So, I think it was about a week ago, there was a group of people roleplaying in Khenarthi’s Roost. They were having a good 'ol time, walking around conversating and what not. Eventually some houses started burning and all kinds of events. It was the first time I had seen anybody openly roleplay on ESO so I kinda wanted to follow and watch. Not troll, mind you, just watch. Since I didn't want to be a troll, I tried to fit in the best I could by "sneaking" around as they did their thing.
Long story short, this little dark elf was caught and they gave chase. I didn't know what the hell to do. I even got ate by slaughterfish at some point. Can't remember anybody's names, or better yet, how to spell them as they were lore friendly types of names. Just wanted to say I hope I didn't ruin your evening of events. I'm pretty sure the trolls are thick out there for you guys. I still have scars from the slaughterfish if that makes you feel any better ...
On a side note, it would be cool if roleplayers were more accepted/welcome. I'd love to see some dialogue going on while I'm at the smith making stuff, or watch people booze it up and act disorderly. I'd figure a game like the Elder Scrolls series would be loaded with roleplayers, and I'm surprised it took me this long to find some people doing it openly. Do they just all do it guild chat for the most part?