Here is what I perceive as bugs and hassles in the Guild store/banking
1. Poor sorting system. The guild store can sort items by cost, but not alphabetically. You end up with a long unsorted list that is slow to scroll.
2. Poor menu choices. Hard to weed out specific items such as recipes. (I have the add-on for this, but the person stopped updating it).
3. Need Bank permissions. Give us compartmentalization so we can store super nice things in one 'special' section and let other guild members have free and complete (or whatever access we want to give them) in others. Make it as simple as:
Menu Option A:
How much space for Special Access area (# of slots): ___
Menu Option B:
How many withdrawals per day from Special Access area (# of slots): ___
(paraphrased by Sandmanninja below)
4. Stacking needs fixing. Should be able to just throw all the ingredients into the guild bank and have it stack for you. (paraphrased from badmojo below)
5. The error "searching too fast". This happens even when searching relatively slowly. (This makes the add-on very slow as well)
7. Having to leave and come back up to see guild store and guild bank items because they are lagged and not showing up. Not always, but a lot.
8. The inability to navigate on the bank main menu to choose a new option. Example; you used the guild store, but now you want to use your bank, but you need to exit and click on and re-hear the entire NPC introduction.
9. Need warning, or some sort of safeguard whenever user is depositing into a guild bank INSTEAD of their own personal bank. Yes, this is the users fault, but why not make this user friendly.
10. Lack of search bar to look up guild store items for an individual guild or all of them at once. This is actually huge and really should be number one.
I'm trying to add comments to keep this all together. Thank you for ideas!
I hope ESO makes this a high priority to get this running more smoothly. Thank you!
(edited to add other great ideas and comments)
Edited by alleigha on 7 June 2014 00:31