Maintenance for the week of February 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – February 24

Does magma armor actually work ?

I have used it regularly the last few weeks and it still doesnt reduce damage to 3%, I often get hit for 500+ damage even when it is up.
  • Cody
    Galrukh wrote: »
    I have used it regularly the last few weeks and it still doesnt reduce damage to 3%, I often get hit for 500+ damage even when it is up.
    what is hitting you for that damage while its up?
  • Galrukh
    áll sorts of attacks, both weapon, spell and siege. Seems there is no difference.
  • Maulkin
    PvP or PvE? It's not currently working reliably in PvP. I don't know if it's lag-related or what, but sometimes the buff comes in a lot after the visual effect has played. Like 5 seconds later.

    Edit: Oh this is the PvP forum. Just noticed :) Yeah it doesn't work properly, wasted ultie atm unless you use it for the shield synergy
    Edited by Maulkin on 4 August 2014 22:04
    EU | PC | AD
  • Galrukh
    ah ok, good to know. thanks for the info.
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