Maintenance for the week of March 3:
· [COMPLETE] ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – March 6, 6:00AM EST (11:00 UTC) - 4:00PM EST (21:00 UTC)

Chillrend NA - Where cool kids go.

  • Phelproof
    Soul Shriven
    Thanks to all the EP and AD for the fights at Fort Ash this evening. You zerged and zerged .. but we held and got a nice 20K tick from it!

    Reminded me of being on Wabba and seeing so much red!

    Great fights and loved every minute of it!!!

  • Agrippa_Invisus

    Had both Ash flags red and then they started flipping back.

    QQ -- healers CTDing during flag pushes suck.
    Agrippa Invisus / Indominus / Inprimis / Inviolatus
    DragonKnight / Templar / Warden / Sorcerer - Vagabond
    Once a General, now a Citizen
    Former Emperor of Bloodthorn and Vivec
    For Sweetrolls! FOR FIMIAN!
  • Halrloprillalar
    Thanks to Warz and friends for feeding us at Aleswell <3
  • RadioheadSh0t
    bitaken wrote: »
    Farmed? Nah. Zerged? Yah.

    Your day crew was out in force, sad things didn't go for you better when the populations evened out. And you were on pretty damn late last night, don't lie.

    When the population evened out - EHJ defended chalman to the nth degree and earned an 18K defense tick. Yes, we earned it. EP broke both walls on several occasions only to be pushed out - then fight their way back in. It was a great and epic battle. We usually run only one group - and the group was full most of the night last night.

    You are a bitter man - swallowing a bitter pill I grant that - but there is no reason to badmouth here or anywhere else. I look at these games as though the people on the other side of the faction fence are just opponents in an E-sport. Thinking of other people as your enemies will not get you anywhere in life. I have met some friendly people in the opposing factions and we respectfully jab at each other when we win/lose fights.

    I am sorry you cannot act as mature as that.

    Umm... Jabbing was exactly what I was doing. I made a joke about DC being Day-Cappers (which, sorry to break it to you, you kinda are) and you all got completely butt hurt. I explicitly made it clear I was trash talking and engaging in banter.

    If you think I'm 'bitter' at all, you're fooling yourself.


    Def: the playful and friendly exchange of teasing remarks.

    Shizz talking is not trolling, it's banter.

    Where in any of this did I act like you all were my enemies? I enjoy competition against the best, and I'm enjoying playing against very good EP and DC players in Chillrend. My response to a response to my 'playful friendly exchange of teasing' remark was the same thing Agrippa said:
    No, I'm talking about grinding the entire map from my gates each morning.
    I'm talking about day capping. As far as I know there's no ozzie contingent here. BT suffered through it and 3 months is enough for us, thanks.
    And if you think I'm the only person who thinks DC are day cappers, why do 't you ask Chillrend's first DC Emp:
    Someone's salty lol. And it seems this campaign will be similar to DB in that DC will have a group in the morning and AD/EP will fight it out overnight.

    If anyone is acting immature, it's the grandstanding when I point out obvious facts in a playful manner... I say DC stands for 'day Cappers' and you all get butt hurt? Must mean there's some truth there. I say the same thing Bradais says in trash talk, and you all get butt hurt?

    Grow up and learn to take trash talk.

    Good luck on the battlefield, congrats on your Emp.
    Edited by RadioheadSh0t on 6 August 2014 09:31
    Aldonius Direnni - Vet Altmer Sorc (AD)
    Tyrus Telvanni - Vet Dunmer DK (AD)
    Al Donius Bundy - Vet Imperial NB (AD)
    Aldonius Brutus - Vet Orc DK (DC)
  • Observant
    I think AD and DC should just hug it out.
  • bitaken
    bitaken wrote: »
    Farmed? Nah. Zerged? Yah.

    Your day crew was out in force, sad things didn't go for you better when the populations evened out. And you were on pretty damn late last night, don't lie.

    When the population evened out - EHJ defended chalman to the nth degree and earned an 18K defense tick. Yes, we earned it. EP broke both walls on several occasions only to be pushed out - then fight their way back in. It was a great and epic battle. We usually run only one group - and the group was full most of the night last night.

    You are a bitter man - swallowing a bitter pill I grant that - but there is no reason to badmouth here or anywhere else. I look at these games as though the people on the other side of the faction fence are just opponents in an E-sport. Thinking of other people as your enemies will not get you anywhere in life. I have met some friendly people in the opposing factions and we respectfully jab at each other when we win/lose fights.

    I am sorry you cannot act as mature as that.

    Umm... Jabbing was exactly what I was doing. I made a joke about DC being Day-Cappers (which, sorry to break it to you, you kinda are) and you all got completely butt hurt. I explicitly made it clear I was trash talking and engaging in banter.

    If you think I'm 'bitter' at all, you're fooling yourself.


    Def: the playful and friendly exchange of teasing remarks.

    Shizz talking is not trolling, it's banter.

    Where in any of this did I act like you all were my enemies? I enjoy competition against the best, and I'm enjoying playing against very good EP and DC players in Chillrend. My response to a response to my 'playful friendly exchange of teasing' remark was the same thing Agrippa said:
    No, I'm talking about grinding the entire map from my gates each morning.
    I'm talking about day capping. As far as I know there's no ozzie contingent here. BT suffered through it and 3 months is enough for us, thanks.
    And if you think I'm the only person who thinks DC are day cappers, why do 't you ask Chillrend's first DC Emp:
    Someone's salty lol. And it seems this campaign will be similar to DB in that DC will have a group in the morning and AD/EP will fight it out overnight.

    If anyone is acting immature, it's the grandstanding when I point out obvious facts in a playful manner... I say DC stands for 'day Cappers' and you all get butt hurt? Must mean there's some truth there. I say the same thing Bradais says in trash talk, and you all get butt hurt?

    Grow up and learn to take trash talk.

    Good luck on the battlefield, congrats on your Emp.

    Guess I hit a nerve eh?
    PvP Lead Officer for Einherjar

    Member of Einherjar and associated guilds since 2001

    A multi Gaming community of players.
  • runagate
    There's a replacement for ARM, sadly, who eerily has the exact same personality, but instead of VR 11 he's level 44.

    I had some great fights and nice chats with both AD and EP overnight. When even overnight has just a bit of action for insomniacs, everyone meeting in one place to duke it out, Chill is great fun. Thanks, other Alliances.

    Nevertheless, too, too many of you are vamps! I feel like I'm shooting rubber bands at a Twilight convention sometimes. You should all simultaneously switch to werewolf to see if you can get the pugs to start a new trend. I'm sick of having Shards on my 2nd bar and using nothing but that all frickin' night, seriously.
  • Asgari
    ESeregon wrote: »
    Grats on Empress.

    Thank you! Was unable to keep up last go around on DB where i was up to 5th but couldnt keep up till the end. Decided id make sure i got it this go around.

    Being on the longest for the beginning of the campaign i have to say i didn't really see much if any of an AD presence on the first two days. I did see a small group here and there. Saw a few AD i recognized from Dawn but they seemed to not be as active.

    EP on the other hand kept up with their reputation from Dawn. Aggripas group as usual had the best fights of going back and forth, while the others not so much. It is very obvious in this game when a group is organized or not.

    :HatTip off to Aggripa&Co for having such a fun play style to duel it out with. Glad you are here.
    Formerly @Persian_Princess .. Now @Asgari
    Princess Asgari | Sorc
    Asgari | NB
    -Asgari | Stamplar
    Ariana Kishi | DK | True Liberator of Haderus
    Banner Down!
    No Mercy
    Youtube: Asgari
  • 1Otega
    Soul Shriven

    Had both Ash flags red and then they started flipping back.

    QQ -- healers CTDing during flag pushes suck.

    GG, that was an intense couple hours last night. The shear amount of people running around Ash was crazy.

    Out tiny night crew of 8 or so was having fun trying to figure out how best to attack the legion of red.

    Thought you guys had it about 4 times, not sure how Blue as a whole kept you from taking it.

    pS - I hate your bat man/men/team
    Otega -Templar
    Tegas - DK
    Sip that tea
  • Agrippa_Invisus
    1Otega wrote: »

    Had both Ash flags red and then they started flipping back.

    QQ -- healers CTDing during flag pushes suck.

    GG, that was an intense couple hours last night. The shear amount of people running around Ash was crazy.

    Out tiny night crew of 8 or so was having fun trying to figure out how best to attack the legion of red.

    Thought you guys had it about 4 times, not sure how Blue as a whole kept you from taking it.

    pS - I hate your bat man/men/team

    Extremely persistent tent placement.

    I know I killed people like Yote, Jamesthefifth, and others upwards of 5-10 times in a very short space of time. We were constantly patrolling for and burning them.

    I'm really disliking the quick siege decay as we couldn't leave a ballista in key spots to knock them down and had to chase after them constantly.

    Any time we pushed a flag, new tents were spammed.
    Agrippa Invisus / Indominus / Inprimis / Inviolatus
    DragonKnight / Templar / Warden / Sorcerer - Vagabond
    Once a General, now a Citizen
    Former Emperor of Bloodthorn and Vivec
    For Sweetrolls! FOR FIMIAN!
  • Yonkit
    1Otega wrote: »

    Had both Ash flags red and then they started flipping back.

    QQ -- healers CTDing during flag pushes suck.

    GG, that was an intense couple hours last night. The shear amount of people running around Ash was crazy.

    Out tiny night crew of 8 or so was having fun trying to figure out how best to attack the legion of red.

    Thought you guys had it about 4 times, not sure how Blue as a whole kept you from taking it.

    pS - I hate your bat man/men/team

    That was one of my favorite defenses that I've had in quite awhile. I was certain that EP had us run over, and some were calling for abandonment to save a scroll or whatever else, but blue kept just enough to hold on. Red was just vicious about keeping our camps down. It was a great fight.

    Our attack on Warden later that night against Agrippa & co... not near as successful.

    Edited by Yonkit on 6 August 2014 15:02
    Has an Alter Ego in the form of a very large quadrupedal black & white Bear.
  • Agrippa_Invisus
    Yonkit wrote: »
    1Otega wrote: »

    Had both Ash flags red and then they started flipping back.

    QQ -- healers CTDing during flag pushes suck.

    GG, that was an intense couple hours last night. The shear amount of people running around Ash was crazy.

    Out tiny night crew of 8 or so was having fun trying to figure out how best to attack the legion of red.

    Thought you guys had it about 4 times, not sure how Blue as a whole kept you from taking it.

    pS - I hate your bat man/men/team

    That was one of my favorite defense that I've had in quite awhile. I was certain that EP had us run over, and some were calling for abandonment to save a scroll or whatever else, but blue kept just enough to hold on. Red was just vicious about keeping our camps down. It was a great fight.

    Our attack on Warden later that night against Agrippa & co... not near as successful.

    That was us taking our pound of flesh in return for Ash. We heard about the good defense tick and got a portion of that back for ourselves. ;)

    Everyone in TS grumbling about the constant disconnects and how FCs suck for balance right now. Then "Hey, Warden's under attack. We have a tent there. Wanna go?"

    "Yeah. Let's get some of those points back."


    GG and GF throughout the night. :)
    Edited by Agrippa_Invisus on 6 August 2014 14:25
    Agrippa Invisus / Indominus / Inprimis / Inviolatus
    DragonKnight / Templar / Warden / Sorcerer - Vagabond
    Once a General, now a Citizen
    Former Emperor of Bloodthorn and Vivec
    For Sweetrolls! FOR FIMIAN!
  • MarisGolding
    Good stuff last night all around. Several e peens were put into check and lots of good players on all three sides were represented. Glad to see a fun community shaping up here :)
  • lumithelock
    Psijic Aes Sedai Alliance is also here to back up dc and have a good time glad to have another dawnbreaker pvp like campiegn
  • Mjollo
    You were all so fun to fight. Especially Bitaken. I hope to see you guys running around more often.
    Defialed - Former Emperor of Thornblade|Mjoll The Legend - Former Empress of Blackwater Blade| Definitely Not Mjoll - Former Empress of Blackwater Blade | Probably Not Mjoll - Former Empress of Blackwater Blade | Mistakenly Mjoll - Former Empress of Blackwater Blade | Blackwater Cultist - Former Emperor of Blackwater Blade | A Woman With No Name |
    "There are two kinds of people in this world, my friend. Those with loaded guns. And those who dig. You dig."
  • Braidas
    Several e peens were put into check )
  • RadioheadSh0t
    bitaken wrote: »
    bitaken wrote: »
    Farmed? Nah. Zerged? Yah.

    Your day crew was out in force, sad things didn't go for you better when the populations evened out. And you were on pretty damn late last night, don't lie.

    When the population evened out - EHJ defended chalman to the nth degree and earned an 18K defense tick. Yes, we earned it. EP broke both walls on several occasions only to be pushed out - then fight their way back in. It was a great and epic battle. We usually run only one group - and the group was full most of the night last night.

    You are a bitter man - swallowing a bitter pill I grant that - but there is no reason to badmouth here or anywhere else. I look at these games as though the people on the other side of the faction fence are just opponents in an E-sport. Thinking of other people as your enemies will not get you anywhere in life. I have met some friendly people in the opposing factions and we respectfully jab at each other when we win/lose fights.

    I am sorry you cannot act as mature as that.

    Umm... Jabbing was exactly what I was doing. I made a joke about DC being Day-Cappers (which, sorry to break it to you, you kinda are) and you all got completely butt hurt. I explicitly made it clear I was trash talking and engaging in banter.

    If you think I'm 'bitter' at all, you're fooling yourself.


    Def: the playful and friendly exchange of teasing remarks.

    Shizz talking is not trolling, it's banter.

    Where in any of this did I act like you all were my enemies? I enjoy competition against the best, and I'm enjoying playing against very good EP and DC players in Chillrend. My response to a response to my 'playful friendly exchange of teasing' remark was the same thing Agrippa said:
    No, I'm talking about grinding the entire map from my gates each morning.
    I'm talking about day capping. As far as I know there's no ozzie contingent here. BT suffered through it and 3 months is enough for us, thanks.
    And if you think I'm the only person who thinks DC are day cappers, why do 't you ask Chillrend's first DC Emp:
    Someone's salty lol. And it seems this campaign will be similar to DB in that DC will have a group in the morning and AD/EP will fight it out overnight.

    If anyone is acting immature, it's the grandstanding when I point out obvious facts in a playful manner... I say DC stands for 'day Cappers' and you all get butt hurt? Must mean there's some truth there. I say the same thing Bradais says in trash talk, and you all get butt hurt?

    Grow up and learn to take trash talk.

    Good luck on the battlefield, congrats on your Emp.

    Guess I hit a nerve eh?

    If anyone hit a nerve, it was clearly me calling you day-Cappers.

    I was simply pointing out the hilarious irony of you guys getting all bent out of shape over me saying something that A) DC's first Emp said and B) A top EP player said.

    If I'm wrong, then prove me wrong and make some gains in prime time, which you've failed to do two days straight.

    Aldonius Direnni - Vet Altmer Sorc (AD)
    Tyrus Telvanni - Vet Dunmer DK (AD)
    Al Donius Bundy - Vet Imperial NB (AD)
    Aldonius Brutus - Vet Orc DK (DC)
  • Agrippa_Invisus
    bitaken wrote: »
    bitaken wrote: »
    Farmed? Nah. Zerged? Yah.

    Your day crew was out in force, sad things didn't go for you better when the populations evened out. And you were on pretty damn late last night, don't lie.

    When the population evened out - EHJ defended chalman to the nth degree and earned an 18K defense tick. Yes, we earned it. EP broke both walls on several occasions only to be pushed out - then fight their way back in. It was a great and epic battle. We usually run only one group - and the group was full most of the night last night.

    You are a bitter man - swallowing a bitter pill I grant that - but there is no reason to badmouth here or anywhere else. I look at these games as though the people on the other side of the faction fence are just opponents in an E-sport. Thinking of other people as your enemies will not get you anywhere in life. I have met some friendly people in the opposing factions and we respectfully jab at each other when we win/lose fights.

    I am sorry you cannot act as mature as that.

    Umm... Jabbing was exactly what I was doing. I made a joke about DC being Day-Cappers (which, sorry to break it to you, you kinda are) and you all got completely butt hurt. I explicitly made it clear I was trash talking and engaging in banter.

    If you think I'm 'bitter' at all, you're fooling yourself.


    Def: the playful and friendly exchange of teasing remarks.

    Shizz talking is not trolling, it's banter.

    Where in any of this did I act like you all were my enemies? I enjoy competition against the best, and I'm enjoying playing against very good EP and DC players in Chillrend. My response to a response to my 'playful friendly exchange of teasing' remark was the same thing Agrippa said:
    No, I'm talking about grinding the entire map from my gates each morning.
    I'm talking about day capping. As far as I know there's no ozzie contingent here. BT suffered through it and 3 months is enough for us, thanks.
    And if you think I'm the only person who thinks DC are day cappers, why do 't you ask Chillrend's first DC Emp:
    Someone's salty lol. And it seems this campaign will be similar to DB in that DC will have a group in the morning and AD/EP will fight it out overnight.

    If anyone is acting immature, it's the grandstanding when I point out obvious facts in a playful manner... I say DC stands for 'day Cappers' and you all get butt hurt? Must mean there's some truth there. I say the same thing Bradais says in trash talk, and you all get butt hurt?

    Grow up and learn to take trash talk.

    Good luck on the battlefield, congrats on your Emp.

    Guess I hit a nerve eh?

    If anyone hit a nerve, it was clearly me calling you day-Cappers.

    I was simply pointing out the hilarious irony of you guys getting all bent out of shape over me saying something that A) DC's first Emp said and B) A top EP player said.

    If I'm wrong, then prove me wrong and make some gains in prime time, which you've failed to do two days straight.

    DC did flip KC during prime time last night due to a poor Red response to the keep flagging.

    People need to realize that the LM flipping there is an almost an auto-flag for that keep (a keep I personally hate due to essentially not having a north facing wall due to that LM).

    They also had a very stiff defense of Ash.

    Give credit where credit's due and GG your opponent instead of taunts.
    Agrippa Invisus / Indominus / Inprimis / Inviolatus
    DragonKnight / Templar / Warden / Sorcerer - Vagabond
    Once a General, now a Citizen
    Former Emperor of Bloodthorn and Vivec
    For Sweetrolls! FOR FIMIAN!
  • bitaken
    bitaken wrote: »
    bitaken wrote: »
    Farmed? Nah. Zerged? Yah.

    Your day crew was out in force, sad things didn't go for you better when the populations evened out. And you were on pretty damn late last night, don't lie.

    When the population evened out - EHJ defended chalman to the nth degree and earned an 18K defense tick. Yes, we earned it. EP broke both walls on several occasions only to be pushed out - then fight their way back in. It was a great and epic battle. We usually run only one group - and the group was full most of the night last night.

    You are a bitter man - swallowing a bitter pill I grant that - but there is no reason to badmouth here or anywhere else. I look at these games as though the people on the other side of the faction fence are just opponents in an E-sport. Thinking of other people as your enemies will not get you anywhere in life. I have met some friendly people in the opposing factions and we respectfully jab at each other when we win/lose fights.

    I am sorry you cannot act as mature as that.

    Umm... Jabbing was exactly what I was doing. I made a joke about DC being Day-Cappers (which, sorry to break it to you, you kinda are) and you all got completely butt hurt. I explicitly made it clear I was trash talking and engaging in banter.

    If you think I'm 'bitter' at all, you're fooling yourself.


    Def: the playful and friendly exchange of teasing remarks.

    Shizz talking is not trolling, it's banter.

    Where in any of this did I act like you all were my enemies? I enjoy competition against the best, and I'm enjoying playing against very good EP and DC players in Chillrend. My response to a response to my 'playful friendly exchange of teasing' remark was the same thing Agrippa said:
    No, I'm talking about grinding the entire map from my gates each morning.
    I'm talking about day capping. As far as I know there's no ozzie contingent here. BT suffered through it and 3 months is enough for us, thanks.
    And if you think I'm the only person who thinks DC are day cappers, why do 't you ask Chillrend's first DC Emp:
    Someone's salty lol. And it seems this campaign will be similar to DB in that DC will have a group in the morning and AD/EP will fight it out overnight.

    If anyone is acting immature, it's the grandstanding when I point out obvious facts in a playful manner... I say DC stands for 'day Cappers' and you all get butt hurt? Must mean there's some truth there. I say the same thing Bradais says in trash talk, and you all get butt hurt?

    Grow up and learn to take trash talk.

    Good luck on the battlefield, congrats on your Emp.

    Guess I hit a nerve eh?

    If anyone hit a nerve, it was clearly me calling you day-Cappers.

    I was simply pointing out the hilarious irony of you guys getting all bent out of shape over me saying something that A) DC's first Emp said and B) A top EP player said.

    If I'm wrong, then prove me wrong and make some gains in prime time, which you've failed to do two days straight.

    Which alliance are you in? I will bring the pain to your front door for you. Seriously, if you think we can't take keeps in the evening - just let me know what faction you're currently playing and we will see who can flip keeps. We have been to the Agrippa school of unrelentingly fast keep takes. Believe me if we wanted to flip keeps at night we could. The reality is - there are WAY more points defending them.

    Or...are you just figuring that out?
    PvP Lead Officer for Einherjar

    Member of Einherjar and associated guilds since 2001

    A multi Gaming community of players.
  • 1Otega
    Soul Shriven
    1Otega wrote: »

    Had both Ash flags red and then they started flipping back.

    QQ -- healers CTDing during flag pushes suck.

    GG, that was an intense couple hours last night. The shear amount of people running around Ash was crazy.

    Out tiny night crew of 8 or so was having fun trying to figure out how best to attack the legion of red.

    Thought you guys had it about 4 times, not sure how Blue as a whole kept you from taking it.

    pS - I hate your bat man/men/team

    Extremely persistent tent placement.

    I know I killed people like Yote, Jamesthefifth, and others upwards of 5-10 times in a very short space of time. We were constantly patrolling for and burning them.

    I'm really disliking the quick siege decay as we couldn't leave a ballista in key spots to knock them down and had to chase after them constantly.

    Any time we pushed a flag, new tents were spammed.

    Ya, whomever was spamming tents was doing a nice job of it.

    Ts was funny "head in the postern...derp derp derp...DO NOT FOLLOW ME INTO THE POSTERN!!!"

    I dont know who all was there from DC, I rarely pay attention to names on either aide, but once we got about 12 on, we had fun trying to maneuver away from the sea of red and get kills/burn siege where we could. Turned out to be a fun night of hit and fade, hit and die, hit and fade etc.
    Otega -Templar
    Tegas - DK
    Sip that tea
  • 1Otega
    Soul Shriven
    bitaken wrote: »
    bitaken wrote: »
    Farmed? Nah. Zerged? Yah.

    Your day crew was out in force, sad things didn't go for you better when the populations evened out. And you were on pretty damn late last night, don't lie.

    When the population evened out - EHJ defended chalman to the nth degree and earned an 18K defense tick. Yes, we earned it. EP broke both walls on several occasions only to be pushed out - then fight their way back in. It was a great and epic battle. We usually run only one group - and the group was full most of the night last night.

    You are a bitter man - swallowing a bitter pill I grant that - but there is no reason to badmouth here or anywhere else. I look at these games as though the people on the other side of the faction fence are just opponents in an E-sport. Thinking of other people as your enemies will not get you anywhere in life. I have met some friendly people in the opposing factions and we respectfully jab at each other when we win/lose fights.

    I am sorry you cannot act as mature as that.

    Umm... Jabbing was exactly what I was doing. I made a joke about DC being Day-Cappers (which, sorry to break it to you, you kinda are) and you all got completely butt hurt. I explicitly made it clear I was trash talking and engaging in banter.

    If you think I'm 'bitter' at all, you're fooling yourself.


    Def: the playful and friendly exchange of teasing remarks.

    Shizz talking is not trolling, it's banter.

    Where in any of this did I act like you all were my enemies? I enjoy competition against the best, and I'm enjoying playing against very good EP and DC players in Chillrend. My response to a response to my 'playful friendly exchange of teasing' remark was the same thing Agrippa said:
    No, I'm talking about grinding the entire map from my gates each morning.
    I'm talking about day capping. As far as I know there's no ozzie contingent here. BT suffered through it and 3 months is enough for us, thanks.
    And if you think I'm the only person who thinks DC are day cappers, why do 't you ask Chillrend's first DC Emp:
    Someone's salty lol. And it seems this campaign will be similar to DB in that DC will have a group in the morning and AD/EP will fight it out overnight.

    If anyone is acting immature, it's the grandstanding when I point out obvious facts in a playful manner... I say DC stands for 'day Cappers' and you all get butt hurt? Must mean there's some truth there. I say the same thing Bradais says in trash talk, and you all get butt hurt?

    Grow up and learn to take trash talk.

    Good luck on the battlefield, congrats on your Emp.

    Guess I hit a nerve eh?

    If anyone hit a nerve, it was clearly me calling you day-Cappers.

    I was simply pointing out the hilarious irony of you guys getting all bent out of shape over me saying something that A) DC's first Emp said and B) A top EP player said.

    If I'm wrong, then prove me wrong and make some gains in prime time, which you've failed to do two days straight.

    Got to be honest, west coast prime time isn't a great time for us unless our EST majority stays up really late.

    So if you're talking about PST, you won't ever see us working to make gains. Small stuff maybe, but nothing of substance.
    Otega -Templar
    Tegas - DK
    Sip that tea
  • Braidas
    ALL HAIL EMPEROR EMBER-SCALE!! aka your lizardness
  • RadioheadSh0t
    bitaken wrote: »
    bitaken wrote: »
    bitaken wrote: »
    Farmed? Nah. Zerged? Yah.

    Your day crew was out in force, sad things didn't go for you better when the populations evened out. And you were on pretty damn late last night, don't lie.

    When the population evened out - EHJ defended chalman to the nth degree and earned an 18K defense tick. Yes, we earned it. EP broke both walls on several occasions only to be pushed out - then fight their way back in. It was a great and epic battle. We usually run only one group - and the group was full most of the night last night.

    You are a bitter man - swallowing a bitter pill I grant that - but there is no reason to badmouth here or anywhere else. I look at these games as though the people on the other side of the faction fence are just opponents in an E-sport. Thinking of other people as your enemies will not get you anywhere in life. I have met some friendly people in the opposing factions and we respectfully jab at each other when we win/lose fights.

    I am sorry you cannot act as mature as that.

    Umm... Jabbing was exactly what I was doing. I made a joke about DC being Day-Cappers (which, sorry to break it to you, you kinda are) and you all got completely butt hurt. I explicitly made it clear I was trash talking and engaging in banter.

    If you think I'm 'bitter' at all, you're fooling yourself.


    Def: the playful and friendly exchange of teasing remarks.

    Shizz talking is not trolling, it's banter.

    Where in any of this did I act like you all were my enemies? I enjoy competition against the best, and I'm enjoying playing against very good EP and DC players in Chillrend. My response to a response to my 'playful friendly exchange of teasing' remark was the same thing Agrippa said:
    No, I'm talking about grinding the entire map from my gates each morning.
    I'm talking about day capping. As far as I know there's no ozzie contingent here. BT suffered through it and 3 months is enough for us, thanks.
    And if you think I'm the only person who thinks DC are day cappers, why do 't you ask Chillrend's first DC Emp:
    Someone's salty lol. And it seems this campaign will be similar to DB in that DC will have a group in the morning and AD/EP will fight it out overnight.

    If anyone is acting immature, it's the grandstanding when I point out obvious facts in a playful manner... I say DC stands for 'day Cappers' and you all get butt hurt? Must mean there's some truth there. I say the same thing Bradais says in trash talk, and you all get butt hurt?

    Grow up and learn to take trash talk.

    Good luck on the battlefield, congrats on your Emp.

    Guess I hit a nerve eh?

    If anyone hit a nerve, it was clearly me calling you day-Cappers.

    I was simply pointing out the hilarious irony of you guys getting all bent out of shape over me saying something that A) DC's first Emp said and B) A top EP player said.

    If I'm wrong, then prove me wrong and make some gains in prime time, which you've failed to do two days straight.

    Which alliance are you in? I will bring the pain to your front door for you. Seriously, if you think we can't take keeps in the evening - just let me know what faction you're currently playing and we will see who can flip keeps. We have been to the Agrippa school of unrelentingly fast keep takes. Believe me if we wanted to flip keeps at night we could. The reality is - there are WAY more points defending them.

    Or...are you just figuring that out?

    Wait? defending keeps is a serious advantage? You don't say? :P

    Defending keeps is easy, and also easy AP, everyone knows that... That's why you guys sign on in the AM, cap keeps, and defend and farm them. The first two days of Chillrend was DC capping early and defending late.

    Just CHILLrend and don't take the trash talk so personally.

    Edited by RadioheadSh0t on 7 August 2014 08:08
    Aldonius Direnni - Vet Altmer Sorc (AD)
    Tyrus Telvanni - Vet Dunmer DK (AD)
    Al Donius Bundy - Vet Imperial NB (AD)
    Aldonius Brutus - Vet Orc DK (DC)
  • Braidas
    bitaken wrote: »
    bitaken wrote: »
    bitaken wrote: »
    Farmed? Nah. Zerged? Yah.

    Your day crew was out in force, sad things didn't go for you better when the populations evened out. And you were on pretty damn late last night, don't lie.

    When the population evened out - EHJ defended chalman to the nth degree and earned an 18K defense tick. Yes, we earned it. EP broke both walls on several occasions only to be pushed out - then fight their way back in. It was a great and epic battle. We usually run only one group - and the group was full most of the night last night.

    You are a bitter man - swallowing a bitter pill I grant that - but there is no reason to badmouth here or anywhere else. I look at these games as though the people on the other side of the faction fence are just opponents in an E-sport. Thinking of other people as your enemies will not get you anywhere in life. I have met some friendly people in the opposing factions and we respectfully jab at each other when we win/lose fights.

    I am sorry you cannot act as mature as that.

    Umm... Jabbing was exactly what I was doing. I made a joke about DC being Day-Cappers (which, sorry to break it to you, you kinda are) and you all got completely butt hurt. I explicitly made it clear I was trash talking and engaging in banter.

    If you think I'm 'bitter' at all, you're fooling yourself.


    Def: the playful and friendly exchange of teasing remarks.

    Shizz talking is not trolling, it's banter.

    Where in any of this did I act like you all were my enemies? I enjoy competition against the best, and I'm enjoying playing against very good EP and DC players in Chillrend. My response to a response to my 'playful friendly exchange of teasing' remark was the same thing Agrippa said:
    No, I'm talking about grinding the entire map from my gates each morning.
    I'm talking about day capping. As far as I know there's no ozzie contingent here. BT suffered through it and 3 months is enough for us, thanks.
    And if you think I'm the only person who thinks DC are day cappers, why do 't you ask Chillrend's first DC Emp:
    Someone's salty lol. And it seems this campaign will be similar to DB in that DC will have a group in the morning and AD/EP will fight it out overnight.

    If anyone is acting immature, it's the grandstanding when I point out obvious facts in a playful manner... I say DC stands for 'day Cappers' and you all get butt hurt? Must mean there's some truth there. I say the same thing Bradais says in trash talk, and you all get butt hurt?

    Grow up and learn to take trash talk.

    Good luck on the battlefield, congrats on your Emp.

    Guess I hit a nerve eh?

    If anyone hit a nerve, it was clearly me calling you day-Cappers.

    I was simply pointing out the hilarious irony of you guys getting all bent out of shape over me saying something that A) DC's first Emp said and B) A top EP player said.

    If I'm wrong, then prove me wrong and make some gains in prime time, which you've failed to do two days straight.

    Which alliance are you in? I will bring the pain to your front door for you. Seriously, if you think we can't take keeps in the evening - just let me know what faction you're currently playing and we will see who can flip keeps. We have been to the Agrippa school of unrelentingly fast keep takes. Believe me if we wanted to flip keeps at night we could. The reality is - there are WAY more points defending them.

    Or...are you just figuring that out?

    Wait? defending keeps is a serious advantage? You don't say? :P

    Defending keeps is easy, and also easy AP, everyone knows that... That's why you guys sign on in the AM, cap keeps, and defend and farm them. The first two days of Chillrend was DC capping early and defending late.

    Just CHILLrend and don't take the trash talk so personally.

    Just a thought, perhaps our guys play when they can. Maybe, we have some guys from Australia, Oceania, etc.,who get on when they're available, some people who work at night, some college students who are off for the summer, as well as some retired guys who prefer to play in the morning. Keep in mind we are also mostly EST. And, is it also not possible, that the little action at those times is still preferable to the large zergs and crashing of Thornblade? Whether you realize it or not, we have raids going pretty much 24/7. There's always at least a few people on, not just in the am. As Bit said, we'll push your *** in morning or night.

    ...and imo "trash talk", is only worth it when it's clever/funny or at least good-natured, you're just being a ****.
  • runagate
    Last night, overnight and this morning were all great. Got to talk to some friends in different alliances, and defending Sej and then the Mine and eventually taking the scroll was some of the most fun I've had.
  • Agrippa_Invisus
    GZ to Emberscale. Stuck at work, so didn't get to defend Chalman. :(

    GG and GF last night, everyone.

    A tough assault on EP forced us to give up our inner ring presence for a while to protect the scrolls we had, and we held them until lost sometime overnight (after I hit the sack). Good job, EP.

    Those were some brutal fights at Arrius and Farragut -- lots of killing on all three sides. Climatic end to the scroll push was a huge three way at the Arrius lumbermill that saw the defending EP carry the day.

    Sorry, Valnas, for stealing Glademist from you. Gotta be quicker about pushing those flags. o:)
    Edited by Agrippa_Invisus on 7 August 2014 14:20
    Agrippa Invisus / Indominus / Inprimis / Inviolatus
    DragonKnight / Templar / Warden / Sorcerer - Vagabond
    Once a General, now a Citizen
    Former Emperor of Bloodthorn and Vivec
    For Sweetrolls! FOR FIMIAN!
  • Halrloprillalar
    Thanks to the EP who was feeding us all that AP at Alessia <3

    I do love it when you guys bunch up so
  • Mjollo
    Jeez, Braidas. Why are you nearly invincible. I'm here fighting you at Aleswell and when you jumped down it took 4 guys to kill you. I don't know what it is with former emperors, but as soon as you guys have low health, you practically heal to full again. it's insane.
    Edited by Mjollo on 7 August 2014 16:41
    Defialed - Former Emperor of Thornblade|Mjoll The Legend - Former Empress of Blackwater Blade| Definitely Not Mjoll - Former Empress of Blackwater Blade | Probably Not Mjoll - Former Empress of Blackwater Blade | Mistakenly Mjoll - Former Empress of Blackwater Blade | Blackwater Cultist - Former Emperor of Blackwater Blade | A Woman With No Name |
    "There are two kinds of people in this world, my friend. Those with loaded guns. And those who dig. You dig."
  • bitaken
    Grats to our new Emperor YOTE!! The slickest Lizard in the game - he is known for his blazing speed ***'s and epic scroll runs with other factions whispering me telling me how he is hacking and EHJ is a bunch of cheaters!!

    Yes he is faster than your white horse - sorry - its a pain to run scrolls with him being on his friends list too :open_mouth:
    Edited by bitaken on 7 August 2014 17:56
    PvP Lead Officer for Einherjar

    Member of Einherjar and associated guilds since 2001

    A multi Gaming community of players.
  • Asgari
    bitaken wrote: »
    Grats to our new Emperor YOTE!! The slickest Lizard in the game - he is known for his blazing speed ***'s and epic scroll runs with other factions whispering me telling me how he is hacking and EHJ is a bunch of cheaters!!

    Yes he is faster than your white horse - sorry - its a pain to run scrolls with him being on his friends list too :open_mouth:


    +1 on how it sucks keeping up with him during scroll runs... Damn Lizards are OP, Please Nerf! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
    Formerly @Persian_Princess .. Now @Asgari
    Princess Asgari | Sorc
    Asgari | NB
    -Asgari | Stamplar
    Ariana Kishi | DK | True Liberator of Haderus
    Banner Down!
    No Mercy
    Youtube: Asgari
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