs. The dps needs to kill the caster while moving (crushing shock him so he gets interrupted with the healing). After the caster, they go for the melee boss. After thetank takes fire, he goes down to the gate. The main boss will go to the gate and cast his aoe. After his aoe, the dps needs to go up to the stairs (with the melee mini boss if not dead) and wait for the tank to take fire. After the fire, the melee mini boss must be dead and the dps with the healer needs to go down and focus on the main boss. He should be now dropped below 25%, cast his aoe damage and spawn fire. The group makes a square (don't stack and be in healing springs circle), take the fire and move out of it when atronach spawn, dps ignore the atronachs and focus on the boss. The boss should die now.

Timer for fire casting:

100% - 75%: 50s

75% - 50%: 85s

50% - 25%: 55s

25% - 0%: 50s

The first fire casting is really fast, so the tank needs to go away from the group fast.

The times are the casting time from one fire to next, so tank needs to go away sooner (about 10s sooner).

Here is also the video of the last boss fight: link

Here are the videos from every stage: link
Edited by whiteclaw47 on 26 November 2014 15:25
  • whiteclaw47
    A short guide for Dragonstar Arena HM with "must kill first" adds location.

    Stage 1:

    Red dot is the boss, green are adds.

    Stage 2:

    1, 2 and 3 are the location of the torches, blue circle is there the group is located all the time (at the fire).

    Stage 3:

    Blue dots are the location of the strangler spawns. At boss fight, top right dot spawn the first strangler (caster at 50%), top left spawns the second strangler (melee at 50%).

    Don't go below the blue line, otherwise you will be pulled by the bottom stranglers.

    Stage 4:

    Wave 1: templar between 1 and 2

    Wave 2: enslaver or "beamer" at 1

    Wave 3: beamer at 2, after few adds, 2 beamers on each side (2 and 4)

    Wave 4 : 2 beamers will spawn at 1 and 2 and then later at 3 and 4. Both dps focus on 1 at a time.

    During the boss fight beamers will be spawning at 1 and 2.

    Stage 5:

    Wave 2: shadow caster at 1

    Wave 3: shadow caster at 2

    Wave 4: first the gargoyle (at 3), later shadow caster at 2

    At the beginning of the boss fight, there will be a shadow caster (right red dot), gargoyle (middle red dot) and the boss (left red dot). Another shadow caster at 40% at 2

    Stage 6:

    Wave 2: archer at 1

    Wave 3: archer at 3 and later at 2

    Wave 4: archer at 4 after you kill few adds

    Boss fight: tempest first (right red dot), second lucher (left red dot), then the boss (middle red dot)

    Stage 7:

    Sacrifices need to die first (spawning at 1, 2 and 3), chain everything together and aoe

    Stage 8:

    Wave 1&2: battlemage at 1

    Wave 3: healers at 2 and 3. dk can chain healer at 3 to 2 for aoe damage.

    Wave 4: the mage at 3, then the blue centurion

    When the boss is at 80%, a battlemage will spawn at 4

    Stage 9:

    Avoid the red circles, kill casters first, then archers, then the ghosts and mele last. If they are grouped, aoe

    Wave 1: stack at 1and 2

    Wave 2: stack at the stairs at 3

    Wave 3: after few adds, kill caster mini boss at 1

    Wave 4: after few adds, kill melee mini boss at 2

    Boss fight: at 80%, at 3 caster mini boss, at 4 melee mini boss

    Stage 10:

    With mini bosses: caster dies first then the mele mini boss.
    Edited by whiteclaw47 on 6 November 2014 12:55
  • xaraan
    This is pretty good. We haven't beaten last boss (plan to try again this weekend now that rewards are worthwhile) and we always have a bit of trouble on stage 9. So we'll try out the ideas.

    My issue is that as a NB tank, I find I can't live through the fire phase of the main boss. Seems you have to be a templar or dk tank and have self heal to get through it. That's with me funneling health, drinking potions, etc. Usually I can live through first or second fire phase, but after that no luck.

    Kind of sucks they have content that locks out certain classes in certain playstyles, but so far we've had our dk switch with me and do tanking while i switch to dps. We made it to last mini boss spawn, but obviously didn't make it to the main boss death.
    -- @xaraan --
    nightblade: Xaraan templar: Xaraan-dar dragon-knight: Xaraanosaurus necromancer: Xaraan-qa warden: Xaraanodon sorcerer: Xaraan-ra
    AD • NA • PC
  • whiteclaw47
    xaraan wrote: »
    This is pretty good. We haven't beaten last boss (plan to try again this weekend now that rewards are worthwhile) and we always have a bit of trouble on stage 9. So we'll try out the ideas.

    My issue is that as a NB tank, I find I can't live through the fire phase of the main boss. Seems you have to be a templar or dk tank and have self heal to get through it. That's with me funneling health, drinking potions, etc. Usually I can live through first or second fire phase, but after that no luck.

    Kind of sucks they have content that locks out certain classes in certain playstyles, but so far we've had our dk switch with me and do tanking while i switch to dps. We made it to last mini boss spawn, but obviously didn't make it to the main boss death.

    A dragonknight or a tempalr is better at takning last boss, because of his self heal and shield damage. Om my dk, I use igneous shield. Also, use 3-stat potions.
  • Tripwyr
    Templar is definitely not required, we cleared it without exploiting the last boss using a Templar tank with a Sorc healer.
    Alacrity Founder | Forum Emperor
    World First Veteran Dragonstar Arena

    Tripwyr Manawrath - AD NA Sorcerer, Former Emperor of Haderus; Former Emperor of Hopesfire, First Cycle
    Tripwyr Flamewrath - AD NA Dragon Knight, Former Emperor of Thornblade, First Cycle
    Imperial Tripwyr - AD NA Templar, Former Emperor of Blackwater Blade
    Ripwyr - DC NA Templar
    Nyrv - EP NA Sorcerer

    I am of the firm opinion that subtracting "raging stupidity" from anyone's voice can only cause them to sound more like myself.
  • Aenlir
    Tripwyr wrote: »
    Templar is definitely not required, we cleared it without exploiting the last boss using a Templar tank with a Sorc healer.

    What was your strategy for the boss?
  • Tripwyr
    Tripwyr wrote: »
    Templar is definitely not required, we cleared it without exploiting the last boss using a Templar tank with a Sorc healer.

    What was your strategy for the boss?

    We assign 3 different locations for dropping the fire AoE, spread out, and then fiery grip the Atronachs in for AoE.

    When we ran with a Sorcerer healer, we had our Nightblade put on a Resto Staff and paired up so that we could ensure everybody had adequate healing.
    Alacrity Founder | Forum Emperor
    World First Veteran Dragonstar Arena

    Tripwyr Manawrath - AD NA Sorcerer, Former Emperor of Haderus; Former Emperor of Hopesfire, First Cycle
    Tripwyr Flamewrath - AD NA Dragon Knight, Former Emperor of Thornblade, First Cycle
    Imperial Tripwyr - AD NA Templar, Former Emperor of Blackwater Blade
    Ripwyr - DC NA Templar
    Nyrv - EP NA Sorcerer

    I am of the firm opinion that subtracting "raging stupidity" from anyone's voice can only cause them to sound more like myself.
  • xaraan
    xaraan wrote: »
    This is pretty good. We haven't beaten last boss (plan to try again this weekend now that rewards are worthwhile) and we always have a bit of trouble on stage 9. So we'll try out the ideas.

    My issue is that as a NB tank, I find I can't live through the fire phase of the main boss. Seems you have to be a templar or dk tank and have self heal to get through it. That's with me funneling health, drinking potions, etc. Usually I can live through first or second fire phase, but after that no luck.

    Kind of sucks they have content that locks out certain classes in certain playstyles, but so far we've had our dk switch with me and do tanking while i switch to dps. We made it to last mini boss spawn, but obviously didn't make it to the main boss death.

    A dragonknight or a tempalr is better at takning last boss, because of his self heal and shield damage. Om my dk, I use igneous shield. Also, use 3-stat potions.

    Yes, I've noticed :(

    I've been able to tank everything in the game so far with my NB with no problems. We actually breeze through most vet dungeon runs. But not having a decent self heal is a killer.

    I've tried to swap to resto on my second bar and throw a couple heals on myself while drinking tri-pots and such, but it just adds more stuff to juggle which means even more chances for me to screw up.
    -- @xaraan --
    nightblade: Xaraan templar: Xaraan-dar dragon-knight: Xaraanosaurus necromancer: Xaraan-qa warden: Xaraanodon sorcerer: Xaraan-ra
    AD • NA • PC
  • Huntler
    xaraan wrote: »
    xaraan wrote: »
    This is pretty good. We haven't beaten last boss (plan to try again this weekend now that rewards are worthwhile) and we always have a bit of trouble on stage 9. So we'll try out the ideas.

    My issue is that as a NB tank, I find I can't live through the fire phase of the main boss. Seems you have to be a templar or dk tank and have self heal to get through it. That's with me funneling health, drinking potions, etc. Usually I can live through first or second fire phase, but after that no luck.

    Kind of sucks they have content that locks out certain classes in certain playstyles, but so far we've had our dk switch with me and do tanking while i switch to dps. We made it to last mini boss spawn, but obviously didn't make it to the main boss death.

    A dragonknight or a tempalr is better at takning last boss, because of his self heal and shield damage. Om my dk, I use igneous shield. Also, use 3-stat potions.

    Yes, I've noticed :(

    I've been able to tank everything in the game so far with my NB with no problems. We actually breeze through most vet dungeon runs. But not having a decent self heal is a killer.

    I've tried to swap to resto on my second bar and throw a couple heals on myself while drinking tri-pots and such, but it just adds more stuff to juggle which means even more chances for me to screw up.

    If I may suggest, I do not know if you've seen one of the new undaunted sets but there is one where the 2 piece bonus will give you a beam of health that will stay up indefinitely as long as you stay within 10 meters of the target it is on (the added effect is while the beam is up you will receive 30% more healing from all sources). This is a great tanking set because once it is up you will never be outside of 10m range. Get it, use it, and your lifetaps will be much, much stronger and likely enough to handle no problem as a nightblade. Just a tip :) good luck, I disagree wholeheartedly that only a templar/dk can tank the final boss, just have to organize different than the OP's guide.

    The other option of course is to do the fire stage the legit way and have everyone near each other so your healer can... well... heal. Its more than doable and very rewarding when you complete it that way :) if interested that is. The OP strat might be easier, but it is not the only way and arguably the unintended way. The harder way is completely doable and might actually make it easier since, like you said, NBs don't have as many tools at their disposal to do the OP strat.

    Edit: Actually before I start getting spammed by people claiming the OP strat is legit, lets be honest, you aren't getting banned for it and zeni might even be fine with just leaving it in game.... but you cannot deny it is clearly gimmicky as f***, regardless do your thing and be happy, just providing tips to someone asking.
    Edited by Huntler on 7 November 2014 17:29
  • whiteclaw47
    Tripwyr said: "...without exploiting the last boss..." and Huntler said: "...the legit way..." is he bugged it or something. Can you please explain what exploit and out way isn't legit?
    Also, Huntler said: " is not the only way and arguably the unintended way..." I agree with not the only way, but unintended way? Please explain why it is unintended way.
    About the sorc healer, I agree. It is defenetly doable. With the templar healer, I think, it is better because of passive and actve healing and shards ofc.
  • Tripwyr
    Tripwyr said: "...without exploiting the last boss..." and Huntler said: "...the legit way..." is he bugged it or something. Can you please explain what exploit and out way isn't legit?
    Also, Huntler said: " is not the only way and arguably the unintended way..." I agree with not the only way, but unintended way? Please explain why it is unintended way.
    About the sorc healer, I agree. It is defenetly doable. With the templar healer, I think, it is better because of passive and actve healing and shards ofc.

    What Huntlar said;
    Actually before I start getting spammed by people claiming the OP strat is legit, lets be honest, you aren't getting banned for it and zeni might even be fine with just leaving it in game.... but you cannot deny it is clearly gimmicky as f***, regardless do your thing and be happy, just providing tips to someone asking.

    Not really interested in beating a dead horse here. Just wanted to make it clear that a Sorcerer or Nightblade are plenty capable of tanking this boss, and a Sorcerer (or other Resto Staff healer) is easily able to heal it. All you have to do is do the boss as intended instead of abusing range gimmicks.
    Alacrity Founder | Forum Emperor
    World First Veteran Dragonstar Arena

    Tripwyr Manawrath - AD NA Sorcerer, Former Emperor of Haderus; Former Emperor of Hopesfire, First Cycle
    Tripwyr Flamewrath - AD NA Dragon Knight, Former Emperor of Thornblade, First Cycle
    Imperial Tripwyr - AD NA Templar, Former Emperor of Blackwater Blade
    Ripwyr - DC NA Templar
    Nyrv - EP NA Sorcerer

    I am of the firm opinion that subtracting "raging stupidity" from anyone's voice can only cause them to sound more like myself.
  • whiteclaw47
    Tripwyr wrote: »
    Tripwyr said: "...without exploiting the last boss..." and Huntler said: "...the legit way..." is he bugged it or something. Can you please explain what exploit and out way isn't legit?
    Also, Huntler said: " is not the only way and arguably the unintended way..." I agree with not the only way, but unintended way? Please explain why it is unintended way.
    About the sorc healer, I agree. It is defenetly doable. With the templar healer, I think, it is better because of passive and actve healing and shards ofc.

    What Huntlar said;
    Actually before I start getting spammed by people claiming the OP strat is legit, lets be honest, you aren't getting banned for it and zeni might even be fine with just leaving it in game.... but you cannot deny it is clearly gimmicky as f***, regardless do your thing and be happy, just providing tips to someone asking.

    Not really interested in beating a dead horse here. Just wanted to make it clear that a Sorcerer or Nightblade are plenty capable of tanking this boss, and a Sorcerer (or other Resto Staff healer) is easily able to heal it. All you have to do is do the boss as intended instead of abusing range gimmicks.

    For the strategy I posted, it is really hard for a tank to be a sorc or nb. For the sorc healer, yes it is also possible, but it is easier with temp healer.
    If you have no interest in explaining things, then don't go around saying this is not intended, that is an exploit, bug abuse,... If they wanted for everyone to get fire, they would have increased the fire range, so everyone would get the fire, no matter where you are. If you see the map, the arrows on the stairs (near the crown) wont get fire, if the boss is is at my location (blue-green arrow on the map). Move the boss a bit down (2-3 meters) and even the crown wont get the fire.
    I don't know if you notice this, but, a lot of the things (in game and outside of it) can be done in more than one way. Just because you do thing differently than someone else, that doesn't mean he is abusing, exploiting,... doing something unintended, and your way is the only true way.

    In AA or Hel Ra, there are also a lot of things that aren't intended (like skipping fire atronachs). AA hm, can also be done in 2 ways. A lot of thing can be done in different way. Don't think the developers design the game to be done in 1 way only. Even the stages 1-9 can be done in different ways. The strategy I posted isn't the only way.

    Also, instead of coming to my post and claiming I posted a bug or exploit or abuse mechanic, post your own strategy. Post a video. Maybe your way is safer and easier. I don't know, because I haven't seen your strategy. If you post your strategy, I will check it out, maybe try it with a group, but I wont go and post lies and trash talk on your strategy.
    I'm not here often and maybe you already post your strategy and I haven't seen it.

    Anyway, so far I notice Alacrity Guild, Tripwyr (Alacrity guild leader) and Huntlar (Alacrity member)(also expecting their other members to come for some reason), are coming here trash talking my post. I don't know what your aim is here, but if Alacrity Guild goal is to trash talk any strategy that isn't theirs, please say it and I will gladly delete my post, because I want to deal with people like you.
  • Huntler
    Tripwyr wrote: »
    Tripwyr said: "...without exploiting the last boss..." and Huntler said: "...the legit way..." is he bugged it or something. Can you please explain what exploit and out way isn't legit?
    Also, Huntler said: " is not the only way and arguably the unintended way..." I agree with not the only way, but unintended way? Please explain why it is unintended way.
    About the sorc healer, I agree. It is defenetly doable. With the templar healer, I think, it is better because of passive and actve healing and shards ofc.

    What Huntlar said;
    Actually before I start getting spammed by people claiming the OP strat is legit, lets be honest, you aren't getting banned for it and zeni might even be fine with just leaving it in game.... but you cannot deny it is clearly gimmicky as f***, regardless do your thing and be happy, just providing tips to someone asking.

    Not really interested in beating a dead horse here. Just wanted to make it clear that a Sorcerer or Nightblade are plenty capable of tanking this boss, and a Sorcerer (or other Resto Staff healer) is easily able to heal it. All you have to do is do the boss as intended instead of abusing range gimmicks.

    For the strategy I posted, it is really hard for a tank to be a sorc or nb. For the sorc healer, yes it is also possible, but it is easier with temp healer.
    If you have no interest in explaining things, then don't go around saying this is not intended, that is an exploit, bug abuse,... If they wanted for everyone to get fire, they would have increased the fire range, so everyone would get the fire, no matter where you are. If you see the map, the arrows on the stairs (near the crown) wont get fire, if the boss is is at my location (blue-green arrow on the map). Move the boss a bit down (2-3 meters) and even the crown wont get the fire.
    I don't know if you notice this, but, a lot of the things (in game and outside of it) can be done in more than one way. Just because you do thing differently than someone else, that doesn't mean he is abusing, exploiting,... doing something unintended, and your way is the only true way.

    In AA or Hel Ra, there are also a lot of things that aren't intended (like skipping fire atronachs). AA hm, can also be done in 2 ways. A lot of thing can be done in different way. Don't think the developers design the game to be done in 1 way only. Even the stages 1-9 can be done in different ways. The strategy I posted isn't the only way.

    Also, instead of coming to my post and claiming I posted a bug or exploit or abuse mechanic, post your own strategy. Post a video. Maybe your way is safer and easier. I don't know, because I haven't seen your strategy. If you post your strategy, I will check it out, maybe try it with a group, but I wont go and post lies and trash talk on your strategy.
    I'm not here often and maybe you already post your strategy and I haven't seen it.

    Anyway, so far I notice Alacrity Guild, Tripwyr (Alacrity guild leader) and Huntlar (Alacrity member)(also expecting their other members to come for some reason), are coming here trash talking my post. I don't know what your aim is here, but if Alacrity Guild goal is to trash talk any strategy that isn't theirs, please say it and I will gladly delete my post, because I want to deal with people like you.

    Quit being so defensive and stop asking questions that have literally already been answered right before it.
    Huntler wrote: »
    xaraan wrote: »
    xaraan wrote: »
    This is pretty good. We haven't beaten last boss (plan to try again this weekend now that rewards are worthwhile) and we always have a bit of trouble on stage 9. So we'll try out the ideas.

    My issue is that as a NB tank, I find I can't live through the fire phase of the main boss. Seems you have to be a templar or dk tank and have self heal to get through it. That's with me funneling health, drinking potions, etc. Usually I can live through first or second fire phase, but after that no luck.

    Kind of sucks they have content that locks out certain classes in certain playstyles, but so far we've had our dk switch with me and do tanking while i switch to dps. We made it to last mini boss spawn, but obviously didn't make it to the main boss death.

    A dragonknight or a tempalr is better at takning last boss, because of his self heal and shield damage. Om my dk, I use igneous shield. Also, use 3-stat potions.

    Yes, I've noticed :(

    I've been able to tank everything in the game so far with my NB with no problems. We actually breeze through most vet dungeon runs. But not having a decent self heal is a killer.

    I've tried to swap to resto on my second bar and throw a couple heals on myself while drinking tri-pots and such, but it just adds more stuff to juggle which means even more chances for me to screw up.

    Edit: Actually before I start getting spammed by people claiming the OP strat is legit, lets be honest, you aren't getting banned for it and zeni might even be fine with just leaving it in game.... but you cannot deny it is clearly gimmicky as f***, regardless do your thing and be happy, just providing tips to someone asking.

    So I'll just point to it again and say we are giving tips to someone who could not completely DSA vet mode with your way and was advising him that (in a weird way) that harder method would actually make it more doable in his setup as a nb tank. Chill out, no need to overcompensate here for something or get all angry. That is all.
  • whiteclaw47
    Huntler wrote: »
    Tripwyr wrote: »
    Tripwyr said: "...without exploiting the last boss..." and Huntler said: "...the legit way..." is he bugged it or something. Can you please explain what exploit and out way isn't legit?
    Also, Huntler said: " is not the only way and arguably the unintended way..." I agree with not the only way, but unintended way? Please explain why it is unintended way.
    About the sorc healer, I agree. It is defenetly doable. With the templar healer, I think, it is better because of passive and actve healing and shards ofc.

    What Huntlar said;
    Actually before I start getting spammed by people claiming the OP strat is legit, lets be honest, you aren't getting banned for it and zeni might even be fine with just leaving it in game.... but you cannot deny it is clearly gimmicky as f***, regardless do your thing and be happy, just providing tips to someone asking.

    Not really interested in beating a dead horse here. Just wanted to make it clear that a Sorcerer or Nightblade are plenty capable of tanking this boss, and a Sorcerer (or other Resto Staff healer) is easily able to heal it. All you have to do is do the boss as intended instead of abusing range gimmicks.

    For the strategy I posted, it is really hard for a tank to be a sorc or nb. For the sorc healer, yes it is also possible, but it is easier with temp healer.
    If you have no interest in explaining things, then don't go around saying this is not intended, that is an exploit, bug abuse,... If they wanted for everyone to get fire, they would have increased the fire range, so everyone would get the fire, no matter where you are. If you see the map, the arrows on the stairs (near the crown) wont get fire, if the boss is is at my location (blue-green arrow on the map). Move the boss a bit down (2-3 meters) and even the crown wont get the fire.
    I don't know if you notice this, but, a lot of the things (in game and outside of it) can be done in more than one way. Just because you do thing differently than someone else, that doesn't mean he is abusing, exploiting,... doing something unintended, and your way is the only true way.

    In AA or Hel Ra, there are also a lot of things that aren't intended (like skipping fire atronachs). AA hm, can also be done in 2 ways. A lot of thing can be done in different way. Don't think the developers design the game to be done in 1 way only. Even the stages 1-9 can be done in different ways. The strategy I posted isn't the only way.

    Also, instead of coming to my post and claiming I posted a bug or exploit or abuse mechanic, post your own strategy. Post a video. Maybe your way is safer and easier. I don't know, because I haven't seen your strategy. If you post your strategy, I will check it out, maybe try it with a group, but I wont go and post lies and trash talk on your strategy.
    I'm not here often and maybe you already post your strategy and I haven't seen it.

    Anyway, so far I notice Alacrity Guild, Tripwyr (Alacrity guild leader) and Huntlar (Alacrity member)(also expecting their other members to come for some reason), are coming here trash talking my post. I don't know what your aim is here, but if Alacrity Guild goal is to trash talk any strategy that isn't theirs, please say it and I will gladly delete my post, because I want to deal with people like you.

    Quit being so defensive and stop asking questions that have literally already been answered right before it.
    Huntler wrote: »
    xaraan wrote: »
    xaraan wrote: »
    This is pretty good. We haven't beaten last boss (plan to try again this weekend now that rewards are worthwhile) and we always have a bit of trouble on stage 9. So we'll try out the ideas.

    My issue is that as a NB tank, I find I can't live through the fire phase of the main boss. Seems you have to be a templar or dk tank and have self heal to get through it. That's with me funneling health, drinking potions, etc. Usually I can live through first or second fire phase, but after that no luck.

    Kind of sucks they have content that locks out certain classes in certain playstyles, but so far we've had our dk switch with me and do tanking while i switch to dps. We made it to last mini boss spawn, but obviously didn't make it to the main boss death.

    A dragonknight or a tempalr is better at takning last boss, because of his self heal and shield damage. Om my dk, I use igneous shield. Also, use 3-stat potions.

    Yes, I've noticed :(

    I've been able to tank everything in the game so far with my NB with no problems. We actually breeze through most vet dungeon runs. But not having a decent self heal is a killer.

    I've tried to swap to resto on my second bar and throw a couple heals on myself while drinking tri-pots and such, but it just adds more stuff to juggle which means even more chances for me to screw up.

    Edit: Actually before I start getting spammed by people claiming the OP strat is legit, lets be honest, you aren't getting banned for it and zeni might even be fine with just leaving it in game.... but you cannot deny it is clearly gimmicky as f***, regardless do your thing and be happy, just providing tips to someone asking.

    So I'll just point to it again and say we are giving tips to someone who could not completely DSA vet mode with your way and was advising him that (in a weird way) that harder method would actually make it more doable in his setup as a nb tank. Chill out, no need to overcompensate here for something or get all angry. That is all.

    I should stop asking questions that have literally already been answered? Am I missing something? Saying that is not intended or it is "clearly gimmicky as f***" is not any explanation.
    If you wish to give tips, say it in a nicer manner or make your own strategy post and don't come here saying our strategy is an exploit.
  • Tripwyr
    We feel ranging the atronach spawn is an exploit, and we are more than happy to state as such especially when others are recommending that strategy. We're as welcome to our opinions as you are to yours.

    We don't need to record and post a video of our own strategy to consider your strategy an exploit. Our strategy is simple: don't range the atronachs.
    Alacrity Founder | Forum Emperor
    World First Veteran Dragonstar Arena

    Tripwyr Manawrath - AD NA Sorcerer, Former Emperor of Haderus; Former Emperor of Hopesfire, First Cycle
    Tripwyr Flamewrath - AD NA Dragon Knight, Former Emperor of Thornblade, First Cycle
    Imperial Tripwyr - AD NA Templar, Former Emperor of Blackwater Blade
    Ripwyr - DC NA Templar
    Nyrv - EP NA Sorcerer

    I am of the firm opinion that subtracting "raging stupidity" from anyone's voice can only cause them to sound more like myself.
  • whiteclaw47
    You have your opinion and I respect that, but that doesn't mean you are right and have the right to go around telling people what is right and what is wrong.

    I didn't mean to post a video to prove us wrong. I meant, make a video or write your strategy or something instead of going to my post, saying this is an exploit, our way is the right way,...
  • TheMast3r
    Tripwyr wrote: »
    Tripwyr wrote: »
    Templar is definitely not required, we cleared it without exploiting the last boss using a Templar tank with a Sorc healer.

    What was your strategy for the boss?

    We assign 3 different locations for dropping the fire AoE, spread out, and then fiery grip the Atronachs in for AoE.

    When we ran with a Sorcerer healer, we had our Nightblade put on a Resto Staff and paired up so that we could ensure everybody had adequate healing.

    Still ..... ????? No video from u guys ....

  • Tripwyr
    You have your opinion and I respect that, but that doesn't mean you are right and have the right to go around telling people what is right and what is wrong.

    I didn't mean to post a video to prove us wrong. I meant, make a video or write your strategy or something instead of going to my post, saying this is an exploit, our way is the right way,...

    Nobody said our way is the right way, we just expressed our opinion that your method is an exploit.
    Alacrity Founder | Forum Emperor
    World First Veteran Dragonstar Arena

    Tripwyr Manawrath - AD NA Sorcerer, Former Emperor of Haderus; Former Emperor of Hopesfire, First Cycle
    Tripwyr Flamewrath - AD NA Dragon Knight, Former Emperor of Thornblade, First Cycle
    Imperial Tripwyr - AD NA Templar, Former Emperor of Blackwater Blade
    Ripwyr - DC NA Templar
    Nyrv - EP NA Sorcerer

    I am of the firm opinion that subtracting "raging stupidity" from anyone's voice can only cause them to sound more like myself.
  • xaraan
    Well, I didn't mean to stir up the DSA vet controversy again, but I appreciate the feedback. Last time we tried it, we were taking a new DPS with us for the first time, so there will probably be a bit of practice for our 4 man to be as polished as we used to be with a new person. But we hope to try it again soon, we are just distracted by being able to do all the dungeons for pledges now lol. I definitely would like to get my hands on that undaunted helm set for self healing though (so far I've only gotten the City of Ash one and the Mephilia one).
    -- @xaraan --
    nightblade: Xaraan templar: Xaraan-dar dragon-knight: Xaraanosaurus necromancer: Xaraan-qa warden: Xaraanodon sorcerer: Xaraan-ra
    AD • NA • PC
  • Huntler
    xaraan wrote: »
    Well, I didn't mean to stir up the DSA vet controversy again, but I appreciate the feedback. Last time we tried it, we were taking a new DPS with us for the first time, so there will probably be a bit of practice for our 4 man to be as polished as we used to be with a new person. But we hope to try it again soon, we are just distracted by being able to do all the dungeons for pledges now lol. I definitely would like to get my hands on that undaunted helm set for self healing though (so far I've only gotten the City of Ash one and the Mephilia one).

    A quick note about the healing one since we last talked, someone in our guild got it and it seems that the beam is not indefinite and has a timer which unfortunately does reduce its value. Just a heads up so you aren't surprised when you get it :)
  • G0ku
    Tripwyr wrote: »
    Nobody said our way is the right way, we just expressed our opinion that your method is an exploit.

    Don´t know why people feel the need to communicate about other player´s exploits? Does it increase your feeling of power?

    How about the times in your signature? All legit? Guess not as one can read... So why come here to mention that?

    The boss has a skill with a specific range, when you get out of range the skill won´t hit you. Asking the support I was told this is not an exploit but a mechanic, but I admit sometimes people from support don´t know better.

    I acknowledge doing it by killing all four atronarchs is even a more skillful way to do it and even harder. But expressing your oppinion by calling other people out for exploiting is just not right. Especially if you got some of your achievements by exploiting things yourselves. That´s hypocritical in my eyes.

    @whiteclaw47 nice work and good effort doing this guide. sadly they nerfed this content before some nice guy like you was giving good advice. I was working on a similar guide but compared to yours it lacks quality
    Edited by G0ku on 13 November 2014 07:42
    - First AD EU Group to finish DSA VET -
    AD Altmer V16 Templar Alliance Rank 30 - EU - DSA Conqueror (pre-nerf) flawless vMSA
    AD Argonian V16 Dragonknight Alliance Rank 15
    AD Bosmer V16 Nightblade Alliance Rank 16
    AD Kahjiit V16 Sorcerer Alliance Rank 10
    AD Dunmer V16 Dragonknight Alliance Rank 9
    AD Altmer V16 Templar Alliance Rank 10 - flawless vMSA
    DC Altmer V16 Sorcerer Alliance Rank 9 - flawless vMSA
    AD Breton V16 Templar Alliance Rank 10
    AD Altmer V16 Sorceress Alliance Rank 21
    AD Kahjiit Warden
    AD Altmer Nightblade
  • whiteclaw47
    They made 9th stage easier. Mini bosses only spawn ghost and not the adds anymore. Some say that this is not intended and it will change, but I think they made it on purpose, because a lot of people were having problems on that stage.
  • Hypertionb14_ESO
    comment 1

    first line of your post comments that staff aoe is the "best"

    steel tornado says hi.
    I play every class in every situation. I love them all.
  • whiteclaw47
    comment 1

    first line of your post comments that staff aoe is the "best"

    steel tornado says hi.

    Elemental ring does more damage and damage over time. It also generates a lot of ulti.
    I could be wrong. Haven't use stamina build since Craiglorn came out.
  • zZzleepyhead
    Bookmarked. Thank you @whiteclaw47
  • ericprydz82ub17_ESO
    Sorc healer is the best way to go tbh. You have so much dps on the last boss you just push through most of the phases and constantly dps. I have went in a few times with people that are new to the last boss and it is a noticeable difference.
    -Pryda - Ebonheart Pact XB1 NA
    World first HelRa Hardmode player.
    GT: Bootleg Mix
  • TehMagnus
    Same thing over and over again, Aclarity members butthurt that Hodor members got first kill Arena HM that was even harder than now and call their tactic exploiting.

    Once again, pretty funny that people who exploited Orbs and prolly also "get powerfull" exploits by scalding rune spaming feel the need to go on posts and call out other people for "exploiting".

    Once again, ZOS was aware if this technique, ZOS fixed all of the other bugs that where reported in PTS on that last boss, ZOS increased the range of the fire but oddly didn't make it cover the whole Arena.

    As you said, stop beating a dead horse, the only exploited thing here is the times in your signatures that aren't even on leaderboard anymore because of guilds like yours.
    Edited by TehMagnus on 19 November 2014 14:42
  • Hypertionb14_ESO
    comment 1

    first line of your post comments that staff aoe is the "best"

    steel tornado says hi.

    Elemental ring does more damage and damage over time. It also generates a lot of ulti.
    I could be wrong. Haven't use stamina build since Craiglorn came out.

    I use a NB that can use either Stam build or magicka build. Overall the Stam build is universally better DPS and can even sport great survivability.. the magicka build is quite a bit lower DPS but in single target fights has much better utility and ult gain.

    at present, stam builds using Steel Tornado have the massive advantage of generally better damage and almost double the radius.. on a NB stam build you can easily have extremely high weapon damage and be doing much more than than a similar Elemental Ring user will be doing, With crits averaging well over 700 damage with a range of 400-1k, and being able to hit much more spread out mob clusters. Currently Steel Tornado is almost universally the best spammable AOE in the game.

    Elemental Ring gives similar Ult gains overall, simply because of the fact most of the ult comes from crits, tho a good stam build with DW will have higher Weapon Crit than most spell builds will have spell crit. Sap Essence spam is better if you are aiming for AOE ult generation but while you might be able to double stack Veils, You will be doing almost half the Damage of Ring, and less than a third of what you can do with a Steel Tornado build.

    on my NB, i do around 2x the AOE thanks to the range and damage with a stam build than i do with a magicka build, tho with a magicka build i can just spam Sap or Extraction and get double veils up at times, i still can Veil extremely often from AOE spam and keeping up Veil in that situation is pretty easy..

    Single target, DW and Bow is better DPS and easier to maintain than a Funnel or Crushing SHock build, but in this situation you definitly have faster ult gain from the magicka builds, around 2x faster.

    it used to be very differant.. you used not to be able to spam Steel Tornado and still keep up block and dodge when needed, but times are changing... 1.5 alone finally validated Stam builds to the point they are Serpant and Vet DSA viable.

    dont get me wrong tho, if you take a stam build into serpant you better be running bow and resto for the first boss.... and you really need to be on your toes in Vet DSA
    I play every class in every situation. I love them all.
  • whiteclaw47
    Please note that this strategy was made on PTS. After it came live, there were few changes. At that time, stamina build wasn't good enough.
    Like I said, I could be wrong. Haven't use stamina build since Craiglorn came out. I was thinking of trying stamina build on my nb. The problem I see, is keeping stamina up. You can use potions, yes, but it has a cooldown. There is no skill like spell symetry to quickly get stamina. Whirling blades restore some stamina over time, but it doesn't increase range. Siphoning strike reduces your weapon damage. Morphed haste (stamina recovery) is ok probably. There is also a problem when you need to roll out and you ran out of stamina. Also, if dw is your main dps, you will deal less damage to bosses like, 5th stage with his inferno aoe damage or to troll/gargoyle with his aoe damage. You have to roll out (drain stamina) and switch to bow (less dps), while magicka nb can stay ranged.
    Don't get me wrong, I would like to have stamina build with about the same dps as magicka. My dk used to be stamina based. When possible, I will change my dk and nb to stamina.
  • Artis
    Isn't the boss supposed to spawn 2 more adds(the archer and the DK) when he's 25% health? Some people told that used to happen in Veteran DSA, which makes sense, since that happens in normal mode as well.
    However, that happens in none of the videos I've found in this thread. Could anyone clarify?
    Edited by Artis on 26 November 2014 17:59
  • whiteclaw47
    Artemis wrote: »
    Isn't the boss supposed to spawn 2 more adds(the archer and the DK) when he's 25% health? Some people told that used to happen in Veteran DSA, which makes sense, since that happens in normal mode as well.
    However, that happens in none of the videos I've found in this thread. Could anyone clarify?

    On normal mode he spawns 2 mini bosses, on veteran mode he doesn't. When he is at 25%, he will pull everyone and deal aoe damage and then change to sorc.
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