You can get ANY Provision ingredient from ANY level of Hireling. This difference is, just like with the other Hirelings, 1/3 has a very low chance of having Tier 3 ingredients, 2/3 has a better chance and 3/3 has the best chance.All that matters for hirelings is the points you put into. Tomatoes and oats start coming at 2/3. I have an alt with no recipe quality points, but 2 in hirelings and she seems to get the same sort of stuff.
You can get ANY Provision ingredient from ANY level of Hireling. This difference is, just like with the other Hirelings, 1/3 has a very low chance of having Tier 3 ingredients, 2/3 has a better chance and 3/3 has the best chance.
No it doesn't. The improvement materials are not respective of your Clothing, Woodworking, Blacksmithing or Enchanting Rank (level), only the raw unrefined/refined base material. People need to start thinking of the Tier 3 Provision ingredients as improvement materials from other professions. Tier 3 ingredients are those that only the Purple, and to a lesser degree, Blue recipes use. These are things like Oats, Potato, Saaz Hops. etc.You can get ANY Provision ingredient from ANY level of Hireling. This difference is, just like with the other Hirelings, 1/3 has a very low chance of having Tier 3 ingredients, 2/3 has a better chance and 3/3 has the best chance.
Well I asked because that's not true with my clothing hireling, who brings in stuff which matches the level of my clothing skill.