When I read the hype on this game, it sounded like there would be plenty for a casual soloer to do after doing the 1-49 content. Silly me, I even thought there would be some logic to going to the other two factions and questing. It sounded interesting.
But all I have read suggests that the vet questing is like being in an insanely hard instance with all elite mobs that can quickly kill you if you don't play very carefully. And with Craglorn, it doesn't sound any better.
So, is this it? Level 1-49 interesting questing, and then all hard mode?
With all the bots, it is hard to enjoy trying to gather resources and craft. In other MMOs, it is pleasant to run around the countryside gathering resources and then do some crafting for alts. Not here, as more often than not the bots have taken over almost everywhere I try to collect.
Storage is a big headache. I really don't want to play a game that is nothing more than trying to make enough gold to expand my available space. Which is what I fear will be the only thing left to do once I finished the 1-49 questing on my characters in the three zones.
So has anything been suggested for the future from this company other than hard group content?
Please note that I am not asking for vet difficulty to be changed into easy mode. There are different types of players in MMOs, and they all deserve to have an enjoyable time playing. But it doesn't sound like this game has anything to offer past level 49 for more casual players. Instead it seems like a typical end game oriented MMO, with interesting solo/duo content up to a certain level to let you get your character to where he/she can handle the hard mode group content. And then after that, all group content.
Edited by redwoodtreesprite on 6 June 2014 18:14