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Cryodill crashing every 5 to 15 minutes

Most of the time within Cryodill the game client freezes and I have to force quit the app (sometimes it crashes out prior to that and just drops me to the desktop). I'd say about every 15th time it completely seizes my box and I'm forced to turn off the machine. Sometimes, upon re-entering the game, I cannot attack or interact with others, I need to log out and log back in.

I've tried running on the worst possible settings and the highest possible; it doesn't appear to have any effect, I still crash roughly every 15 minutes. About every 5th time, I get in, mount up, ride a few meters and just crash, just 5 minutes in – and that includes the load screens, log in process and so forth.

Here are the specs to my machine:

3.7GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon E5 processor
12GB 1866MHz DDR3 ECC memory
Dual AMD FirePro D300

I don't feel like I should be running out of memory and I don't feel like I should be receiving the volume of frame drops that I do. I have to admit, I share similar sentiments as those in other threads: I feel that this game shipped far too early and I'm tired of the crashes. I see the same threads, same reports and have not seen any improvements. I understand that bugs can occur and humans can err, but I feel like the QA needs to be beefed up quite a bit, you only need to play the game for an hour and you can run into any number of issues seen here in these threads. Even when just playing with a friend once every week, I can't manage to stay in game for more than said hour before crashing. It is severely disappointing.

I'm just dropping this very generalized report/complaint here and will not be responding to anything that comes of it. I've been able to complete the primary quest line and found it to be enjoyable, but I won't be continuing to pay for my membership.

Thanks, I wish you all the best.
  • Sihnfahl
    Well, look at your task manager - it'll show the amount of memory ESO is consuming. After a half hour in Cyrodiil, tab out and pull up the memory.

    Also, there are crash reports in the main ESO (not your user ESO) directory. It might give folks a clue as to what is going on.
    Edited by Sihnfahl on 17 June 2014 12:32
  • Moonraker
    Sihnfahl wrote: »
    Well, look at your task manager - it'll show the amount of memory ESO is consuming. After a half hour in Cyrodiil, tab out and pull up the memory.

    Also, there are crash reports in the main ESO (not your user ESO) directory. It might give folks a clue as to what is going on.
    This is a Mac section so referencing Task Manager wont help. The Mac client has a known memory issue which is well covered in this section.

    The OP said he's making a statement and not responding and really a goodbye thread which leaves little room to offer any help.

    problem with the comments about shipping too early is that overall, despite continuing memory issue, in PVE it really is lasting hours between crashes and otherwise runs fine and as good as the PC client. Doesn't mean the memory issue can be left and is still being worked on.

    The issue is the PvP in Cyrodiil, does crashes a lot more frequently and really does impact PvP play for the Mac client. Memory issue is not going to effect performance which is more likely server issues still (as PC players report similar problems also still)

    In the end, it wont help however much memory you have installed with the 32-bit client limited to 4GB RAM addressing. Until, the memory issue is addressed it will mean crashes no matter the specification of the Mac.

    Performance is fine in PVE so it again points to specific issues in Cyrodiil PvP big battles.
    Edited by Moonraker on 18 June 2014 04:28
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