Hello Dev's, I really hope someone read it.
I would like to suggest something, of course many people already did some of here, but I would like to make my feedback:
Veteran Zone - Summary needs- Hard Difficult, mobs hits really hard.
- Hard XP Curve Line for VET Players (of course, you can go Craglorn and use any kind of exploits or "trials" to make your "fast level experience great LOL).
- No more Skills Lines to complete your game play "as" a Veteran Player, since I totally agree and would like to suggest to bring UNIQUE Skill Lines for Veteran Players (Exclusive to the Classes).
- No more attributes points to make your char better, since mobs has more HP and DMG, but us Veteran have a "head-pain".
- You don't feel like a Veteran but making all again, including (Free the Town from the Rats - really? I'm a Veteran who! saved! you! Where's all Trainees?"
- Unbalanced Classes;
- Less Nerfs and more Actions, they need some changes like DK and SORC, but don't need to make them useless, coz soon NB and Templars will be OP and DK and SORC not, so they need to "balance" it, not make "one or other" better.
- Group Finder tool, need to be polish! soon as possible, they need to make automatic join and teleport to the dungeon or anything else, when the queue line has completed (tanker, dps, dps, healer) like many games outsides.
- Well many things but I have hope yet.
I would like to focus on Vet Content, since
Normal is good.
I was reading many of feedback, so I would like to give my feedback.
Veteran Rank:
As the name said, Veteran, I would like to see more features, build and exclusive skills for our Veteran, and something I need to disagree, a VR1 is not like a VR12 (I'm not talking about better gears and so on), but since we have different level's we need to make people want to be a cap level, since it's better.
New Skills exclusive for Veteran:
VR1-3 - Open a new skill (Veteran Tree Focused on your Class)
VR4-6 - Open a new skill (Veteran Tree Focused on your Class)
VR7-11 - Open a new skill (Veteran Tree Focused on your Class)
VR12 - The best skill in the Veteran Skill line.
And these skill need to be UNIQUE, so we have a "difference between classes".
I like the difficult in the Vet Zones, make you think better and have a good build to keep adventuring, but I guess we need a better VET XP Poins on it, I don't wanna to be force to go Craglorn to use "a tip" to level fast since we "have" a full "vet content to go" .. well let's think about it.
Veteran Content:
The idea to be in another faction is really good, when u work around it, it's really "strange" a veteran guy, need to "catch rats around the city", since we have "trainees" to do it.
We need to feel like a Veteran, not play all quests from "Normal Faction Quests"
We need to revamp it, and work in a VETERAN Content on it, Craglorn, Trial can't be only it ... and we know it.
Veteran "Force" Dungeons:
I really like to play Dungeons and try to farm good gears, but the game dont need to be ONLY for it, people need more than only "Dungeons/Trials" that "forces" u to play, since we all know it's really hard to find people around to play with you, except if you play with all your childhood friends ..
Another Idea is, in the normal level I just forgot to play some dungeon, and THAT dungeons give me 1 skill point (just it) and now, since I'm Veteran I can't play because I'm a higher level, or it's REALLY HARD to find someone to play with SINCE Group Finder (That need to work a lil more to get better it), disable that Dungeons, could be better to list all dungeon that you still need to do, and give you the option (I saw it in this patch a note about it, and I would like to know more about it).
Group Finder:
Great Tool, that need to be polish, would be a great idea to make the system check your "profile roles" and put all in query until ALL group has joined, and "teleport you directly to the dungeon". Nowadays you stay in the line until all members join, and MANY MANY times, you don't have full group classes to make it, so could be a great idea wait until all players joins the party and teleport you directly to the dungeon, and some option to "Random Dungeons". (I dont would like to say it, but .. WoW Dungeon Group System it's really good, you keep playing until all members joins else skip (DPS, DPS, Healer, Tanker).
F2P, P2P, Sub! what else
Well, I like the idea to have a sub, since I don't need to spend ANY kind of money in anything to "increase my game playing", patches, road maps, new contents and all bla bla bla we all know, but I would like to suggest something.
Game F2P, I have played many, and it's not a "real F2P", since you need to buy more than you think to keep your "char", and if you get a paper and a calc you will see you spend more than $15.99 per month.
but! something ZoS can make to get better.
1 - The Game needs a started edition that you can play until a "certain level", like 15, and of course disable, many many things, carrying gold and bla bla.
2 - Sub prize can decrease according your active and billing playing how:
1st - 6 month of active playing: 15.99;
2nd - after 6 month: 12.99;
3th - 1 year playing the game: 9.99.
Can be a good choice to reduce the prize and make "many" people happy.
I really understand the OP about SORC's and DK's but many nerfs can make the game play bad, since you need to spend a lot of money to reset skills (and another thing that need to be worked, I don't would like to reset all, but just a Skill Line, for example), I guess for now we don't need to nerf more this classes, but work on them, balance and make the game player better for all, and focus in what really needs attentions now
Templars, NB for now are getting tweaks and buff's and soon they need to be test, and start to focus in Templars and Stamina Builds that are complete necessary for now.
Sorry about my English! I was trying to express myself, and thanks DEV's for reading all feedback from us (I really hope they do it LOL)....