anyone ever proposed this?
we should get the option to change how we dodge, block, interrupts, and break free. magicka users can continue as normal, but allow stam users to reallocate their dodge/block/breaks/interrupt to come from the magicka pool.
the reason, as we all know, that magicka is more viable is that it leaves stam for those things listed--things you need less of and still be competitive. stam builds wind up never touching the magicka resource and have to pull everything they do from one resource...which is simply inefficient.
as far as implementation of choosing your resource, it would be like a "shadow roll" or teleport to explain why it uses magicka. similar explanations could be made for the others... magic powered block shields, electric shocks that interrupt instead of bash, calling on benign fairies who throw smelling salts at you for breaking free or waking you up.... and it could easily be changed at a new shrine to someoneorother if you wanted to switch back and forth.... or maybe just allow it in options, idk.
it obviously would not be viable to to change current dodges/etc to magicka for magicka builds because that would only cause the same problems stam builds face for their pools. i feel like that would immediately make a lot of these balancing issues manageable.