Ive looked around, and havent been able to figure out how exactly this works. Is the healing based on the damage directly before or after the first tic? Initially, I thought it scaled dynamically during its up time, but It doesn't, unless the FTC addon isnt working properly. tested it a little, but couldnt get consistant results, probably due to being kinda impatient. I think I was lvl 14 when I was doing this. If I cast it without using another ability for a second, it healed for 20 per tic. I tried casting it before/after stealth> concealed weapon, and usually id get like, 4 heals per tic, but occasionally, I could get 60, which was very usefully badass, as I had like 400 max health at that point. I couldnt figure out how to time it though, got annoyed and dropped it. Id appreciate any feedback.
Oh yeah-Also I wondered if the "excecutioner" passive from the assassination tree is worth it. It seems like it only refunds a small percentage of the cost of using the execute ability. After wearing a mob down to the point where id get the 300% bonus damage, I can kill them just as easily with a heavy attack, and save the magica anyway. I dunno, maybe it scales in higher levels or something. Feel like im probly missing something