heavy_artillery wrote: »Will Achievements to obtain dyes be retroactive? Will the Noxiphilic black for becoming a Vampire, for example, be available to you if you became a vampire before the update?
jaggedhbb16_ESO wrote: »Is there a date we can look forward to? Or is this a "Soon (TM)" moment?
You can actually hide your helmet now. If you go into Settings, it should be in the Gameplay tab.manbearpig777 wrote: »I can't wait to customize my character with greater detail.
Just a suggestion but where is the option to hide helmet at will?
Thought it would be a good idea in next update
manbearpig777 wrote: »I can't wait to customize my character with greater detail.
Just a suggestion but where is the option to hide helmet at will?
Thought it would be a good idea in next update
Volldagora wrote: »If I understood correctly, I don't have to buy anything in order to dye my character's armor, right? Or do you still need something (except the dye station) for the process to occur?
waynesiviourrwb17_ESO wrote: »
is it possible for crafters to forge their armour, apply colours we have achieved ourselves and then LOCK the colours so we can then sell the gear. This would be an added advantage for crafters like myself and help those people that do not want to look for achievements.
waynesiviourrwb17_ESO wrote: »Second issue, is it possible to allow guilds with more then 1 person to also create tabards. We have a small (but mighty) 4 person guild group but with the current setup are not allowed to use tabards as you need more then 10 people. Although we are a small group we are still a guild and should still be able to wear our tabards proudly into battle. We would really like this option to be considered.
hiyde wrote:My impression on guild tabards is they are to help make your guild identifiable and to help build some reputation/awareness. Yours is 4 people with (seemingly) no plans to grow and I don't think that type of guild is the target. There SHOULD be benefits reserved for guilds that are larger than a few people.
You have options. You can grow your guild to meet the requirement or wear the tabards from up to 4 other larger guilds that you can join. That seems appropriate and fair.
They were very specific in this article that their intention was to make the dyes free and bound to achievements.
This suggestion wouldn't be very different than selling dye packs, which they specifically are not doing.
I think people will be surprised how many dyes will unlock on Day 1 from just having played the game already.
My impression on guild tabards is they are to help make your guild identifiable and to help build some reputation/awareness. Yours is 4 people with (seemingly) no plans to grow and I don't think that type of guild is the target. There SHOULD be benefits reserved for guilds that are larger than a few people.
You have options. You can grow your guild to meet the requirement or wear the tabards from up to 4 other larger guilds that you can join. That seems appropriate and fair.
arkansas_ESO wrote: »
In the PTS at least, the only thing you need to dye your armor is a dye station (found in most major towns), armor to dye, and colors unlocked. You don't need to purchase a paintbrush or anything similar.
"The benifits reserved for larger guilds are guild banks and stores. A small group of close friends shouldn't be penalized for wanting something to call their own."
They're guild tabards, not group tabards. This isn't penalization, it's a perk/feature for larger guilds. If you don't wish to be in one, or grow one, then it's not a perk for you. Not every single feature/perk/reward in an MMORPG is intended for every single player.
In addition to the other options I mentioned, here's another: custom dye your armor to match each other.