Hey Guys,
I am hoping to get a little community direction on my main (Vr9 Sorc). Been on since launch, rolled a Dunmer for the +fire dmg racial. My intention was to make a fire mage, but now that class balances and min/max'ing has been flushed out I wanted to check in and see if my build is considered viable at end game (or how far off the mark it is).
Basic setup is destro/resto. Fire staff of course. I use inner light to max my crit out. and Critical surge stays up at all times for +dmg. Instead of crystal shards (which I do not have on my bar) I use heavy attacks (reduced cast time due to talent spec) with standard attacks sprinkled in depending on situation and mages fury when target is below 20%.
My guess is I am losing some dmg not using crystal shards, but my mana is 100% up at all times since the heavy/light attacks are not draining it. I get health returned for all crit dmg done, so with my crit around 40% that is most attacks. I believe my heavy attack crits are around 700-850 per attack at vr9. This also makes pulsar a real champ for AOE.
For solo I also keep destructive touch on my bar for the knock back, but in a raid environment I'll change this over to maybe "weakness to elements" (currently not using). I heal like a boss on the resto staff when needed also.
Any thoughts (flames) are welcome here on viability of a flame based dunmer mage build?
Rhino B