Race: Orc
Passive: Swift
Tested the new increased Charge damage. Following results. (low stats for testing purposes)
Ability Used: Shield Charge
Base Damage: 187 Charge Damage.
Rank 1 Damage: 187 Charge Damage.
Rank 2 Damage: 187 Charge Damage.
Rank 3 Damage: 187 Charge Damage.
Ability Used: Critical Charge
Base Damage: 261 Charge Damage
Rank 1 Damage: 261 Charge Damage.
Rank 2 Damage: 261 Charge Damage.
Rank 3 Damage: 261 Charge Damage.
Tool-tip error also occurs. When purchases Rank 1 it stats 2% and each additional rank adds 2%. So Rank 2 stats 4% and Rank 3 stats 6%. Once the player logs out and back in then Rank 2 or Rank 3 will only stat 2%.
Tested this on multiple monsters and multiple gear sets. Numbers above was my naked numbers, but all other gear sets were the same other then then damage.
I also have a Nord and while I do not want to spend another 27K for respecs I expect the 6% reduced incoming damage is also not working like intended. My damage mitigation should have increased with the change, yet I seem to be taking more damage now then before the patch. Once I get the extra gold together Ill run more test on the Nord.